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File: wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyfive/styles/typography/typography-preset-4.json

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  Classes of Faris AL-Otabi   WordPress Docker Swarm   wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyfive/styles/typography/typography-preset-4.json   Download  
File: wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyfive/styles/typography/typography-preset-4.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress Docker Swarm
Deploy WordPress to multiple containers
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 27 days ago
Size: 3,005 bytes



Class file image Download
{ "version": 3, "$schema": "", "title": "Roboto Slab & Manrope", "slug": "typography-preset-4", "settings": { "typography": { "fontFamilies": [ { "name": "Roboto Slab", "slug": "roboto-slab", "fontFamily": "\"Roboto Slab\", serif", "fontFace": [ { "fontFamily": "\"Roboto Slab\"", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontWeight": "100 900", "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/roboto-slab/RobotoSlab-VariableFont_wght.woff2" ] } ] }, { "name": "Manrope", "slug": "manrope", "fontFamily": "Manrope, sans-serif", "fontFace": [ { "src": [ "file:./assets/fonts/manrope/Manrope-VariableFont_wght.woff2" ], "fontWeight": "200 800", "fontStyle": "normal", "fontFamily": "Manrope" } ] } ], "fontSizes": [ { "fluid": false, "name": "Small", "size": "0.875rem", "slug": "small" }, { "fluid": { "max": "1.125rem", "min": "1rem" }, "name": "Medium", "size": "1rem", "slug": "medium" }, { "fluid": { "max": "1.375rem", "min": "1.125rem" }, "name": "Large", "size": "1.38rem", "slug": "large" }, { "fluid": { "max": "2rem", "min": "1.75rem" }, "name": "Extra Large", "size": "1.75rem", "slug": "x-large" }, { "fluid": { "max": "2.4rem", "min": "2.15rem" }, "name": "Extra Extra Large", "size": "2.15rem", "slug": "xx-large" } ] } }, "styles": { "typography": { "letterSpacing": "0" }, "blocks": { "core/navigation": { "typography": { "fontSize": "var:preset|font-size|large", "letterSpacing": "-0.28px", "textTransform": "uppercase" } }, "core/post-author": { "typography": { "fontSize": "var:preset|font-size|small" } }, "core/post-author-name": { "typography": { "fontSize": "var:preset|font-size|small" } }, "core/post-terms": { "typography": { "fontWeight": "500" } }, "core/pullquote": { "typography": { "fontFamily": "var:preset|font-family|roboto-slab", "fontSize": "var:preset|font-size|xx-large", "fontWeight": "200" } }, "core/search": { "typography": { "textTransform": "uppercase" } }, "core/site-tagline": { "typography": { "fontSize": "var:preset|font-size|large" } }, "core/site-title": { "typography": { "textTransform": "uppercase" } } }, "elements": { "button": { "typography": { "fontWeight": "500", "letterSpacing": "-0.36px", "textTransform": "uppercase" } }, "heading": { "typography": { "fontFamily": "var:preset|font-family|roboto-slab", "fontWeight": "300", "letterSpacing": "-0.5px", "lineHeight": "1.2" } } } } }