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File: wordpress/wp-includes/blocks/template-part.php

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File: wordpress/wp-includes/blocks/template-part.php
Role: Example script
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Description: Example script
Class: WordPress Docker Swarm
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 * Server-side rendering of the `core/template-part` block.
 * @package WordPress

 * Renders the `core/template-part` block on the server.
 * @since 5.9.0
 * @global WP_Embed $wp_embed WordPress Embed object.
 * @param array $attributes The block attributes.
 * @return string The render.
function render_block_core_template_part( $attributes ) {
$seen_ids = array();

$template_part_id = null;
$content = null;
$theme = isset( $attributes['theme'] ) ? $attributes['theme'] : get_stylesheet();

    if ( isset(
$attributes['slug'] ) && get_stylesheet() === $theme ) {
$template_part_id = $theme . '//' . $attributes['slug'];
$template_part_query = new WP_Query(
'post_type' => 'wp_template_part',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_name__in' => array( $attributes['slug'] ),
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'wp_theme',
'field' => 'name',
'terms' => $theme,
'posts_per_page' => 1,
'no_found_rows' => true,
'lazy_load_term_meta' => false, // Do not lazy load term meta, as template parts only have one term.
$template_part_post = $template_part_query->have_posts() ? $template_part_query->next_post() : null;
        if (
$template_part_post ) {
// A published post might already exist if this template part was customized elsewhere
            // or if it's part of a customized template.
$block_template = _build_block_template_result_from_post( $template_part_post );
$content = $block_template->content;
            if ( isset(
$block_template->area ) ) {
$area = $block_template->area;
             * Fires when a block template part is loaded from a template post stored in the database.
             * @since 5.9.0
             * @param string $template_part_id The requested template part namespaced to the theme.
             * @param array $attributes The block attributes.
             * @param WP_Post $template_part_post The template part post object.
             * @param string $content The template part content.
do_action( 'render_block_core_template_part_post', $template_part_id, $attributes, $template_part_post, $content );
        } else {
$template_part_file_path = '';
// Else, if the template part was provided by the active theme,
            // render the corresponding file content.
if ( 0 === validate_file( $attributes['slug'] ) ) {
$block_template = get_block_file_template( $template_part_id, 'wp_template_part' );

$content = $block_template->content;
                if ( isset(
$block_template->area ) ) {
$area = $block_template->area;

// Needed for the `render_block_core_template_part_file` and `render_block_core_template_part_none` actions below.
$block_template_file = _get_block_template_file( 'wp_template_part', $attributes['slug'] );
                if (
$block_template_file ) {
$template_part_file_path = $block_template_file['path'];

            if (
'' !== $content && null !== $content ) {
                 * Fires when a block template part is loaded from a template part in the theme.
                 * @since 5.9.0
                 * @param string $template_part_id The requested template part namespaced to the theme.
                 * @param array $attributes The block attributes.
                 * @param string $template_part_file_path Absolute path to the template path.
                 * @param string $content The template part content.
do_action( 'render_block_core_template_part_file', $template_part_id, $attributes, $template_part_file_path, $content );
            } else {
                 * Fires when a requested block template part does not exist in the database nor in the theme.
                 * @since 5.9.0
                 * @param string $template_part_id The requested template part namespaced to the theme.
                 * @param array $attributes The block attributes.
                 * @param string $template_part_file_path Absolute path to the not found template path.
do_action( 'render_block_core_template_part_none', $template_part_id, $attributes, $template_part_file_path );

// WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY must only be honored when WP_DEBUG. This precedent
    // is set in `wp_debug_mode()`.

    if (
is_null( $content ) ) {
        if (
$is_debug && isset( $attributes['slug'] ) ) {
/* translators: %s: Template part slug. */
__( 'Template part has been deleted or is unavailable: %s' ),


    if ( isset(
$seen_ids[ $template_part_id ] ) ) {
$is_debug ?
// translators: Visible only in the front end, this warning takes the place of a faulty block.
__( '[block rendering halted]' ) :

// Look up area definition.
$area_definition = null;
$defined_areas = get_allowed_block_template_part_areas();
    foreach (
$defined_areas as $defined_area ) {
        if (
$defined_area['area'] === $area ) {
$area_definition = $defined_area;

// If $area is not allowed, set it back to the uncategorized default.
if ( ! $area_definition ) {

// Run through the actions that are typically taken on the_content.
$content = shortcode_unautop( $content );
$content = do_shortcode( $content );
$seen_ids[ $template_part_id ] = true;
$content = do_blocks( $content );
$seen_ids[ $template_part_id ] );
$content = wptexturize( $content );
$content = convert_smilies( $content );
$content = wp_filter_content_tags( $content, "template_part_{$area}" );

// Handle embeds for block template parts.
global $wp_embed;
$content = $wp_embed->autoembed( $content );

    if ( empty(
$attributes['tagName'] ) || tag_escape( $attributes['tagName'] ) !== $attributes['tagName'] ) {
$area_tag = 'div';
        if (
$area_definition && isset( $area_definition['area_tag'] ) ) {
$area_tag = $area_definition['area_tag'];
$html_tag = $area_tag;
    } else {
$html_tag = esc_attr( $attributes['tagName'] );
$wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes();

"<$html_tag $wrapper_attributes>" . str_replace( ']]>', ']]&gt;', $content ) . "</$html_tag>";

 * Returns an array of area variation objects for the template part block.
 * @since 6.1.0
 * @param array $instance_variations The variations for instances.
 * @return array Array containing the block variation objects.
function build_template_part_block_area_variations( $instance_variations ) {
$variations = array();
$defined_areas = get_allowed_block_template_part_areas();

    foreach (
$defined_areas as $area ) {
        if (
'uncategorized' !== $area['area'] ) {
$has_instance_for_area = false;
            foreach (
$instance_variations as $variation ) {
                if (
$variation['attributes']['area'] === $area['area'] ) {
$has_instance_for_area = true;

$scope = $has_instance_for_area ? array() : array( 'inserter' );

$variations[] = array(
'name' => 'area_' . $area['area'],
'title' => $area['label'],
'description' => $area['description'],
'attributes' => array(
'area' => $area['area'],
'scope' => $scope,
'icon' => $area['icon'],

 * Returns an array of instance variation objects for the template part block
 * @since 6.1.0
 * @return array Array containing the block variation objects.
function build_template_part_block_instance_variations() {
// Block themes are unavailable during installation.
if ( wp_installing() ) {
        return array();

    if ( !
current_theme_supports( 'block-templates' ) && ! current_theme_supports( 'block-template-parts' ) ) {
        return array();

$variations = array();
$template_parts = get_block_templates(
'post_type' => 'wp_template_part',

$defined_areas = get_allowed_block_template_part_areas();
$icon_by_area = array_combine( array_column( $defined_areas, 'area' ), array_column( $defined_areas, 'icon' ) );

    foreach (
$template_parts as $template_part ) {
$variations[] = array(
'name' => 'instance_' . sanitize_title( $template_part->slug ),
'title' => $template_part->title,
// If there's no description for the template part don't show the
            // block description. This is a bit hacky, but prevent the fallback
            // by using a non-breaking space so that the value of description
            // isn't falsey.
'description' => $template_part->description || '&nbsp;',
'attributes' => array(
'slug' => $template_part->slug,
'theme' => $template_part->theme,
'area' => $template_part->area,
'scope' => array( 'inserter' ),
'icon' => isset( $icon_by_area[ $template_part->area ] ) ? $icon_by_area[ $template_part->area ] : null,
'example' => array(
'attributes' => array(
'slug' => $template_part->slug,
'theme' => $template_part->theme,
'area' => $template_part->area,

 * Returns an array of all template part block variations.
 * @since 5.9.0
 * @return array Array containing the block variation objects.
function build_template_part_block_variations() {
$instance_variations = build_template_part_block_instance_variations();
$area_variations = build_template_part_block_area_variations( $instance_variations );
array_merge( $area_variations, $instance_variations );

 * Registers the `core/template-part` block on the server.
 * @since 5.9.0
function register_block_core_template_part() {
__DIR__ . '/template-part',
'render_callback' => 'render_block_core_template_part',
'variation_callback' => 'build_template_part_block_variations',
add_action( 'init', 'register_block_core_template_part' );