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File: admin/editeUsers.php

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  Classes of mohammad anzawi   Simple PHP Newsletter & Mailing System   admin/editeUsers.php   Download  
File: admin/editeUsers.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Simple PHP Newsletter & Mailing System
Send a newsletter to users stored in a database
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,835 bytes



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# this Project Created by Mohammad Anzawi #
# #
# This project is intended for beginners and learners #
# The main objective of this project is to see the way do something similar,#
# such as sending messages via e-mail, files Read the content and create #
# templates or other #
# and saved on the server within a specific folder. #
# Can anyone who want to modify or development (add some functions, styles),#
# and use it in his dite, or commercially. #
# #
# so if you have any question -> ask me on #
# or visit my blog on #
// create object from Subscribe class
$subsc = new Subscribe();

 * I do not know what I am documenting this file
 * so if you have any question -> ask me on
 * or visit my blog on

if(isset($_GET['Activate'])) {
$get = escape($_GET);
// $subscriber = $subsc->getAllSubscribers("WHERE u_id={$get['activate']}");
$data = array(
'u_id' => $get['Activate'],
'u_active' => 1
$subsc->update($data)) {
    } else {
"Unable to Activate" . implode('<br>', $subsc->errors());
} elseif(isset(
$_GET['Deactivate'])) {
$get = escape($_GET);
$data = array(
'u_id' => $get['Deactivate'],
'u_active' => 0
$subsc->update($data)) {
    } else {
"Unable to Deactivate" . implode('<br>', $subsc->errors());
    td {
        padding: 10px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #333;
    Here You Can activate or deactivate Subscribers.
            <td>User Name</td>
            <td>User Email</td>

foreach($subsc->getAllSubscribers() as $subs) {
            <td><?php echo $subs->u_name; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $subs->u_email; ?></td>
            <td><a href="?page=editeUsers&<?php echo ($subs->u_active == 0 ? 'Activate=': 'Deactivate=') . $subs->u_id; ?>"><?php echo ($subs->u_active==0 ? 'Activate': 'Deactivate');?></a></td>