this example is used to trace address location from IP visitor
author: usman didi khamdani
author's email: [email protected]
author's phone: +6287883919293
$IPAddress = new IPLocation;
$IPAddress->AddressErrorMessage = '<h3>Your IP is '.$ip.'</h3><p>Sorry, for some reasons the details of your IP address location can\'t be displayed</p>';
$IPAddress->AddressLocalErrorMessage = '<h3>Your IP is '.$ip.'</h3><p>Sorry, the details of your IP address location can\'t be displayed<br />Make sure that your internet connection is not turn off or contact your server administrator for this error</p>';
if($IPAddress->Error==1) {
echo $IPAddress->ErrorMessage;
} else {
if($IPAddress->is_LocalIP($ip)==1) {
echo '<h3>Your local IP is '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'<br />
Your public IP is '.$IPAddress->Ip.'</h3>
<p>There are details of your IP public server address location:</p>';
} else {
echo '<h3>Your IP is '.$IPAddress->Ip.'</h3>
<p>There are details of your IP server address location:</p>';
echo '<p>Country Code = '.$IPAddress->CountryCode.'<br />
Country Name = '.$IPAddress->CountryName.'<br />
Region Code = '.$IPAddress->RegionCode.'<br />
Region Name = '.$IPAddress->RegionName.'<br />
City = '.$IPAddress->City.'<br />
Zip Postal Code = '.$IPAddress->ZipPostalCode.'<br />
Latitude = '.$IPAddress->Latitude.'<br />
Longitude = '.$IPAddress->Longitude.'<br />
Timezone = '.$IPAddress->Timezone.'<br />
GMT Offset = '.$IPAddress->Gmtoffset.'<br />
DST Offset = '.$IPAddress->Dstoffset.'</p>';