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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/model.js

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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/model.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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define(function(require) { var formatUtil = require('./format'); var nubmerUtil = require('./number'); var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var AXIS_DIMS = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'angle']; var modelUtil = {}; /** * Create "each" method to iterate names. * * @pubilc * @param {Array.<string>} names * @param {Array.<string>=} attrs * @return {Function} */ modelUtil.createNameEach = function (names, attrs) { names = names.slice(); var capitalNames =, modelUtil.capitalFirst); attrs = (attrs || []).slice(); var capitalAttrs =, modelUtil.capitalFirst); return function (callback, context) { zrUtil.each(names, function (name, index) { var nameObj = {name: name, capital: capitalNames[index]}; for (var j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++) { nameObj[attrs[j]] = name + capitalAttrs[j]; }, nameObj); }); }; }; /** * @public */ modelUtil.capitalFirst = function (str) { return str ? str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1) : str; }; /** * Iterate each dimension name. * * @public * @param {Function} callback The parameter is like: * { * name: 'angle', * capital: 'Angle', * axis: 'angleAxis', * axisIndex: 'angleAixs', * index: 'angleIndex' * } * @param {Object} context */ modelUtil.eachAxisDim = modelUtil.createNameEach(AXIS_DIMS, ['axisIndex', 'axis', 'index']); /** * If value is not array, then translate it to array. * @param {*} value * @return {Array} [value] or value */ modelUtil.normalizeToArray = function (value) { return zrUtil.isArray(value) ? value : value == null ? [] : [value]; }; /** * If tow dataZoomModels has the same axis controlled, we say that they are 'linked'. * dataZoomModels and 'links' make up one or more graphics. * This function finds the graphic where the source dataZoomModel is in. * * @public * @param {Function} forEachNode Node iterator. * @param {Function} forEachEdgeType edgeType iterator * @param {Function} edgeIdGetter Giving node and edgeType, return an array of edge id. * @return {Function} Input: sourceNode, Output: Like {nodes: [], dims: {}} */ modelUtil.createLinkedNodesFinder = function (forEachNode, forEachEdgeType, edgeIdGetter) { return function (sourceNode) { var result = { nodes: [], records: {} // key:, value: Object (key: edge id, value: boolean). }; forEachEdgeType(function (edgeType) { result.records[] = {}; }); if (!sourceNode) { return result; } absorb(sourceNode, result); var existsLink; do { existsLink = false; forEachNode(processSingleNode); } while (existsLink); function processSingleNode(node) { if (!isNodeAbsorded(node, result) && isLinked(node, result)) { absorb(node, result); existsLink = true; } } return result; }; function isNodeAbsorded(node, result) { return zrUtil.indexOf(result.nodes, node) >= 0; } function isLinked(node, result) { var hasLink = false; forEachEdgeType(function (edgeType) { zrUtil.each(edgeIdGetter(node, edgeType) || [], function (edgeId) { result.records[][edgeId] && (hasLink = true); }); }); return hasLink; } function absorb(node, result) { result.nodes.push(node); forEachEdgeType(function (edgeType) { zrUtil.each(edgeIdGetter(node, edgeType) || [], function (edgeId) { result.records[][edgeId] = true; }); }); } }; /** * Sync default option between normal and emphasis like `position` and `show` * In case some one will write code like * label: { * normal: { * show: false, * position: 'outside', * textStyle: { * fontSize: 18 * } * }, * emphasis: { * show: true * } * } * @param {Object} opt * @param {Array.<string>} subOpts */ modelUtil.defaultEmphasis = function (opt, subOpts) { if (opt) { var emphasisOpt = opt.emphasis = opt.emphasis || {}; var normalOpt = opt.normal = opt.normal || {}; // Default emphasis option from normal zrUtil.each(subOpts, function (subOptName) { var val = zrUtil.retrieve(emphasisOpt[subOptName], normalOpt[subOptName]); if (val != null) { emphasisOpt[subOptName] = val; } }); } }; modelUtil.LABEL_OPTIONS = ['position', 'show', 'textStyle', 'distance', 'formatter']; /** * data could be [12, 2323, {value: 223}, [1221, 23], {value: [2, 23]}] * This helper method retieves value from data. * @param {string|number|Date|Array|Object} dataItem * @return {number|string|Date|Array.<number|string|Date>} */ modelUtil.getDataItemValue = function (dataItem) { // Performance sensitive. return dataItem && (dataItem.value == null ? dataItem : dataItem.value); }; /** * This helper method convert value in data. * @param {string|number|Date} value * @param {Object|string} [dimInfo] If string (like 'x'), dimType defaults 'number'. */ modelUtil.converDataValue = function (value, dimInfo) { // Performance sensitive. var dimType = dimInfo && dimInfo.type; if (dimType === 'ordinal') { return value; } if (dimType === 'time' && !isFinite(value) && value != null && value !== '-') { value = +nubmerUtil.parseDate(value); } // dimType defaults 'number'. // If dimType is not ordinal and value is null or undefined or NaN or '-', // parse to NaN. return (value == null || value === '') ? NaN : +value; // If string (like '-'), using '+' parse to NaN }; modelUtil.dataFormatMixin = { /** * Get params for formatter * @param {number} dataIndex * @param {string} [dataType] * @return {Object} */ getDataParams: function (dataIndex, dataType) { var data = this.getData(dataType); var seriesIndex = this.seriesIndex; var seriesName =; var rawValue = this.getRawValue(dataIndex, dataType); var rawDataIndex = data.getRawIndex(dataIndex); var name = data.getName(dataIndex, true); var itemOpt = data.getRawDataItem(dataIndex); return { componentType: this.mainType, componentSubType: this.subType, seriesType: this.mainType === 'series' ? this.subType : null, seriesIndex: seriesIndex, seriesName: seriesName, name: name, dataIndex: rawDataIndex, data: itemOpt, dataType: dataType, value: rawValue, color: data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'color'), // Param name list for mapping `a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e` $vars: ['seriesName', 'name', 'value'] }; }, /** * Format label * @param {number} dataIndex * @param {string} [status='normal'] 'normal' or 'emphasis' * @param {string} [dataType] * @param {number} [dimIndex] * @return {string} */ getFormattedLabel: function (dataIndex, status, dataType, dimIndex) { status = status || 'normal'; var data = this.getData(dataType); var itemModel = data.getItemModel(dataIndex); var params = this.getDataParams(dataIndex, dataType); if (dimIndex != null && zrUtil.isArray(params.value)) { params.value = params.value[dimIndex]; } var formatter = itemModel.get(['label', status, 'formatter']); if (typeof formatter === 'function') { params.status = status; return formatter(params); } else if (typeof formatter === 'string') { return formatUtil.formatTpl(formatter, params); } }, /** * Get raw value in option * @param {number} idx * @param {string} [dataType] * @return {Object} */ getRawValue: function (idx, dataType) { var data = this.getData(dataType); var dataItem = data.getRawDataItem(idx); if (dataItem != null) { return (zrUtil.isObject(dataItem) && !zrUtil.isArray(dataItem)) ? dataItem.value : dataItem; } }, /** * Should be implemented. * @param {number} dataIndex * @param {boolean} [multipleSeries=false] * @param {number} [dataType] * @return {string} tooltip string */ formatTooltip: zrUtil.noop }; /** * Mapping to exists for merge. * * @public * @param {Array.<Object>|Array.<module:echarts/model/Component>} exists * @param {Object|Array.<Object>} newCptOptions * @return {Array.<Object>} Result, like [{exist: ..., option: ...}, {}], * which order is the same as exists. */ modelUtil.mappingToExists = function (exists, newCptOptions) { // Mapping by the order by original option (but not order of // new option) in merge mode. Because we should ensure // some specified index (like xAxisIndex) is consistent with // original option, which is easy to understand, espatially in // media query. And in most case, merge option is used to // update partial option but not be expected to change order. newCptOptions = (newCptOptions || []).slice(); var result = || [], function (obj, index) { return {exist: obj}; }); // Mapping by id or name if specified. zrUtil.each(newCptOptions, function (cptOption, index) { if (!zrUtil.isObject(cptOption)) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var exist = result[i].exist; if (!result[i].option // Consider name: two map to one. && ( // id has highest priority. ( != null && === + '') || ( != null && !modelUtil.isIdInner(cptOption) && !modelUtil.isIdInner(exist) && === + '' ) ) ) { result[i].option = cptOption; newCptOptions[index] = null; break; } } }); // Otherwise mapping by index. zrUtil.each(newCptOptions, function (cptOption, index) { if (!zrUtil.isObject(cptOption)) { return; } var i = 0; for (; i < result.length; i++) { var exist = result[i].exist; if (!result[i].option && !modelUtil.isIdInner(exist) // Caution: // Do not overwrite id. But name can be overwritten, // because axis use name as 'show label text'. // 'exist' always has id and name and we dont // need to check it. && == null ) { result[i].option = cptOption; break; } } if (i >= result.length) { result.push({option: cptOption}); } }); return result; }; /** * @public * @param {Object} cptOption * @return {boolean} */ modelUtil.isIdInner = function (cptOption) { return zrUtil.isObject(cptOption) && && ( + '').indexOf('\0_ec_\0') === 0; }; return modelUtil; });