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File: vendors/echarts/src/component/tooltip/TooltipContent.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/echarts/src/component/tooltip/TooltipContent.js   Download  
File: vendors/echarts/src/component/tooltip/TooltipContent.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
Render templates using Bootstrap for presentation
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 8,034 bytes



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/** * @module echarts/component/tooltip/TooltipContent */ define(function (require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var zrColor = require('zrender/tool/color'); var eventUtil = require('zrender/core/event'); var formatUtil = require('../../util/format'); var each = zrUtil.each; var toCamelCase = formatUtil.toCamelCase; var env = require('zrender/core/env'); var vendors = ['', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-']; var gCssText = 'position:absolute;display:block;border-style:solid;white-space:nowrap;z-index:9999999;'; /** * @param {number} duration * @return {string} * @inner */ function assembleTransition(duration) { var transitionCurve = 'cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)'; var transitionText = 'left ' + duration + 's ' + transitionCurve + ',' + 'top ' + duration + 's ' + transitionCurve; return, function (vendorPrefix) { return vendorPrefix + 'transition:' + transitionText; }).join(';'); } /** * @param {Object} textStyle * @return {string} * @inner */ function assembleFont(textStyleModel) { var cssText = []; var fontSize = textStyleModel.get('fontSize'); var color = textStyleModel.getTextColor(); color && cssText.push('color:' + color); cssText.push('font:' + textStyleModel.getFont()); fontSize && cssText.push('line-height:' + Math.round(fontSize * 3 / 2) + 'px'); each(['decoration', 'align'], function (name) { var val = textStyleModel.get(name); val && cssText.push('text-' + name + ':' + val); }); return cssText.join(';'); } /** * @param {Object} tooltipModel * @return {string} * @inner */ function assembleCssText(tooltipModel) { tooltipModel = tooltipModel; var cssText = []; var transitionDuration = tooltipModel.get('transitionDuration'); var backgroundColor = tooltipModel.get('backgroundColor'); var textStyleModel = tooltipModel.getModel('textStyle'); var padding = tooltipModel.get('padding'); // Animation transition transitionDuration && cssText.push(assembleTransition(transitionDuration)); if (backgroundColor) { if (env.canvasSupported) { cssText.push('background-Color:' + backgroundColor); } else { // for ie cssText.push( 'background-Color:#' + zrColor.toHex(backgroundColor) ); cssText.push('filter:alpha(opacity=70)'); } } // Border style each(['width', 'color', 'radius'], function (name) { var borderName = 'border-' + name; var camelCase = toCamelCase(borderName); var val = tooltipModel.get(camelCase); val != null && cssText.push(borderName + ':' + val + (name === 'color' ? '' : 'px')); }); // Text style cssText.push(assembleFont(textStyleModel)); // Padding if (padding != null) { cssText.push('padding:' + formatUtil.normalizeCssArray(padding).join('px ') + 'px'); } return cssText.join(';') + ';'; } /** * @alias module:echarts/component/tooltip/TooltipContent * @constructor */ function TooltipContent(container, api) { var el = document.createElement('div'); var zr = api.getZr(); this.el = el; this._x = api.getWidth() / 2; this._y = api.getHeight() / 2; container.appendChild(el); this._container = container; this._show = false; /** * @private */ this._hideTimeout; var self = this; el.onmouseenter = function () { // clear the timeout in hideLater and keep showing tooltip if (self.enterable) { clearTimeout(self._hideTimeout); self._show = true; } self._inContent = true; }; el.onmousemove = function (e) { if (!self.enterable) { // Try trigger zrender event to avoid mouse // in and out shape too frequently var handler = zr.handler; eventUtil.normalizeEvent(container, e); handler.dispatch('mousemove', e); } }; el.onmouseleave = function () { if (self.enterable) { if (self._show) { self.hideLater(self._hideDelay); } } self._inContent = false; }; compromiseMobile(el, container); } function compromiseMobile(tooltipContentEl, container) { // Prevent default behavior on mobile. For example, // default pinch gesture will cause browser zoom. // We do not preventing event on tooltip contnet el, // because user may need customization in tooltip el. eventUtil.addEventListener(container, 'touchstart', preventDefault); eventUtil.addEventListener(container, 'touchmove', preventDefault); eventUtil.addEventListener(container, 'touchend', preventDefault); function preventDefault(e) { if (contains( { e.preventDefault(); } } function contains(targetEl) { while (targetEl && targetEl !== container) { if (targetEl === tooltipContentEl) { return true; } targetEl = targetEl.parentNode; } } } TooltipContent.prototype = { constructor: TooltipContent, enterable: true, /** * Update when tooltip is rendered */ update: function () { var container = this._container; var stl = container.currentStyle || document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(container); var domStyle =; if (domStyle.position !== 'absolute' && stl.position !== 'absolute') { domStyle.position = 'relative'; } // Hide the tooltip // PENDING // this.hide(); }, show: function (tooltipModel) { clearTimeout(this._hideTimeout); = gCssText + assembleCssText(tooltipModel) // + ';left:' + this._x + 'px;top:' + this._y + 'px;' + (tooltipModel.get('extraCssText') || ''); this._show = true; }, setContent: function (content) { var el = this.el; el.innerHTML = content; = content ? 'block' : 'none'; }, moveTo: function (x, y) { var style =; style.left = x + 'px'; = y + 'px'; this._x = x; this._y = y; }, hide: function () { = 'none'; this._show = false; }, // showLater: function () hideLater: function (time) { if (this._show && !(this._inContent && this.enterable)) { if (time) { this._hideDelay = time; // Set show false to avoid invoke hideLater mutiple times this._show = false; this._hideTimeout = setTimeout(zrUtil.bind(this.hide, this), time); } else { this.hide(); } } }, isShow: function () { return this._show; } }; return TooltipContent; });