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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/component.js

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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/echarts/src/util/component.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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define(function(require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var clazz = require('./clazz'); var parseClassType = clazz.parseClassType; var base = 0; var componentUtil = {}; var DELIMITER = '_'; /** * @public * @param {string} type * @return {string} */ componentUtil.getUID = function (type) { // Considering the case of crossing js context, // use Math.random to make id as unique as possible. return [(type || ''), base++, Math.random()].join(DELIMITER); }; /** * @inner */ componentUtil.enableSubTypeDefaulter = function (entity) { var subTypeDefaulters = {}; entity.registerSubTypeDefaulter = function (componentType, defaulter) { componentType = parseClassType(componentType); subTypeDefaulters[componentType.main] = defaulter; }; entity.determineSubType = function (componentType, option) { var type = option.type; if (!type) { var componentTypeMain = parseClassType(componentType).main; if (entity.hasSubTypes(componentType) && subTypeDefaulters[componentTypeMain]) { type = subTypeDefaulters[componentTypeMain](option); } } return type; }; return entity; }; /** * Topological travel on Activity Network (Activity On Vertices). * Dependencies is defined in Model.prototype.dependencies, like ['xAxis', 'yAxis']. * * If 'xAxis' or 'yAxis' is absent in componentTypeList, just ignore it in topology. * * If there is circle dependencey, Error will be thrown. * */ componentUtil.enableTopologicalTravel = function (entity, dependencyGetter) { /** * @public * @param {Array.<string>} targetNameList Target Component type list. * Can be ['aa', 'bb', 'aa.xx'] * @param {Array.<string>} fullNameList By which we can build dependency graph. * @param {Function} callback Params: componentType, dependencies. * @param {Object} context Scope of callback. */ entity.topologicalTravel = function (targetNameList, fullNameList, callback, context) { if (!targetNameList.length) { return; } var result = makeDepndencyGraph(fullNameList); var graph = result.graph; var stack = result.noEntryList; var targetNameSet = {}; zrUtil.each(targetNameList, function (name) { targetNameSet[name] = true; }); while (stack.length) { var currComponentType = stack.pop(); var currVertex = graph[currComponentType]; var isInTargetNameSet = !!targetNameSet[currComponentType]; if (isInTargetNameSet) {, currComponentType, currVertex.originalDeps.slice()); delete targetNameSet[currComponentType]; } zrUtil.each( currVertex.successor, isInTargetNameSet ? removeEdgeAndAdd : removeEdge ); } zrUtil.each(targetNameSet, function () { throw new Error('Circle dependency may exists'); }); function removeEdge(succComponentType) { graph[succComponentType].entryCount--; if (graph[succComponentType].entryCount === 0) { stack.push(succComponentType); } } // Consider this case: legend depends on series, and we call // chart.setOption({series: [...]}), where only series is in option. // If we do not have 'removeEdgeAndAdd', legendModel.mergeOption will // not be called, but only sereis.mergeOption is called. Thus legend // have no chance to update its local record about series (like which // name of series is available in legend). function removeEdgeAndAdd(succComponentType) { targetNameSet[succComponentType] = true; removeEdge(succComponentType); } }; /** * DepndencyGraph: {Object} * key: conponentType, * value: { * successor: [conponentTypes...], * originalDeps: [conponentTypes...], * entryCount: {number} * } */ function makeDepndencyGraph(fullNameList) { var graph = {}; var noEntryList = []; zrUtil.each(fullNameList, function (name) { var thisItem = createDependencyGraphItem(graph, name); var originalDeps = thisItem.originalDeps = dependencyGetter(name); var availableDeps = getAvailableDependencies(originalDeps, fullNameList); thisItem.entryCount = availableDeps.length; if (thisItem.entryCount === 0) { noEntryList.push(name); } zrUtil.each(availableDeps, function (dependentName) { if (zrUtil.indexOf(thisItem.predecessor, dependentName) < 0) { thisItem.predecessor.push(dependentName); } var thatItem = createDependencyGraphItem(graph, dependentName); if (zrUtil.indexOf(thatItem.successor, dependentName) < 0) { thatItem.successor.push(name); } }); }); return {graph: graph, noEntryList: noEntryList}; } function createDependencyGraphItem(graph, name) { if (!graph[name]) { graph[name] = {predecessor: [], successor: []}; } return graph[name]; } function getAvailableDependencies(originalDeps, fullNameList) { var availableDeps = []; zrUtil.each(originalDeps, function (dep) { zrUtil.indexOf(fullNameList, dep) >= 0 && availableDeps.push(dep); }); return availableDeps; } }; return componentUtil; });