cjEvents by Jo Giraerts <
[email protected]>
With this library you can do event-based programming in PHP and Javascript.
The base-class is cjEventHandler in event.php. This class implements a singleton observer pattern.
Primary methods:
. $handler->singleton($handle_directly): get an instance of this class. The parameter is a boolean which determines if events should be handled immediately after they are raised or if you want to call the handle()-method yourself.
. $handler->attach: Link a callback-function or method to a self-named event.
. $handler->raise : Raise an event. If you set $handle_directly to 'true' when instantiating this object, it will also be handled. This function accepts unlimited amount of parameters which will be given to the callback in 1 array.
. $handler->handle: Handle all the raised events. Calls all the callbacks you defined.
For some examples on how you can use this class, check test_purephp.php.
The real strength comes when you start mixing it up with JQuery or Prototype. With this package it's easy to send events between PHP and Javascript.
Just check the test_jquery.html and test_prototype.html for some examples.
. websocket integration
. making the API cleaner to use
. wrapping the JS into it's own namespace and make it load automatically
1. When sending events from javascript to PHP, the arguments you send along, will all arrive to the callback in 1 array.
raisePHPEvent('some event', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3');
The correct callback for this event would be something like this:
$handler = cjEventHandler::singleton();
$handler->attach('some event', 'get_vars_from_js');
function get_vars_from_js($params)
echo $params[0]; // 'some event'
echo $params[1]; // 'arg1'
echo $params[2]; // 'arg2'
echo $params[3]; // 'arg3'
echo $params[4]; // '' because it does not exist