PHP Classes

File: .github/

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  Classes of Faris AL-Otabi   PHP Data Sanitization   .github/   Download  
File: .github/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Data Sanitization
Verify and clean values to ensure they are valid
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 2,136 bytes



Class file image Download


We are using GitHub Actions as a continuous build and testings system.

For details, take a look at the following workflow configuration file:

Coding Standards

This library code is written with PSR-12 in mind so please use the same coding standard when implementing a new feature

We are using yamllint to enforce coding standards in YAML files.

If you do not have yamllint installed yet, run

$ brew install yamllint


pip install --user yamllint

to install yamllint.

We are using squizlabs/php_codesniffer to enforce coding standards in PHP files.

To test for coding standard issues use this command

$ make coding-standards

Also we are using ergebnis/composer-normalize to normalize composer.json.

Dependency Analysis

We are using maglnet/composer-require-checker to prevent the use of unknown symbols in production code.


$ make dependency-analysis

to run a dependency analysis.


Each new function has to have a docblock that describe what that function do


 * Sanitize value
 * @param string $value
 *  The value of the malicious string you want to sanitize
 * @return string
 *  Return the sanitized string


Each new function has to have an example in the "examples" folder and named using this name convention



Each new function has to have at least one test case and the function should pass that test without errors.

We are using phpunit/phpunit to drive the development.


$ make tests

to run all the tests.

Mutation Tests

We are using infection/infection to ensure a minimum quality of the tests.

Enable pcov or Xdebug and run

$ make mutation-tests

to run mutation tests.

Extra lazy?


$ make

to enforce coding standards, and run tests!


:bulb: Run

$ make help

to display a list of available targets with corresponding descriptions.