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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/jquery-sparkline/src/chart-box.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/gentelella/vendors/jquery-sparkline/src/chart-box.js   Download  
File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/jquery-sparkline/src/chart-box.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
Render templates using Bootstrap for presentation
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 8,120 bytes



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/** * Box plots */ $ = box = createClass($.fn.sparkline._base, { type: 'box', init: function (el, values, options, width, height) {, el, values, options, width, height); this.values = $.map(values, Number); this.width = options.get('width') === 'auto' ? '4.0em' : width; this.initTarget(); if (!this.values.length) { this.disabled = 1; } }, /** * Simulate a single region */ getRegion: function () { return 1; }, getCurrentRegionFields: function () { var result = [ { field: 'lq', value: this.quartiles[0] }, { field: 'med', value: this.quartiles[1] }, { field: 'uq', value: this.quartiles[2] } ]; if (this.loutlier !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'lo', value: this.loutlier}); } if (this.routlier !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'ro', value: this.routlier}); } if (this.lwhisker !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'lw', value: this.lwhisker}); } if (this.rwhisker !== undefined) { result.push({ field: 'rw', value: this.rwhisker}); } return result; }, render: function () { var target =, values = this.values, vlen = values.length, options = this.options, canvasWidth = this.canvasWidth, canvasHeight = this.canvasHeight, minValue = options.get('chartRangeMin') === undefined ? Math.min.apply(Math, values) : options.get('chartRangeMin'), maxValue = options.get('chartRangeMax') === undefined ? Math.max.apply(Math, values) : options.get('chartRangeMax'), canvasLeft = 0, lwhisker, loutlier, iqr, q1, q2, q3, rwhisker, routlier, i, size, unitSize; if (! { return; } if (options.get('raw')) { if (options.get('showOutliers') && values.length > 5) { loutlier = values[0]; lwhisker = values[1]; q1 = values[2]; q2 = values[3]; q3 = values[4]; rwhisker = values[5]; routlier = values[6]; } else { lwhisker = values[0]; q1 = values[1]; q2 = values[2]; q3 = values[3]; rwhisker = values[4]; } } else { values.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); q1 = quartile(values, 1); q2 = quartile(values, 2); q3 = quartile(values, 3); iqr = q3 - q1; if (options.get('showOutliers')) { lwhisker = rwhisker = undefined; for (i = 0; i < vlen; i++) { if (lwhisker === undefined && values[i] > q1 - (iqr * options.get('outlierIQR'))) { lwhisker = values[i]; } if (values[i] < q3 + (iqr * options.get('outlierIQR'))) { rwhisker = values[i]; } } loutlier = values[0]; routlier = values[vlen - 1]; } else { lwhisker = values[0]; rwhisker = values[vlen - 1]; } } this.quartiles = [q1, q2, q3]; this.lwhisker = lwhisker; this.rwhisker = rwhisker; this.loutlier = loutlier; this.routlier = routlier; unitSize = canvasWidth / (maxValue - minValue + 1); if (options.get('showOutliers')) { canvasLeft = Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius')); canvasWidth -= 2 * Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius')); unitSize = canvasWidth / (maxValue - minValue + 1); if (loutlier < lwhisker) { target.drawCircle((loutlier - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft, canvasHeight / 2, options.get('spotRadius'), options.get('outlierLineColor'), options.get('outlierFillColor')).append(); } if (routlier > rwhisker) { target.drawCircle((routlier - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft, canvasHeight / 2, options.get('spotRadius'), options.get('outlierLineColor'), options.get('outlierFillColor')).append(); } } // box target.drawRect( Math.round((q1 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.1), Math.round((q3 - q1) * unitSize), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.8), options.get('boxLineColor'), options.get('boxFillColor')).append(); // left whisker target.drawLine( Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), Math.round((q1 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), options.get('lineColor')).append(); target.drawLine( Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 4), Math.round((lwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight - canvasHeight / 4), options.get('whiskerColor')).append(); // right whisker target.drawLine(Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), Math.round((q3 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), options.get('lineColor')).append(); target.drawLine( Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight / 4), Math.round((rwhisker - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight - canvasHeight / 4), options.get('whiskerColor')).append(); // median line target.drawLine( Math.round((q2 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.1), Math.round((q2 - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round(canvasHeight * 0.9), options.get('medianColor')).append(); if (options.get('target')) { size = Math.ceil(options.get('spotRadius')); target.drawLine( Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round((canvasHeight / 2) - size), Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft), Math.round((canvasHeight / 2) + size), options.get('targetColor')).append(); target.drawLine( Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft - size), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), Math.round((options.get('target') - minValue) * unitSize + canvasLeft + size), Math.round(canvasHeight / 2), options.get('targetColor')).append(); } target.render(); } });