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File: example.php

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  Classes of Marko Schulz   Snapshot   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example Script
Class: Snapshot
Extract a snapshot image from a video
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 1,554 bytes



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// @example

// Define class settings
$cfg['snapshot'] = array(
'program' => '/usr/bin/mplayer',
'outdir' => '/tmp',
'progressive' => False,
'baseline' => True,
'optimize' => 100,
'smooth' => 0,
'quality' => 90,
'frames' => 5,
'delete' => False

// Path to the input file
(string) $file = "argonnerwald.flv";

// Load the Snapshot class
include_once( 'snapshot.class.php' );

try {

// Create the $img object
(object) $img = new Snapshot( $cfg['snapshot'] );

// Extract a jpeg image from defined video file
if ( $img->extract( $file ) ) {
        if (
is_file($img->getOutfile()) ) {
// If you have set the parameter delete to Fale, you have
            // to delete the extracted file manually with the remove() method.
echo $file." was successfuly extracted to <a href=\"file://".$img->getOutfile()."\">".$img->getOutfile()."</a><br/>\n";
        } else {
"Sorry, but I can't find any output file!";
    } else {
"Can't extract an image from the movie [".$file."]!";

// You also can stream the image (send image header)
    // if you set the second parameter to True
    //if ( !$img->extract( $file, True ) ) {
    // echo "Can't extract ".$file;
    // You can remove the outfile manullay if $delete is False
    //if ( $cfg['snapshot']['delete'] === False ) {
    // if ( !$img->remove($img->getOutfile()) )
    // die( "Can't delete the output file [".$img->getOutfile()."]!" );

} catch ( Exception $error ) {
"Error: ".$error->getMessage()."; on line ".$error->getLine()." in ".$error->getFile()."\n";
