PHP Classes

File: captainhook.json

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  Classes of Sergii Pryz   Transfer Object   captainhook.json   Download  
File: captainhook.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Transfer Object
Generate transfer objects using property hooks
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 days ago
Size: 943 bytes



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{ "config": { "run": { "mode": "docker", "exec": "docker exec -i transfer-object-php" } }, "commit-msg": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "pre-push": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "pre-commit": { "enabled": true, "actions": [ { "action": "\\CaptainHook\\App\\Hook\\PHP\\Action\\Linting" }, { "action": "composer phpunit" }, { "action": "composer phpstan" }, { "action": "composer phpcs" } ] }, "prepare-commit-msg": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "post-commit": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "post-merge": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "post-checkout": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "post-rewrite": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] }, "post-change": { "enabled": false, "actions": [] } }