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File: wordpress/wp-admin/includes/screen.php

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File: wordpress/wp-admin/includes/screen.php
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 * WordPress Administration Screen API.
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Administration

 * Get the column headers for a screen
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param string|WP_Screen $screen The screen you want the headers for
 * @return string[] The column header labels keyed by column ID.
function get_column_headers( $screen ) {
$column_headers = array();

    if (
is_string( $screen ) ) {
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );

    if ( ! isset(
$column_headers[ $screen->id ] ) ) {
         * Filters the column headers for a list table on a specific screen.
         * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$screen->id`, refers to the
         * ID of a specific screen. For example, the screen ID for the Posts
         * list table is edit-post, so the filter for that screen would be
         * manage_edit-post_columns.
         * @since 3.0.0
         * @param string[] $columns The column header labels keyed by column ID.
$column_headers[ $screen->id ] = apply_filters( "manage_{$screen->id}_columns", array() );

$column_headers[ $screen->id ];

 * Get a list of hidden columns.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param string|WP_Screen $screen The screen you want the hidden columns for
 * @return string[] Array of IDs of hidden columns.
function get_hidden_columns( $screen ) {
    if (
is_string( $screen ) ) {
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );

$hidden = get_user_option( 'manage' . $screen->id . 'columnshidden' );

$use_defaults = ! is_array( $hidden );

    if (
$use_defaults ) {
$hidden = array();

         * Filters the default list of hidden columns.
         * @since 4.4.0
         * @param string[] $hidden Array of IDs of columns hidden by default.
         * @param WP_Screen $screen WP_Screen object of the current screen.
$hidden = apply_filters( 'default_hidden_columns', $hidden, $screen );

     * Filters the list of hidden columns.
     * @since 4.4.0
     * @since 4.4.1 Added the `use_defaults` parameter.
     * @param string[] $hidden Array of IDs of hidden columns.
     * @param WP_Screen $screen WP_Screen object of the current screen.
     * @param bool $use_defaults Whether to show the default columns.
return apply_filters( 'hidden_columns', $hidden, $screen, $use_defaults );

 * Prints the meta box preferences for screen meta.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @global array $wp_meta_boxes Global meta box state.
 * @param WP_Screen $screen
function meta_box_prefs( $screen ) {

    if (
is_string( $screen ) ) {
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );

    if ( empty(
$wp_meta_boxes[ $screen->id ] ) ) {

$hidden = get_hidden_meta_boxes( $screen );

    foreach (
array_keys( $wp_meta_boxes[ $screen->id ] ) as $context ) {
        foreach ( array(
'high', 'core', 'default', 'low' ) as $priority ) {
            if ( ! isset(
$wp_meta_boxes[ $screen->id ][ $context ][ $priority ] ) ) {

            foreach (
$wp_meta_boxes[ $screen->id ][ $context ][ $priority ] as $box ) {
                if (
false === $box || ! $box['title'] ) {

// Submit box cannot be hidden.
if ( 'submitdiv' === $box['id'] || 'linksubmitdiv' === $box['id'] ) {

$widget_title = $box['title'];

                if (
is_array( $box['args'] ) && isset( $box['args']['__widget_basename'] ) ) {
$widget_title = $box['args']['__widget_basename'];

$is_hidden = in_array( $box['id'], $hidden, true );

'<label for="%1$s-hide"><input class="hide-postbox-tog" name="%1$s-hide" type="checkbox" id="%1$s-hide" value="%1$s" %2$s />%3$s</label>',
esc_attr( $box['id'] ),
checked( $is_hidden, false, false ),

 * Gets an array of IDs of hidden meta boxes.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param string|WP_Screen $screen Screen identifier
 * @return string[] IDs of hidden meta boxes.
function get_hidden_meta_boxes( $screen ) {
    if (
is_string( $screen ) ) {
$screen = convert_to_screen( $screen );

$hidden = get_user_option( "metaboxhidden_{$screen->id}" );

$use_defaults = ! is_array( $hidden );

// Hide slug boxes by default.
if ( $use_defaults ) {
$hidden = array();

        if (
'post' === $screen->base ) {
            if (
in_array( $screen->post_type, array( 'post', 'page', 'attachment' ), true ) ) {
$hidden = array( 'slugdiv', 'trackbacksdiv', 'postcustom', 'postexcerpt', 'commentstatusdiv', 'commentsdiv', 'authordiv', 'revisionsdiv' );
            } else {
$hidden = array( 'slugdiv' );

         * Filters the default list of hidden meta boxes.
         * @since 3.1.0
         * @param string[] $hidden An array of IDs of meta boxes hidden by default.
         * @param WP_Screen $screen WP_Screen object of the current screen.
$hidden = apply_filters( 'default_hidden_meta_boxes', $hidden, $screen );

     * Filters the list of hidden meta boxes.
     * @since 3.3.0
     * @param string[] $hidden An array of IDs of hidden meta boxes.
     * @param WP_Screen $screen WP_Screen object of the current screen.
     * @param bool $use_defaults Whether to show the default meta boxes.
     * Default true.
return apply_filters( 'hidden_meta_boxes', $hidden, $screen, $use_defaults );

 * Register and configure an admin screen option
 * @since 3.1.0
 * @param string $option An option name.
 * @param mixed $args Option-dependent arguments.
function add_screen_option( $option, $args = array() ) {
$current_screen = get_current_screen();

    if ( !
$current_screen ) {

$current_screen->add_option( $option, $args );

 * Get the current screen object
 * @since 3.1.0
 * @global WP_Screen $current_screen WordPress current screen object.
 * @return WP_Screen|null Current screen object or null when screen not defined.
function get_current_screen() {

    if ( ! isset(
$current_screen ) ) {


 * Set the current screen object
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @param string|WP_Screen $hook_name Optional. The hook name (also known as the hook suffix) used to determine the screen,
 * or an existing screen object.
function set_current_screen( $hook_name = '' ) {
WP_Screen::get( $hook_name )->set_current_screen();