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File: MyCSVAdmin/MyCSVAdmin.class.php

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File: MyCSVAdmin/MyCSVAdmin.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Administrator Main Class
Class: TM::MyCSV
Manage CSV files like database tables
Author: By
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Date: 15 years ago
Size: 38,321 bytes



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<?php /* * LICENSE * 1. If you like to use this class for personal purposes, it's free. * 2. For comercial purposes, please contact me ( * I'll send a license to you. * 3. When you copy the framework you must copy this notice with the source * code. You may alter the source code, but you have to put the original * with your altered version. * 4. The license is for all files included in this bundle. * * KNOWN BUGS/TODO * - Catch \x00 when uploading a file! * - Use PHP types only (null/bool/int/float/string)! Add "attribute": "signed", * "unsigned", "binary". * - Table files aren't portable to older versions or external software when * using PHP >=4.3.2 because fgetcsv() needs escaped backslashes then. */ define("PRIV_INSERT", 2); define("PRIV_UPDATE", 4); define("PRIV_DELETE", 8); define("PRIV_CREATE", 16); define("PRIV_DROP", 32); define("PRIV_ALTER", 512); define("PRIV_EXPORT", 1024); define("PRIV_ALL", -1); /** * Universal administration tool and demo application for the TM::MyCSV class. * * Don't hesitate to * <a href="">report bugs or feature requests</a>. * * @author Thiemo Mättig ( * @version 2004-12-18 * @package TM */ class MyCSVAdmin { /** * @var string Represents the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] value. */ var $SELF = "./"; /** * @var mixed Relative path(s) where the .csv and .txt files are stored. */ var $dir = "./"; /** * Add the values in the following table to grand or deny access to specific * functions of the administrative interface. Default is PRIV_ALL, * everything enabled. * * - PRIV_INSERT - Insert rows * - PRIV_UPDATE - Update rows * - PRIV_DELETE - Delete rows * - PRIV_CREATE - Create tables * - PRIV_DROP - Drop tables * - PRIV_ALTER - Alter tables * - PRIV_EXPORT - Export tables</pre> * * Example: * * <pre>$admin->priv = PRIV_ALL & ~PRIV_CREATE & ~PRIV_DROP & ~PRIV_ALTER;</pre> * * @var int Privileges to grand or deny access to specific functions. */ var $priv = PRIV_ALL; /* * @var string Defaults to "ISO-8859-1". */ var $charset = "ISO-8859-1"; /** * @var MyCSV MyCSV object currently edited by TM::MyCSVAdmin. */ var $table = null; /** * @var string Contains the suggested field types for the table. */ var $types = array(); /** * Initializes the class. Loads the table specified by $_GET['table'] or * $_POST['table']. Returns a new MyCSVAdmin object. * * @param string $dir * @return MyCSVAdmin */ function MyCSVAdmin($dir = null) { if (isset($dir)) $this->dir = $dir; if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) $this->SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; elseif (isset($GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'])) $this->SELF = $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']; $this->SELF = str_replace("index.php", "", $this->SELF); if ($this->GET('table')) { $this->table = new MyCSV($this->GET('table')); $this->_getTypes(); } } /** * Gets a GET or POST value. This unifies the different behaviours of $_GET, * $HTTP_GET_VARS, $GLOBALS (register_globals) and so on. * * @param string $key Name of the request variable to be returned. * @return string */ function GET($key) { if (isset($_GET[$key])) $value = $_GET[$key]; elseif (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'][$key])) $value = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS'][$key]; elseif (isset($_POST[$key])) $value = $_POST[$key]; elseif (isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'][$key])) $value = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'][$key]; else return ""; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) return stripslashes($value); return $value; } /** * Makes a string well readable to the browser. It strips any critical * characters, truncates the string and replaces HTML entities. * * @param string $text Text to be HTMLed. * @return string */ function htmlQuote($text) { if (strlen($text) > 100) $text = substr($text, 0, 80) . "..."; $text = preg_replace( '/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F\x81\x83\x86-\x8F\x90\x98-\x9F]/', '.', $text); $text = wordwrap($text, 20, "\n", true); return htmlentities($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, $this->charset); } /** * Tries to guess the field types based on what values are in the table * rows. * * @return void * @access private */ function _getTypes() { $types = array(0 => "null", 1 => "bool", 2 => "int", 3 => "float", 4 => "varchar", 5 => "text", 6 => "blob"); $tLeast = $this->table->count() < 2 ? 4 : 0; if ($this->GET('override')) { $types[1] = "int"; $types[4] = "text"; $types[6] = "text"; } foreach ($this->table->fields as $field) { $t[$field] = strcasecmp($field, "id") ? $tLeast : 2; } while ($row = $this->table->each()) { foreach ($row as $field => $value) { if (preg_match('/[\x00-\x06\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x13\x16-\x1F]/', $value)) $t[$field] = 6; elseif (strlen($value) > 255 || strpos($value, "\n")) $t[$field] = max($t[$field], 5); elseif (! empty($value) && ! is_numeric($value)) $t[$field] = max($t[$field], 4); elseif (! preg_match('/^[+-]?\d{0,10}$/s', $value)) $t[$field] = max($t[$field], 3); elseif (! preg_match('/^[01]?$/s', $value)) $t[$field] = max($t[$field], 2); elseif (strlen($value)) $t[$field] = max($t[$field], 1); } } foreach ($this->table->fields as $field) { $this->types[$field] = $types[$t[$field]]; } $this->table->reset(); } /** * @param data string * @return string * @access private */ function _mime_content_type($data) { // See magic.mime if (substr($data, 0, 2) == "\xFF\xD8") return 'image/jpeg'; elseif (substr($data, 1, 3) == 'PNG') return 'image/png'; elseif (substr($data, 0, 4) == 'GIF8') return 'image/gif'; else return 'application/octet-stream'; } /** * @return void * @access private */ function displayHead() { echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">'; echo '<html lang="en">'; echo '<head>'; echo '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=' . $this->charset . '">'; echo '<title>TM::MyCSVAdmin'; if (isset($this->table)) { $table = $this->table->tablename(); echo ' - Table ' . htmlspecialchars(basename($table)); } echo '</title>'; echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">'; echo '<style type="text/css">'; echo 'h1{font-size:150%;margin-top:0;}'; echo '.subtitle{font-size:x-small;font-weight:normal;}'; echo 'ul#menu{border-bottom:2px solid #CFE8CF;margin-left:0;padding:0;}'; echo 'ul#menu li{display:inline;}'; echo 'ul#menu li a{background:#F0F7F0;border:solid #CFE8CF;border-width:1px 1px 0 1px;margin-left:10px;padding:0 10px;text-align:center;width:70px;}'; echo 'th{background-color:#CFE8CF;}'; echo 'td{background-color:#F0F7F0;vertical-align:top;}'; echo 'small{color:#666;}'; echo 'acronym{border-bottom:1px dotted #666;}'; echo '.primary{color:#960;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;}'; echo '.error{color:#C00;}'; echo '.danger:hover,#menu .danger:hover{background-color:#C30;color:white;text-decoration:none;}'; echo '.download,.override{text-decoration:none;}'; echo 'a:hover{color:#C30;text-decoration:underline;}'; echo '#menu a:hover{background-color:#CFE8CF;}'; echo 'tr:hover td{background-color:#CFE8CF;}'; echo '</style>'; if (file_exists("MyCSVAdmin.css")) { echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="MyCSVAdmin.css">'; } echo '</head>'; echo "<body bgcolor=\"white\" text=\"black\" link=\"#006600\" alink=\"#CC3300\" vlink=\"#006600\">\n\n"; $script = preg_replace('{[^/]+(/index)?\.\w+$}', '', getenv('SCRIPT_NAME')); echo '<a class="subtitle" href="' . $script . '">Go to parrent site</a>'; echo '<h1>TM::<a href="' . $this->SELF . '">MyCSVAdmin</a>'; if (isset($this->table)) { echo ' &ndash; Table <a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=structure&table=' . htmlspecialchars($table) . '">'; echo '<em>' . htmlspecialchars(basename($table)) . '</em></a>'; } echo '</h1>'; if (isset($this->table)) { echo '<ul id="menu">'; echo '<li><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=browse&table=' . $table . '">Browse</a></li>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_INSERT) echo '<li><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change&table=' . $table . '">Insert</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=structure&table=' . $table . '">Structure</a></li>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_EXPORT) echo '<li><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=export&table=' . $table . '">Export</a></li>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_DROP) echo '<li><a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=delete_all&table=' . $table . '">Empty</a></li>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_DROP) echo '<li><a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=drop_table&table=' . $table . '">Drop</a></li>'; echo '</ul>'; } } /** * Shows a list of all tables. Use {@link dir} to specify the working * directory. * * @return void */ function tables() { $form = new Apeform(0, 0, false); $table = $form->text("<u>T</u>able name"); if (! preg_match('{[/\\\]}', $table)) { $dir = (array)$this->dir; if (! preg_match('{[/\\\]$}', $dir[0])) $dir[0] .= "/"; $table = $dir[0] . $table; } $form->submit("Create new table"); if ($form->isValid()) { $this->table = new MyCSV($table); // Jump to the table structure. $this->structure(); return; } $tables = array(); foreach ((array)$this->dir as $dir) { if (! preg_match('{[/\\\]$}', $dir)) $dir .= "/"; $fp = opendir($dir); while (($filename = readdir($fp)) !== false) { $filename = $dir . $filename; if (! is_file($filename)) continue; if (! preg_match('/\.([a-z]sv|txt)$/i', $filename)) continue; $tables[] = $filename; } closedir($fp); } usort($tables, 'strcasecmp'); $this->displayHead(); echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><th>Table</th><th colspan="6">Action</th><th>Rows</th><th>Size</th></tr>'; $count = 0; $sumRecords = 0; $sumSize = 0; foreach ($tables as $filename) { $csv = new MyCSV($filename); $table = $csv->tablename(); $count++; $sumRecords += $records = $csv->num_rows(); $sumSize += $size = filesize($filename); $csv->close(); echo '<tr><td>' . htmlspecialchars(basename($table)) . '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=browse&table=' . $table . '">Browse</a></td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_INSERT) echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change&table=' . $table . '">Insert</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=structure&table=' . $table . '">Structure</a></td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_EXPORT) echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=export&table=' . $table . '">Export</a>'; echo '</td><td>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_DROP) echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=delete_all&table=' . $table . '">Empty</a>'; echo '</td><td>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_DROP) echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=drop_table&table=' . $table . '">Drop</a>'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($records) . '</td>'; echo '<td align="right">' . number_format($size / 1024, 1) . ' KB</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>' . $count . ' tables</th>'; echo '<th colspan="6">Sum</th>'; echo '<th align="right">' . number_format($sumRecords) . '</th>'; echo '<th align="right">' . number_format($sumSize / 1024, 1) . ' KB</th>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_CREATE) $form->display(); } /** * Shows the structure of a table. * * @return void */ function structure() { $form = new Apeform(0, 0, false); $form->hidden("structure", "method"); $form->hidden($this->table->tablename(), "table"); $field = &$form->hidden($this->GET('method') == "structure" ? $this->GET('field') : ""); $newField = &$form->text("<u>F</u>ield name", "", $field); foreach ($this->table->fields as $key) $positions[$key] = "After " . $key; $keys = array_keys($positions); $defaultValue = ($field && in_array($field, $keys)) ? $keys[array_search($field, $keys) - 1] : ""; if ($field) unset($positions[$field]); array_pop($positions); $positions[''] = "At end of table"; $label = $field ? "Move to <u>p</u>osition" : "Add at <u>p</u>osition"; $afterField = $form->select($label, "", $positions, $defaultValue); $button = $field ? "Rename/move field" : "Add new field"; $form->submit($button); if ($form->isValid()) { if (! $field) { if ($this->table->add_field($newField, $afterField)) $this->table->write(); else $form->error("Invalid field name", 3); } else { while ($row = $this->table->each()) { // Copy all the moved values to their new field name. $this->table->data[$row['id']][$newField] = $row[$field]; } $newFields = array(); foreach ($this->table->fields as $oldField) { // Copy any unchanged field to the new fields array. if ($oldField != $field) $newFields[] = $oldField; if ($oldField == $afterField) $newFields[] = $newField; } // Add field if position '' ("At end of table") was selected. if (! $afterField) $newFields[] = $newField; $this->table->fields = $newFields; $this->table->write(); } $field = ""; $newField = ""; } $formOrder = new Apeform(0, 0, "order", false); $formOrder->hidden("structure", "method"); $formOrder->hidden($this->table->tablename(), "table"); $order = $formOrder->select("Permanently <u>o</u>rder table by", "", $this->table->fields); $formOrder->submit("Order"); if ($formOrder->isValid()) { $this->table->sort($this->table->fields[$order]); $this->table->write(); } $this->displayHead(); echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><th>Field</th><th><small>Guessed type</small></th><th colspan="2">Action</th></tr>'; foreach ($this->table->fields as $i => $f) { echo '<tr><td'; if (! $i) echo ' class="primary" title="Row identifier"'; echo '>' . $f . '</td>'; echo '<td><small>' . (isset($this->types[$f]) ? $this->types[$f] : "") . '</small></td>'; echo '<td>'; if ($i && $this->priv & PRIV_ALTER) echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=structure&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&field=' . $f . '">Change</a>'; echo '</td><td>'; if ($i && $this->priv & PRIV_ALTER) echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=drop&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&field=' . $f . '">Drop</a>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_ALTER) $form->display(); if ($this->priv & PRIV_UPDATE) $formOrder->display(); echo '<p><table>'; echo '<tr><th>Statement</th><th>Value</th></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Rows</td><td align="right">' . $this->table->num_rows() . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Next autoindex</td><td align="right">' . ($this->table->num_rows() ? max($this->table->ids()) + 1 : 1) . '</td></tr>'; $filesize = $this->table->exists() ? filesize($this->table->filename) : 0; $filemtime = $this->table->exists() ? date("Y-m-d H:i", filemtime($this->table->filename)) : ""; echo '<tr><td>File size</td><td align="right">' . number_format($filesize) . ' Bytes</td></tr>'; $size = $this->table->num_rows() ? (int)round(($filesize - strlen(implode(",", $this->table->fields)) - 2) / $this->table->num_rows()) : 0; echo '<tr><td>Average row size</td><td align="right">' . $size . ' Bytes</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Delimiter</td><td align="right">' . $this->table->delimiter . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Last update</td><td align="right">' . $filemtime . '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; } /** * Shows the contents of a table. * * @return void */ function browse() { $sort = $this->GET('sort'); if ($sort) $this->table->sort($sort . " SORT_NULL"); $rows = (int)$this->GET('rows'); if (empty($rows) || $rows < 1) $rows = 50; if ($this->table->count() > $rows) { $id = $this->GET('id'); if (empty($id)) $id = $this->table->first(); $this->table->limit($rows, $id); $form = '<form action="' . $this->SELF . '" method="get"><p>'; $aHref = '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=browse&amp;table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&amp;sort=' . urlencode($sort) . '&amp;rows=' . $rows . '&amp;id='; $first = $this->table->first(); $prev = $this->table->prev($id, $rows); $next = $this->table->next($id, $rows); $last = $this->table->prev($this->table->last(), ($this->table->count() - 1) % $rows); if (strcmp($first, $id) == 0) $form .= '&lt;&lt; First | '; else $form .= $aHref . urlencode($first) . '">&lt;&lt; First</a> | '; if ($prev === false) $form .= '&lt; Previous | '; else $form .= $aHref . urlencode($prev) . '">&lt; Previous</a> | '; $form .= '<input name="method" type="hidden" value="browse">'; $form .= '<input name="table" type="hidden" value="' . $this->table->tablename() . '">'; $form .= '<input name="sort" type="hidden" value="' . htmlspecialchars($sort) . '">'; $form .= '<input type="submit" value="Show"> '; $form .= '<input name="rows" size="4" type="text" value="' . $rows . '"> rows starting from <span class="primary" title="Row identifier">id</span> '; $form .= '<input name="id" size="12" type="text" value="' . htmlspecialchars($id) . '"> | '; if ($next === false) $form .= 'Next &gt; | '; else $form .= $aHref . urlencode($next) . '">Next &gt;</a> | '; if (strcmp($last, $id) == 0) $form .= 'Last &gt;&gt;'; else $form .= $aHref . urlencode($last) . '">Last &gt;&gt;</a>'; $form .= '</p></form>'; } $this->displayHead(); if (! empty($form)) echo $form; echo '<table>'; echo '<tr><th colspan="2"></th>'; foreach ($this->table->fields as $i => $field) { $field = $this->htmlQuote($field); echo '<th><a href="' . $this->SELF; echo '?method=browse&amp;table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&amp;sort=' . urlencode($field); if ($sort == $field) echo urlencode(' DESC'); echo '&amp;rows=' . urlencode($rows); echo '" title="Order"'; if (! $i) echo ' class="primary"'; echo '>' . $field . '</a>'; if (strcmp($sort, $field) == 0) echo '+'; elseif (substr($sort, 0, -5) == $field) echo '-'; echo '</th>'; } echo '</tr>'; while ($row = $this->table->each()) { echo '<tr><td>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_UPDATE) echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&id=' . urlencode($row['id']) . '">Edit</a>'; echo '</td><td>'; if ($this->priv & PRIV_DELETE) echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=delete&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&id=' . urlencode($row['id']) . '">Delete</a>'; echo '</td>'; foreach ($this->table->fields as $field) { if (! isset($row[$field])) $row[$field] = ""; switch ($this->types[$field]) { case "bool": echo '<td align="center">' . ($row[$field] ? '&times;' : '') . '</td>'; break; case "int": case "float": echo '<td align="right">' . $row[$field] . '</td>'; break; case "blob": echo '<td><a href="' . $this->SELF; echo '?method=download&amp;table=' . $this->table->tablename(); echo '&amp;id=' . urlencode($row['id']) . '&amp;field=' . $field . '"'; echo ' class="download" title="Download binary file">'; echo $this->htmlQuote($row[$field]) . '</a></td>'; break; default: echo '<td>' . $this->htmlQuote($row[$field]) . '</td>'; } } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; if (! empty($form)) echo $form; if ($this->priv & PRIV_INSERT) echo '<p><a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '">Insert new row</a></p>'; } /** * Shows a form to insert or update a row. * * @return void */ function change() { $form = new Apeform(10000, 60, false); $form->hidden("change", "method"); $table = $form->hidden($this->table->tablename(), "table"); $id = &$form->hidden($this->GET('id'), "id"); $form->hidden($this->GET('override'), "override"); $row = $this->table->data($id); $function = basename($this->table->tablename()) . "_onRowLoaded"; if (function_exists($function)) { $function(&$row, &$this->table); } foreach ($this->table->fields as $i => $field) { $label = $i ? $field : ('<span class="primary" title="Row identifier">' . $field . '</span>'); $help = ""; if (! $this->GET('override')) { if ($field == "id") $help = "Primary key"; elseif ($this->types[$field] == "null") $help = ""; else $help = "Guessed type: " . $this->types[$field]; if ($this->types[$field] == "bool" || $this->types[$field] == "varchar" || $this->types[$field] == "blob") { $help .= ' (<a class="override" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change'; $help .= '&table=' . $table . '&id=' . $id . '&override=1">override</a>)'; } } $value = isset($row[$field]) ? $row[$field] : ""; $function = basename($this->table->tablename()) . "_" . $field . "_onDisplay"; if (! $this->GET('override') && preg_match('/^(.+)_id$/i', $field, $matches)) { $tablename = dirname($this->table->tablename()); if ($tablename) $tablename .= "/"; $tablename .= $matches[1]; $foreignTable = new MyCSV($tablename); if ($foreignTable->exists()) { $fField = $foreignTable->fields[1]; $foreignTable->sort($fField); $options = array(); while ($fRow = $foreignTable->each()) { $options[$fRow['id']] = substr($fRow['id'] . " (" . $fRow[$fField], 0, $form->size - 4) . ")"; } $help = 'Foreign key (<a class="override" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change'; $help .= '&table=' . $table . '&id=' . $id . '&override=true">override</a>)'; $changedRow[$field] = $form->select($label, $help, $options, $value); $foreignTable->close(); if (function_exists($function)) { $function(&$form->_rows[count($form->_rows) - 1], &$row); } continue; } } switch ($this->types[$field]) { case "bool": $changedRow[$field] = $form->checkbox($label, $help, array(1 => ""), $value); break; case "int": case "float": $changedRow[$field] = $form->text($label, $help, $value, 0, 10); break; case "text": $changedRow[$field] = $form->textarea($label, $help, $value, 7); break; case "blob": if ($file = $form->file($label, $help)) { $fp = fopen($file['tmp_name'], "rb"); $changedRow[$field] = fread($fp, 10000); fclose($fp); } break; default: $changedRow[$field] = $form->text($label, $help, $value); } if (function_exists($function)) { $function(&$form->_rows[count($form->_rows) - 1], &$row); } } // Show these both Buttons in edit/update() mode. $button = array(); if ($this->priv & PRIV_UPDATE) $button[] = "Save changes"; if ($this->priv & PRIV_INSERT) $button[] = "Save as new row"; if ($this->priv & PRIV_DELETE) $button[] = "Delete"; // Show this Button in insert() mode. if (empty($changedRow['id'])) $button = "Insert new row"; $button = $form->submit($button); if ($form->isValid() && strstr($button, " new row") && $this->table->id_exists($changedRow['id'])) { $form->error('Duplicate entry for <span class="primary">id</span>', 4); } if ($form->isValid()) { if ($button == "Delete") { $this->delete(); return; } $function = basename($this->table->tablename()) . "_onRowValidated"; if (function_exists($function)) { $function(&$changedRow, &$this->table); } if ($button == "Save as new row") $id = ""; if ($id != "") $this->table->update($changedRow, $id); else $this->table->insert($changedRow); $function = basename($this->table->tablename()) . "_onRowUpdated"; if (function_exists($function)) { $function(&$this->table); } $this->table->write(); $id = $changedRow['id']; if ($id == "") { $this->browse(); return; } } $this->displayHead(); $form->display(); if ($id != "") { echo '<p>'; $aHref = '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=change&table=' . $table; if ($this->table->prev($id) === false) echo '&lt;&lt; First | &lt; Previous | '; else { echo $aHref . '&id=' . urlencode($this->table->first()) . '">&lt;&lt; First</a> | '; echo $aHref . '&id=' . urlencode($this->table->prev($id)) . '">&lt; Previous</a> | '; } if ($this->table->next($id) === false) echo 'Next &gt; | Last &gt;&gt;'; else { echo $aHref . '&id=' . urlencode($this->table->next($id)) . '">Next &gt;</a> | '; echo $aHref . '&id=' . urlencode($this->table->last()) . '">Last &gt;&gt;</a>'; } echo '</p>'; } } /** * Shows a form to export the table. * * @return void */ function export() { $form = new Apeform(0, 0, false); $form->hidden("export", "method"); $table = $form->hidden($this->table->tablename(), "table"); $options = array( 'csv' => '<acronym title="Comma Separated Values"><u>C</u>SV</acronym>/TXT', 'sql' => '<acronym title="Structured Query Language"><u>S</u>QL</acronym> dump', 'xml' => '<acronym title="Extensible Markup Language"><u>X</u>ML</acronym> <span style="font-size:smaller">(<a href="">FlatXmlDataSet</a>)</span>'); $type = $form->radio("Export as", "", $options, "csv"); $options = array( "," => "Comma (,)", ";" => "Semikolon (;)", "\t" => "Tabulator", "\\0" => "Nul", "|" => "Pipe (|)", "&" => "Ampersand (&amp;)", ":" => "Colon (:)", " " => "Space"); $delimiter = $form->select("CSV/TXT <u>d</u>elimiter", "", $options, ","); if ($delimiter == "\\0") $delimiter = chr(0); $sections = $form->checkbox("SQL sections", "", "Structure|Data", "Structure|Data"); $save = $form->checkbox("Save as <u>f</u>ile"); if (function_exists("gzencode")) $compress = $form->checkbox("Save <u>g</u>zip compressed"); $form->submit("Export"); $tablename = preg_replace('/\W+/', '_', basename($this->table->tablename())); if ($form->isValid() && $type == "csv") { $this->table->delimiter = $delimiter; $export = $this->table->export(); } elseif ($form->isValid() && $type == "sql") { $export = "CREATE TABLE `" . $tablename . "` (\n"; foreach ($this->table->fields as $field) { $export .= " `" . preg_replace('/\W+/', '_', $field) . "` "; if ($this->types[$field] == "varchar" || $this->types[$field] == "null") $export .= "VARCHAR(255)"; elseif ($this->types[$field] == "bool") $export .= "TINYINT"; else $export .= strtoupper($this->types[$field]); $export .= " NOT NULL"; if ($field == "id") $export .= " AUTO_INCREMENT"; $export .= ",\n"; } $export .= " PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n);\n\n"; if (! in_array("Structure", $sections)) $export = ""; if (! in_array("Data", $sections)) $this->table->delete(); while ($row = $this->table->each()) { foreach ($row as $field => $value) { $sqlRow[preg_replace('/\W+/', '_', $field)] = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'"; } $export .= "INSERT INTO `" . $tablename; $export .= "` (`" . implode("`, `", array_keys($sqlRow)) . "`) VALUES (" . implode(", ", $sqlRow) . ");\n"; } } elseif ($form->isValid() && $type == "xml") { $export = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $this->charset . "\"?>\n"; $export .= "<dataset>\n"; while ($row = $this->table->each()) { $export .= ' <' . $tablename . ' id="' . $row['id'] . '"'; unset($row['id']); foreach ($row as $field => $value) { $field = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-]+/i', '_', $field); if (! preg_match('/^[a-z]/i', $field)) $field = "field" . $field; $export .= ' ' . $field . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"'; } $export .= " />\n"; } $export .= "</dataset>\n"; } if ($save) { $mimeType = 'text/comma-separated-values'; $extension = "." . $type; if ($type == "csv" && $delimiter == "\t") { $mimeType = 'text/tab-separated-values'; $extension = ".txt"; } elseif ($type == "sql") $mimeType = 'application/octet-stream'; elseif ($type == "xml") $mimeType = 'text/xml'; if (isset($compress) && $compress) { $export = gzencode($export); $mimeType = 'application/x-gzip'; $extension .= ".gz"; } $filename = basename($this->table->tablename()) . $extension; header('Content-Type: ' . $mimeType); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($export)); header('Content-Disposition: attachement; filename="' . $filename . '";'); echo $export; return; } $this->displayHead(); $form->display(); echo "<pre>"; if (isset($export)) echo htmlentities($export, ENT_NOQUOTES, $this->charset); } /** * Download binary file specified by tablename, id and field. * * @return void */ function download() { $field = $this->GET('field'); $id = $this->GET('id'); $file = $this->table->data[$id][$field]; header('Content-Type: ' . $this->_mime_content_type($file)); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($file)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $field . '_' . $id . '";'); echo $file; } /** * Confirms the deletion of a row. * * @return void */ function delete() { if ($this->GET('sure')) { $function = basename($this->table->tablename()) . "_onRowDelete"; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($this->table->data($this->GET('id')), &$this->table); } $this->table->delete($this->GET('id')); $this->table->write(); $this->browse(); return; } $this->displayHead(); echo 'Do you really want to<br>delete row \'' . $this->GET('id') . '\'?<p>'; echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=delete&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&id=' . $this->GET('id') . '&sure=1">Yes</a> | '; echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=browse&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '">No</a>'; } /** * Confirms the deletion of all rows. * * @return void */ function delete_all() { if ($this->GET('sure')) { $this->table->delete(); $this->table->write(); $this->structure(); return; } $this->displayHead(); echo 'Do you really want to<br>delete all rows from table `' . $this->table->tablename() . '`?<p>'; echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=delete_all&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&sure=1">Yes</a> | '; echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=browse&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '">No</a>'; } /** * Confirms the deletion of a column. * * @return void */ function drop() { if ($this->GET('sure')) { $this->table->drop_field($this->GET('field')); $this->table->write(); $this->structure(); return; } $this->displayHead(); echo 'Do you really want to<br>drop field `' . $this->GET('field') . '`?<p>'; echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=drop&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&field=' . $this->GET('field') . '&sure=1">Yes</a> | '; echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=structure&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '">No</a>'; } /** * Confirms the deletion of a table. * * @return void */ function drop_table() { if ($this->GET('sure')) { $this->table->drop_table(); $this->table->write(); unset($this->table); $this->tables(); return; } $this->displayHead(); echo 'Do you really want to<br>drop table `' . $this->table->tablename() . '`?<p>'; echo '<a class="danger" href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=drop_table&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '&sure=1">Yes</a> | '; echo '<a href="' . $this->SELF . '?method=browse&table=' . $this->table->tablename() . '">No</a>'; } } ?>