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File: vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/sfTests.yml

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  Classes of Gavin Gordon Markowski   Helphp PHP Class Generator   vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/sfTests.yml   Download  
File: vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/sfTests.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Helphp PHP Class Generator
Generate classes from configuration parameters
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 2,489 bytes



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--- %YAML:1.0 test: Multiple quoted string on one line brief: > Multiple quoted string on one line yaml: | stripped_title: { name: "foo bar", help: "bar foo" } php: | array('stripped_title' => array('name' => 'foo bar', 'help' => 'bar foo')) --- test: Empty sequence yaml: | foo: [ ] php: | array('foo' => array()) --- test: Empty value yaml: | foo: php: | array('foo' => null) --- test: Inline string parsing brief: > Inline string parsing yaml: | test: ['complex: string', 'another [string]'] php: | array('test' => array('complex: string', 'another [string]')) --- test: Boolean brief: > Boolean yaml: | - false - true - null - ~ - 'false' - 'true' - 'null' - '~' php: | array( false, true, null, null, 'false', 'true', 'null', '~', ) --- test: Empty lines in literal blocks brief: > Empty lines in literal blocks yaml: | foo: bar: | foo bar php: | array('foo' => array('bar' => "foo\n\n\n \nbar\n")) --- test: Empty lines in folded blocks brief: > Empty lines in folded blocks yaml: | foo: bar: > foo bar php: | array('foo' => array('bar' => "\nfoo\n\nbar\n")) --- test: IP addresses brief: > IP addresses yaml: | foo: php: | array('foo' => '') --- test: A sequence with an embedded mapping brief: > A sequence with an embedded mapping yaml: | - foo - bar: { bar: foo } php: | array('foo', array('bar' => array('bar' => 'foo'))) --- test: A sequence with an unordered array brief: > A sequence with an unordered array yaml: | 1: foo 0: bar php: | array(1 => 'foo', 0 => 'bar') --- test: Octal brief: as in spec example 2.19, octal value is converted yaml: | foo: 0123 php: | array('foo' => 83) --- test: Octal strings brief: Octal notation in a string must remain a string yaml: | foo: "0123" php: | array('foo' => '0123') --- test: Octal strings brief: Octal notation in a string must remain a string yaml: | foo: '0123' php: | array('foo' => '0123') --- test: Octal strings brief: Octal notation in a string must remain a string yaml: | foo: | 0123 php: | array('foo' => "0123\n") --- test: Document as a simple hash brief: Document as a simple hash yaml: | { foo: bar } php: | array('foo' => 'bar') --- test: Document as a simple array brief: Document as a simple array yaml: | [ foo, bar ] php: | array('foo', 'bar')