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Class: Search and Replace
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Search and Replace class documentation</TITLE> <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" MEDIA="screen" HREF="documentation.css" TYPE="text/css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1 CLASS="center background border">Search and Replace class</H1> <DIV CLASS="background-light border"> <H2>Contents</H2> <TABLE BORDER="0"> <TR> <TD> <UL> <LI>Introduction</LI> <LI>Installation</LI> <LI>Main Usage</LI> <LI>Function Reference</LI> <LI>License</LI> </UL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>Introduction</H2> <P> This class was originally a script that performed a simple search/replace on files and/or directories. I've now converted it to a class with a few extra features so it should be a little more useful and easier to use. Should also be easier to incorporate into to other scripts. </P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>Installation</H2> <P> Simply copy the class file to your usual "includes" directory and include it the script you wish to use it in. </P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>Main Usage</H2> <P> To use it (after include()ing it), do this: </P> <PRE> $sr = new search_replace('find this', 'replacement', 'file.txt'); $sr->do_search(); </PRE> <P> The full arguments you can pass when creating the object are described below. There are of course other functions to use, which are also described below. </P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>Function Reference</H2> <!-- Constructor --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> search_replace(</B></CODE> </P> <PRE> <CODE><B> <I>string</I> find pattern, <I>string</I> Replace pattern, <I>mixed</I> File(s), [<I>mixed</I> Directories, <I>int</I> Include Subdirectories, <I>array</I> Ignore Lines]) </B></CODE> </PRE> <P> Being the constructor you shouldn't call this directly. The arguments are quite self explanatory, the last three being optional. </P> <P> When using regular expression (see set_search_function()) searching, the find argument is the entire regex, so when using preg it should include the two delimiters and any modifiers you wish to use. </P> <P> Files should be either a comma seperated string or array of files you want searched. If you specify the directories argument the files argument can be left as a blank string. The directories argument can also be a comma seperated string or an array. </P> <P> The include subdirectories argument is optional, and should be either 1 (one) or 0 (zero) depending on whether you want subdirectories to be included. This argument is only relevant if you're using the directories argument. </P> <P> The ignore_lines argument is useful if you wish lines beginning with a certain string to be ignored, but is only supported by one search type (see below). This should be an array. </P> <!-- set_search_function --> <P> <CODE><B><I>bool</I> set_search_function(<I>string</I> search type)</B></CODE> </P> <P> This sets the type of search function you wish to use. The argument should be one of the below (lowercase): </P> <P> <I>normal</I><BR> The default search function and the only one that supports the ignore_lines feature. This function will go through each line and do the search/replace using str_replace(). Because it splits the file on a newline (\n or ASCII 10), multiline search patterns are not supported. </P> <P> <I>quick</I><BR> Basically an enhancement of the default search function. Still uses str_replace(), but does not search line by line, hence this is the quickest search feature. Does not support the ignore_lines feature. </P> <P> <I>preg</I><BR> Search and replace using preg_replace. The find pattern should be a valid preg_replace() search pattern, including the delimiters and any modifiers. Does not support the ignore_lines feature. </P> <P> <I>ereg</I><BR> Search and replace using ereg_replace. The find pattern should be a valid ereg_replace() search pattern. Does not support the ignore_lines feature. </P> <!-- do_search --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> do_search(void)</B></CODE> </P> <P> This starts the search. Obviously files will need to be writeable by the script. </P> <!-- get_num_occurences --> <P> <CODE><B><I>int</I> get_num_occurences(void)</B></CODE> </P> <P> This returns the number of times the search pattern was found. If multiple files are searched, this will be cumulative. </P> <!-- get_num_occurences --> <P> <CODE><B><I>string</I> get_last_error(void)</B></CODE> </P> <P> This returns the last error if there is one. </P> <!-- set_find --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> set_find(<I>string</I> find pattern)</B></CODE> </P> <P> Accessor to set the find pattern. </P> <!-- set_replace --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> set_replace(<I>string</I> replace string)</B></CODE> </P> <P> Accessor to set the replace string. </P> <!-- set_files --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> set_files(<I>mixed</I> file(s))</B></CODE> </P> <P> Accessor to set the files to be parsed. Argument should be either a comma seperated string or an array. </P> <!-- set_directories --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> set_directories(<I>mixed</I> directories)</B></CODE> </P> <P> Accessor to set the directories to be parsed. Argument should be either a comma seperated string or an array. </P> <!-- set_include_subdir --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> set_include_subdir(<I>int</I> include subdirs)</B></CODE> </P> <P> Accessor to set whether sub-directories are parsed or not. Only used when directories are to be parsed. Should be either 1 (one) or 0 (zero). </P> <!-- set_ignore_lines --> <P> <CODE><B><I>void</I> set_ignore_lines(<I>array</I> lines to ignore)</B></CODE> </P> <P> Accessor to set whether sub-directories are parsed or not. Only used when directories are to be parsed. Should be either 1 (one) or 0 (zero). Lines beginning with the strings provided will not be searched. </P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>Bugs</H2> <P> Not bloody likely. </P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>History</H2> <P> <B>10/09/2000 - Version 1.0</B><BR> Converted plain script to a class, added extra functionality and re-released. </P> <P> <B>11/04/2000 - Version 0.9</B><BR> Released as plain script. </P> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="nocenter padding background-light border"> <H2>License</H2> <P> Postcard-ware. If you use this utility then I'd appreciate a postcard from ya. :)<BR> Otherwise, it's free, be grateful, don't whinge, and don't sue me if it screws your system. </P> <P CLASS="center" ALIGN="CENTER"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" BORDER="0" ALT="Valid HTML 4.0!" HEIGHT="31" WIDTH="88"> </A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" BORDER="0" ALT="Valid CSS 1.0"> </A> </P> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>