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File: src/blocks/spacex-data/edit.tsx

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Maniruzzaman WordPress Frontend Editor   src/blocks/spacex-data/edit.tsx   Download  
File: src/blocks/spacex-data/edit.tsx
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Maniruzzaman WordPress Frontend Editor
WordPress plugin for visual front-end development
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 8,280 bytes



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/** * External dependencies. */ import {__} from "@wordpress/i18n"; import {useState} from "@wordpress/element"; import {InspectorControls, useBlockProps} from "@wordpress/block-editor"; import {__experimentalInputControl as InputControl, ColorPalette, PanelBody} from '@wordpress/components'; /** * Internal dependencies. */ import "./editor.scss"; import Search from "../../components/spacex-data-search/Search"; import LoadingSpinner from "../../components/spinner/LoadingSpinner"; import CapsuleItem from "../../components/capsule/CapsuleItem"; import {IFilter} from "../../interfaces"; import {buildQueryByParameters} from "../../utils/url-generator"; import {CAPSULE_BASE_URL, colors, initialFilter} from "../../utils/spacex-data-helper"; import Pagination from "../../components/pagination"; import useCapsuleFetchData from "../../hooks/use-capsule-fetch-data"; import NoCapsule from "../../components/capsule/NoCapsule"; /** * The edit function describes the structure of your block in the context of the * editor. This represents what the editor will render when the block is used. * * @see * @return {WPElement} Element to render. */ export default function Edit({attributes, setAttributes}) { const { searchTextLabel, buttonColorBg, buttonColorText, colorBgSecondary, colorTextSecondary, previousTextLabel, nextTextLabel } = attributes; const [, setPath] = useState<string>(CAPSULE_BASE_URL); const [filter, setFilter] = useState<IFilter>({...initialFilter, limit: 2}); const pathFiltered = buildQueryByParameters({ ...filter }, CAPSULE_BASE_URL); const {capsules, total, loading} = useCapsuleFetchData(pathFiltered); const onFiltered = (filtersData: object) => { setFilter({ ...filter, []: filtersData.value }) } const onSearched = () => { setPath(buildQueryByParameters(filter, CAPSULE_BASE_URL)); } const onResetFilter = () => { setPath(buildQueryByParameters(initialFilter, CAPSULE_BASE_URL)); setFilter(initialFilter); } const onChangePage = (page: number) => { onFiltered({ name: 'page', value: page, }); setPath(buildQueryByParameters({ ...filter, page }, CAPSULE_BASE_URL)); } return ( <div {...useBlockProps()}> <> <Search filter={filter} onFiltered={onFiltered} onSearched={onSearched} searchText={searchTextLabel} searchButtonstyle={{ background: buttonColorBg, color: buttonColorText }} /> { loading ? <LoadingSpinner count={3} /> : <div className="capsules-area"> {, index: number) => ( <CapsuleItem capsule={capsule} isShortView={true} key={index}/> )) } <NoCapsule length={capsules.length} filterResetButtonStyle={{ background: buttonColorBg, color: buttonColorText }} onResetFilter={onResetFilter} /> </div> } { (!loading && capsules.length > 0) && <Pagination totalItems={total} pageItems={capsules.length} onChangePage={onChangePage} currentPage={ === undefined ? 1 :} perPage={filter.limit} buttonStyle={{ backgroundColor: buttonColorBg, color: buttonColorText }} secondaryButtonStyle={{ backgroundColor: colorBgSecondary, color: colorTextSecondary }} previousTextLabel={previousTextLabel} nextTextLabel={nextTextLabel} /> } </> <InspectorControls> <PanelBody title={__('Text labels', 'bsf-spacex')} initialOpen > <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Search button text label', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <InputControl value={searchTextLabel} onChange={(searchTextValue: string | undefined) => setAttributes({ searchTextLabel: searchTextValue ?? '' })} /> <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Pagination Previous text label', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <InputControl value={previousTextLabel} onChange={(previousTextLabelValue: string | undefined) => setAttributes({ previousTextLabel: previousTextLabelValue ?? '' })} /> <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Pagination Next text label', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <InputControl value={nextTextLabel} onChange={(nextTextLabelValue: string | undefined) => setAttributes({ nextTextLabel: nextTextLabelValue ?? '' })} /> </PanelBody> <PanelBody title={__('Color Settigs', 'bsf-spacex')} initialOpen={false} > <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Button background color', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <ColorPalette colors={colors} value={buttonColorBg} onChange={(colorValue: string | undefined) => setAttributes({ buttonColorBg: colorValue ?? '' })} /> <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Button text color', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <ColorPalette colors={colors} value={buttonColorText} onChange={(colorValue) => setAttributes({ buttonColorText: colorValue ?? '' })} /> <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Secondary background color', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <ColorPalette colors={colors} value={colorBgSecondary} onChange={(colorValue) => setAttributes({ colorBgSecondary: colorValue ?? '' })} /> <p className="!my-3 text-sm"> {__('Secondary text color', 'bsf-spacex')} </p> <ColorPalette colors={colors} value={colorTextSecondary} onChange={(colorValue) => setAttributes({ colorTextSecondary: colorValue ?? '' })} /> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls> </div> ); }