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  Classes of Chun-Sheng, Li   Emask Notifier   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Emask Notifier
Send SMS messages using an API and notify by email
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 months ago
Size: 1,948 bytes



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#!/bin/bash green_color='\e[0;32m' red_color='\e[0;31m' rest_color='\e[0m' if [ ${USER} != "root" ]; then sudo_prefix='sudo ' fi; if [ ! -f phone.csv ]; then echo -e "${red_color}phone.csv file is not found...${rest_color}" exit 1; fi; if [ ! -f .env ]; then echo -e "${red_color}.env file is not found...${rest_color}" exit 1; fi; echo -e "${green_color}Creating a supervisor confiuration for notifier.php....${rest_color}" supervisor_path='/etc/supervisor/conf.d/notifier-php.conf' ${sudo_prefix}touch ${supervisor_path} echo '[program:notifier-php]' | ${sudo_prefix}tee ${supervisor_path} echo "command=/bin/bash -c \"cd $PWD && /usr/bin/php7.4 notifier.php\"" | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} echo 'autostart=false' | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} echo 'autorestart=false' | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} echo 'startretries=0' | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} echo "user=$USER" | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} echo 'redirect_stderr=true' | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} echo "stdout_logfile=$PWD/notifier-php.log" | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${supervisor_path} ${sudo_prefix}systemctl restart supervisor if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then ${sudo_prefix}rm -f ${supervisor_path} echo -e "${red_color}The supervisor service is not found. Do you install it?${rest_color}" exit 1; fi; echo "${yellow_color}Setting up the Cronjob...${rest_color}" which crontab if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo -e "${red_color}The crontab is not found. Do you install it?${rest_color}" exit 1; fi; cronjob_path="/etc/cron.d/notifier-php" echo 'SHELL=/bin/bash' | ${sudo_prefix}tee ${cronjob_path} echo 'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin' | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${cronjob_path} echo '* * * * * root supervisorctl start notifier-php' | ${sudo_prefix}tee -a ${cronjob_path} echo -e "${green_color}Building PHP Notifier has been done!${rest_color}"