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File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/google-code-prettify/src/lang-hs.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/gentelella/vendors/google-code-prettify/src/lang-hs.js   Download  
File: vendors/gentelella/vendors/google-code-prettify/src/lang-hs.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 4,649 bytes



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// Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview * Registers a language handler for Haskell. * * * To use, include prettify.js and this file in your HTML page. * Then put your code in an HTML tag like * <pre class="prettyprint lang-hs">(my lisp code)</pre> * The lang-cl class identifies the language as common lisp. * This file supports the following language extensions: * lang-cl - Common Lisp * lang-el - Emacs Lisp * lang-lisp - Lisp * lang-scm - Scheme * * * I used * as the basis, but ignore the way the ncomment production nests since this * makes the lexical grammar irregular. It might be possible to support * ncomments using the lookbehind filter. * * * @author */ PR['registerLangHandler']( PR['createSimpleLexer']( [ // Whitespace // whitechar -> newline | vertab | space | tab | uniWhite // newline -> return linefeed | return | linefeed | formfeed [PR['PR_PLAIN'], /^[\t\n\x0B\x0C\r ]+/, null, '\t\n\x0B\x0C\r '], // Single line double and single-quoted strings. // char -> ' (graphic<' | \> | space | escape<\&>) ' // string -> " {graphic<" | \> | space | escape | gap}" // escape -> \ ( charesc | ascii | decimal | o octal // | x hexadecimal ) // charesc -> a | b | f | n | r | t | v | \ | " | ' | & [PR['PR_STRING'], /^\"(?:[^\"\\\n\x0C\r]|\\[\s\S])*(?:\"|$)/, null, '"'], [PR['PR_STRING'], /^\'(?:[^\'\\\n\x0C\r]|\\[^&])\'?/, null, "'"], // decimal -> digit{digit} // octal -> octit{octit} // hexadecimal -> hexit{hexit} // integer -> decimal // | 0o octal | 0O octal // | 0x hexadecimal | 0X hexadecimal // float -> decimal . decimal [exponent] // | decimal exponent // exponent -> (e | E) [+ | -] decimal [PR['PR_LITERAL'], /^(?:0o[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+\-]?\d+)?)/i, null, '0123456789'] ], [ // Haskell does not have a regular lexical grammar due to the nested // ncomment. // comment -> dashes [ any<symbol> {any}] newline // ncomment -> opencom ANYseq {ncomment ANYseq}closecom // dashes -> '--' {'-'} // opencom -> '{-' // closecom -> '-}' [PR['PR_COMMENT'], /^(?:(?:--+(?:[^\r\n\x0C]*)?)|(?:\{-(?:[^-]|-+[^-\}])*-\}))/], // reservedid -> case | class | data | default | deriving | do // | else | if | import | in | infix | infixl | infixr // | instance | let | module | newtype | of | then // | type | where | _ [PR['PR_KEYWORD'], /^(?:case|class|data|default|deriving|do|else|if|import|in|infix|infixl|infixr|instance|let|module|newtype|of|then|type|where|_)(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9\']|$)/, null], // qvarid -> [ modid . ] varid // qconid -> [ modid . ] conid // varid -> (small {small | large | digit | ' })<reservedid> // conid -> large {small | large | digit | ' } // modid -> conid // small -> ascSmall | uniSmall | _ // ascSmall -> a | b | ... | z // uniSmall -> any Unicode lowercase letter // large -> ascLarge | uniLarge // ascLarge -> A | B | ... | Z // uniLarge -> any uppercase or titlecase Unicode letter [PR['PR_PLAIN'], /^(?:[A-Z][\w\']*\.)*[a-zA-Z][\w\']*/], // matches the symbol production [PR['PR_PUNCTUATION'], /^[^\t\n\x0B\x0C\r a-zA-Z0-9\'\"]+/] ]), ['hs']);