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File: src/interfaces/index.ts

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Maniruzzaman WordPress Frontend Editor   src/interfaces/index.ts   Download  
File: src/interfaces/index.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Maniruzzaman WordPress Frontend Editor
WordPress plugin for visual front-end development
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,625 bytes



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export interface IModal { show?: boolean; title?: string; onCloseModal: () => void, children?: React.ReactNode } export interface IMission { name: string; flight: number; } export interface ICapsule { status: IStatus; capsule_serial: string; capsule_id: string; landings: number; missions: Array<IMission>; type: string; original_launch: string; details: string; } export interface ICapsuleItem { capsule: ICapsule, isShortView?: boolean; } export interface INoCapsule { length: number; onResetFilter: () => void, filterResetButtonStyle?: object; } export interface IFilter { status?: string; mission?: string; type?: string; page?: number; limit?: number; }; export interface ISearch { filter: IFilter; onFiltered: (filter: object) => void; onSearched: (filter: object) => void; searchText?: string; searchButtonstyle?: object }; export interface IPagination { totalItems: number; pageItems: number; perPage?: number; onChangePage: (page: number) => void; currentPage: number; buttonStyle?: React.CSSProperties; secondaryButtonStyle?: React.CSSProperties; previousTextLabel?: string; nextTextLabel?: string; } export interface ISpacexDataView { searchTextLabel?: string; previousTextLabel?: string; nextTextLabel?: string; buttonStyle?: object; secondaryButtonStyle?: object; } export type IStatus = 'active' | 'retired' | 'unknown'; export interface IBadge { status: IStatus; } export interface IDropdown { [key: string]: string; }