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File: src/Discretion/Discretion.php

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File: src/Discretion/Discretion.php
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Class: Discretion
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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace ParagonIE\Discretion; use Monolog\Logger; use ParagonIE\AntiCSRF\AntiCSRF; use ParagonIE\ConstantTime\Base64UrlSafe; use ParagonIE\CSPBuilder\CSPBuilder; use ParagonIE\Discretion\Data\HiddenString; use ParagonIE\Discretion\Exception\{ FilesystemException, RecordNotFound }; use ParagonIE\EasyDB\EasyDB; use ParagonIE\Sapient\Adapter\Slim; use ParagonIE\Sapient\CryptographyKeys\SigningSecretKey; use ParagonIE\Sapient\Sapient; use Slim\Http\{ Headers, Response }; /** * Class Discretion * @package ParagonIE\Discretion */ class Discretion { /** @var AntiCSRF $antiCSRF */ protected static $antiCSRF; /** @var CSPBuilder $cspBuilder */ protected static $cspBuilder; /** @var EasyDB $easyDb */ protected static $easyDb; /** @var HiddenString $localEncryptionKey */ protected static $localEncryptionKey; /** @var Logger $logger */ protected static $logger; /** @var array $settings */ protected static $settings; /** @var SigningSecretKey $signingKey */ protected static $signingKey; /** @var \Twig_Environment $twig */ protected static $twig; /** @var array $twigVars */ protected static $twigVars = []; /** * Create a generic HTTP response, unsigned. * * @param string $body * @param array $headers * @param int $status * @return Response * @throws \Error */ public static function createNormalResponse( string $body = '', array $headers = [], int $status = 200 ): Response { return new Response( $status, new Headers($headers), (new Slim())->stringToStream($body) ); } /** * @param string $class * @return string */ public static function decorateClassName($class = '') { return 'Object (' . \trim($class, '\\') . ')'; } /** * Generic error message responder. * * @param string $errorMessage * @param int $statusCode * @param array $headers * @return Response * * @throws \Error * @throws \Twig_Error_Loader * @throws \Twig_Error_Runtime * @throws \Twig_Error_Syntax */ public static function errorResponse( string $errorMessage = '', int $statusCode = 500, array $headers = [] ): Response { return Discretion::view( 'error.twig', ['error' => $errorMessage], $headers + static::getDefaultHeaders(), $statusCode ); } /** * @return AntiCSRF */ public static function getAntiCSRF(): AntiCSRF { return self::$antiCSRF; } /** * @return CSPBuilder */ public static function getCSPBuilder(): CSPBuilder { return self::$cspBuilder; } /** * Get the EasyDB object (used for database queries) * * @return EasyDB */ public static function getDatabase(): EasyDB { return self::$easyDb; } /** * If we're using SQLite, we need a 1 or a 0. * Otherwise, TRUE/FALSE is fine. * * @param bool $value * @return bool|int|string */ public static function getDatabaseBoolean(bool $value) { if (self::$easyDb->getDriver() === 'sqlite') { return $value ? 1 : 0; } if (self::$easyDb->getDriver() === 'pgsql') { return $value ? 't' : 'f'; } return !empty($value); } /** * Default HTTP headers. Doesn't include the Content-Security-Policy header. * * @return array */ public static function getDefaultHeaders(): array { return [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff', 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block' ]; } /** * Get a variable's type. If it's an object, also get the class name. * * @param mixed $obj * @return string */ public static function getGenericType($obj = null) { if (\func_num_args() === 0) { return 'void'; } if ($obj === null) { return 'null'; } if (\is_object($obj)) { return static::decorateClassName(\get_class($obj)); } $type = \gettype($obj); switch ($type) { case 'boolean': return 'bool'; case 'double': return 'float'; case 'integer': return 'int'; default: return $type; } } /** * Get the local encryption key. * * @return HiddenString * @throws FilesystemException */ public static function getLocalEncryptionKey(): HiddenString { if (self::$localEncryptionKey) { return self::$localEncryptionKey; } // Load the signing key: $keyFile = \file_get_contents(DISCRETION_APP_ROOT . '/local/encryption.key'); if (!\is_string($keyFile)) { throw new FilesystemException('Could not load key file'); } self::$localEncryptionKey = new HiddenString( Base64UrlSafe::decode($keyFile) ); return self::$localEncryptionKey; } /** * @return Logger */ public static function getLogger(): Logger { return self::$logger; } /** * @return Sapient */ public static function getSapient(): Sapient { return new Sapient(new Slim()); } /** * This gets the server's signing key. * * We should audit all calls to this method. * * @return SigningSecretKey * @throws \Exception */ public static function getSecretKey(): SigningSecretKey { if (self::$signingKey) { return self::$signingKey; } // Load the signing key: $keyFile = \file_get_contents(DISCRETION_APP_ROOT . '/local/signing-secret.key'); if (!\is_string($keyFile)) { throw new FilesystemException('Could not load key file'); } self::$signingKey = new SigningSecretKey( Base64UrlSafe::decode($keyFile) ); return self::$signingKey; } /** * @return array */ public static function getSettings(): array { return self::$settings; } /** * @return \Twig_Environment */ public static function getTwig(): \Twig_Environment { return self::$twig; } /** * Returns a value stored in the twig variables cache, if it exists. * * @param string $key * @return mixed * @throws RecordNotFound */ public static function getTwigVar(string $key) { if (\array_key_exists($key, self::$twigVars)) { return self::$twigVars[$key]; } throw new RecordNotFound('Could not find twig variable'); } /** * Create a 301 redirect to a new destination. * * @param string $path * @param bool $allowRemote * @return Response */ public static function redirect( string $path, bool $allowRemote = false ): Response { $headers = static::getDefaultHeaders(); if (!$allowRemote && \strpos($path, '://') !== false) { // Fail closed: $path = '/'; } $headers['Location'] = $path; /** @var Response $response */ $response = self::$cspBuilder->injectCSPHeader( new Response( 301, new Headers($headers) ) ); return $response; } /** * @param string $message * @param array $context * @param int $level * @return void */ public static function securityLog(string $message, array $context = [], int $level = Logger::INFO) { if (self::$logger instanceof Logger) { /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedClass of Boolean, defined in Monolog\Logger */ self::$logger->log($level, $message, $context); } } /** * @param AntiCSRF $antiCSRF * @return AntiCSRF */ public static function setAntiCSRF(AntiCSRF $antiCSRF): AntiCSRF { self::$antiCSRF = $antiCSRF; return self::$antiCSRF; } /** * @param CSPBuilder $CSPBuilder * @return CSPBuilder */ public static function setCSPBuilder(CSPBuilder $CSPBuilder): CSPBuilder { self::$cspBuilder = $CSPBuilder; return self::$cspBuilder; } /** * Store the database object in the Chronicle class. * * @param EasyDB $db * @return EasyDB */ public static function setDatabase(EasyDB $db): EasyDB { self::$easyDb = $db; return self::$easyDb; } /** * @param Logger $logger * @return Logger */ public static function setMonolog(Logger $logger): Logger { self::$logger = $logger; return self::$logger; } /** * @param array $settings * @return array */ public static function setSettings(array $settings = []): array { self::$settings = $settings; return self::$settings; } /** * @param \Twig_Environment $twig * @return \Twig_Environment */ public static function setTwig(\Twig_Environment $twig): \Twig_Environment { self::$twig = $twig; return self::$twig; } /** * Set a twig variable. * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public static function setTwigVar(string $key, $value) { /** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */ self::$twigVars[$key] = $value; } /** * Quick shortcut method for generating an HTML response from a template. * * @param string $template * @param array $args * @param array $headers * @param int $status * @return Response * * @throws \Error * @throws \Twig_Error_Loader * @throws \Twig_Error_Runtime * @throws \Twig_Error_Syntax */ public static function view( string $template, array $args = [], array $headers = [], int $status = 200 ): Response { if (empty($headers)) { $headers = static::getDefaultHeaders(); } /** @var Response $response */ $response = self::$cspBuilder->injectCSPHeader( new Response( $status, new Headers($headers), (new Slim())->stringToStream( static::getTwig()->render( $template, $args + self::$twigVars ) ) ) ); return $response; } }