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  Classes of Chun-Sheng, Li   Emask Notifier   Download  
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Emask Notifier
Send SMS messages using an API and notify by email
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 months ago
Size: 3,047 bytes



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#!/bin/bash red_color='\e[0;31m' rest_color='\e[0m' echo -e "${red_color}Deprecated! This shell script has been deprecated. Please use notifier.php instead!${rest_color}" exit 1; source "$HOME/.bashrc" which curl 2>&1 > /dev/null if [[ $api_key == "" ]]; then echo "Please set api_key environment variable" exit 1; fi; if [[ $api_secret == "" ]]; then echo "Please set api_secret environment variable" exit 1; fi; if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo 'Please install curl package!' exit 1; fi; curl --silent > index.html if [[ $? = 1 ]]; then echo "Store index.html is failed" exit 1; fi; sed -i -e 's/<div class="col "><p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; color: #D00000;">//g' index.html sed -i -e 's/<div class="col "><p style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400;">//g' index.html sed -i -e 's/<\/p><\/div>//g' index.html emask_maintain_message=$(cat index.html | grep "??" | sed -e "s/ //g") emask_notification_message=$(cat index.html | grep "?????") emask_timeline_message=$(cat index.html | grep "????" | sed -e "s/ //g") rm -f index.html today_date=$(date '+%F') emask_start_date=$(echo $emask_notification_message | awk '{print $2}') emask_start_date=$(date --date="${emask_start_date}" "+%F") emask_next_date=$(date --date="${emask_start_date} +1 day" "+%F") emask_end_date=$(echo $emask_notification_message | awk '{print $5}') emask_end_date=$(date --date="${emask_end_date}" "+%F") if [[ $emask_start_date == $today_date ]]; then times="?1?" echo "Do Start Date SMS API Call!"; elif [[ $emask_next_date == $today_date ]]; then times="?2?" echo "Do Second Date SMS API Call!"; elif [[ $emask_end_date == $today_date ]]; then times="????" echo "Do End Date SMS API Call!"; else echo "Do nothing!" exit 0; fi; phone_file_path="${PWD}/phone.csv" if [[ ! -f ${phone_file_path} ]]; then echo "Please create phone.csv on $PWD folder" echo "The format is as follows:" echo "User_name,phone_number" exit 1; fi; phone_template="Hi %s, ??????????(%s??)?????" for phone_list in $(cat ${phone_file_path}); do user_name=$(echo ${phone_list} | awk '{split($1,a,","); print a[1]}') user_phone=$(echo ${phone_list} | awk '{split($1,a,","); print a[2]}') sms_template=$(printf "${phone_template}" ${user_name} ${times}) sms_template=$(echo ${sms_template}${emask_notification_message}${emask_timeline_message}${emask_maintain_message}) curl -X "POST" "" \ -d "from=Emask-Notifier" \ -d "text=${sms_template}" \ -d "to=${user_phone}" \ -d "api_key=${api_key}" \ -d "api_secret=${api_secret}" if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo "Send ${user_phone} is successful" >> "${today_date}.txt" else echo "Send ${user_phone} is failed" >> "${today_date}.txt" fi; done;