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File: classes/Sender.php

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  Classes of mohammad anzawi   Simple PHP Newsletter & Mailing System   classes/Sender.php   Download  
File: classes/Sender.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: Simple PHP Newsletter & Mailing System
Send a newsletter to users stored in a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 5,275 bytes



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# this Project Created by Mohammad Anzawi #
# #
# This project is intended for beginners and learners #
# The main objective of this project is to see the way do something similar,#
# such as sending messages via e-mail, files Read the content and create #
# templates or other #
# and saved on the server within a specific folder. #
# Can anyone who want to modify or development (add some functions, styles),#
# and use it in his dite, or commercially. #
# #
# so if you have any question -> ask me on #
# or visit my blog on #

 * Sender
 * this class responsible for sending confirmation messages for subscribe
 * and notify admin about new subscriber
 * and send emails message for subscribers
 * @package newsletter
 * @author Mr Mohammad Anzawi
 * @copyright 2015
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @access public
class Sender extends Subscribe

// email header
    // to add html emails support
const HEAD = "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n Content-type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 \r\n From: <>";

     * @var array $_errors
$_errors = array();

     * Sender::__construct()
     * @return void
public function __construct() {
//$this->_db = DB::connect();

     * Sender::notifyAdminAboutNewsubscribe()
     * this function called when add new subscriber correctly
     * @param string $name username
     * @param string $email user email
     * @return void
private function notifyAdminAboutNewsubscribe($name, $email) {

// get notfy_admin.html teplate
$message = file_get_contents(ROOT . 'email_templates/notfy_admin.html');
// replace shortcode with information
$message = ShortCode::convert($message, $name, $email);
// send email
mail("", 'New subscriber in your Site', $message,

     * Sender::sendThanksTemplateAndActivationKey()
     * send confirmation messages for subscribe
     * @param string $name username
     * @param string $email user email
     * @return void
public function sendThanksTemplateAndActivationKey($name, $email) {
// create actibation key to user confirmation link
$activation_key = sha1(uniqid()) . time();

// get thanks.htmltemplate
$message = file_get_contents(ROOT . 'email_templates/thanks.html');
// replace shortcode with information
        // note -> when send $activation_key on link we concatenate with his email
        // look to (ns/activate.php) to see how we authenticate subscriber
        // and see (ns/email_templates/thanks.html) line 10 -> and replace (http://www.your_web_site) with your website url
$message = ShortCode::convert($message, $name, $email, $email.'9621545'.$activation_key);
// if send email add subscriber into table
if(mail($email, 'Thanks For subscribe With Us', $message, self::HEAD)) {

// subscriber information
$data = array(
'u_name' => $name, // name
'u_email' => $email, // email
'activation_key' => $activation_key // activation key
                    // u_id its auto increment
                    // active by default zero

// insert new subscriper
if($this->add($data)) {
// send email for admin
$this->notifyAdminAboutNewsubscribe($name, $email);

     * @param array $users
     * @param array $message -> $message['title'] and $message['content']
     * @return boolean true if send email correctly
public function sendNewsLitter($users = array(), $message = array()) {
count($users) && count($message)) {
$error = false;

//$users = implode(',', $users);
foreach($users as $user) {
$userInfo = $this->getAllSubscribers("WHERE u_id={$user}")[0];
$userE = $userInfo->u_email;
$userN = $userInfo->u_name;
$message['content'] = ShortCode::convert($message['content'], $userN, $userE);
mail($userE, $message['title'], $message['content'],
self::HEAD)) {
$error = true;
$error) {

    public function
getErrors() {
