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File: sql/pgsql/install.sql

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File: sql/pgsql/install.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Discretion
Show contact forms and deliver encrypted mail
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 1,219 bytes



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CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discretion_users ( userid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT, pwhash TEXT, twofactor TEXT, email TEXT, fullname TEXT, chronicle TEXT, active BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, created TIMESTAMP, modified TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discretion_contacts ( contactid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, userid BIGINT REFERENCES discretion_users(userid), name TEXT, email TEXT, gpgfingerprint TEXT, -- GnuPG Public Key Fingerprint created TIMESTAMP, modified TIMESTAMP ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discretion_themes ( themeid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, public BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, userid BIGINT NULL REFERENCES discretion_users(userid), config JSONB ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discretion_forms ( formid BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, userid BIGINT REFERENCES discretion_users(userid), themeid BIGINT REFERENCES discretion_themes(themeid), publicid TEXT, config JSONB, created TIMESTAMP, modified TIMESTAMP ); INSERT INTO discretion_themes (name, config) VALUES ( 'Default Theme', '{"path": "default"}' );