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File: usage

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  Classes of Krish Nimishakavi   Chat   usage   Download  
File: usage
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: This describes how to use this class
Class: Chat
File based chatting
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 1,100 bytes



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#################################### Follow the following steps for using this class 1) unzip( or untar ) the files (or chat.tar ) and copy all the files in the document root. 2) If you are not using mysql database test then replace the define statements with the repective database. create the mysql tables chat and rooms as described in db_details.asc. 3) run the file index.php file, and you will be presented with a login page. Enter any name as login id and select the room name(initially there will be only one room called MainRoom) and click on Login button. 3) This will present the chat screen where the window will be divided into different screens which displays rooms list, messages, chatters list and input field for sending messages. 4) Depending on your requirement you can change the refreshing rate of the frames. For ex. for changing the messages to be refreshed every 5 seconds change the line <META http-equiv="Refresh" content='8'> in the file chatDisplay.php file as <META http-equiv="Refresh" content='5'> ####################################