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File: functions/functions.php

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  Classes of mohammad anzawi   Simple PHP Newsletter & Mailing System   functions/functions.php   Download  
File: functions/functions.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Simple PHP Newsletter & Mailing System
Send a newsletter to users stored in a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,250 bytes



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# this Project Created by Mohammad Anzawi #
# #
# This project is intended for beginners and learners #
# The main objective of this project is to see the way do something similar,#
# such as sending messages via e-mail, files Read the content and create #
# templates or other #
# and saved on the server within a specific folder. #
# Can anyone who want to modify or development (add some functions, styles),#
# and use it in his dite, or commercially. #
# #
# so if you have any question -> ask me on #
# or visit my blog on #

 * escape function accespted an array ($_POST, $_GET)
 * and use htmlspecialchars for all array elements
 * @param array $data
 * @return array
function escape($data = array()) {
// if $data isset
if(count($data)) {

// get $data array keys
$keysGet = array_keys($data);
         * @var integer $x count of $keysGet
$x = sizeof($keysGet);

// for loop to escape all values
for($i = 0; $i < $x; $i++) {
$data[$keysGet[$i]] = htmlspecialchars($data[$keysGet[$i]],

// return $data
return $data;

// create or update email templates
 * @param string $temp name of file
 * @param string $content the new content of template
 * @return boolean
function saveTemplates($temp = '', $content = '') {
$temp && $content) {
// create object from Template class
$tepmlate = new Template();
// call createOrUpdate method
        // this method on (ns/classes/Template)
$tepmlate->createOrUpdate($temp, $content);
