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File: vendors/echarts/src/component/dataZoom/roams.js

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File: vendors/echarts/src/component/dataZoom/roams.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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/** * @file Roam controller manager. */ define(function(require) { // Only create one roam controller for each coordinate system. // one roam controller might be refered by two inside data zoom // components (for example, one for x and one for y). When user // pan or zoom, only dispatch one action for those data zoom // components. var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var RoamController = require('../../component/helper/RoamController'); var throttle = require('../../util/throttle'); var curry = zrUtil.curry; var ATTR = '\0_ec_dataZoom_roams'; var roams = { /** * @public * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {Object} dataZoomInfo * @param {string} dataZoomInfo.coordId * @param {Object} dataZoomInfo.coordinateSystem * @param {Array.<string>} dataZoomInfo.allCoordIds * @param {string} dataZoomInfo.dataZoomId * @param {number} dataZoomInfo.throttleRate * @param {Function} dataZoomInfo.panGetRange * @param {Function} dataZoomInfo.zoomGetRange */ register: function (api, dataZoomInfo) { var store = giveStore(api); var theDataZoomId = dataZoomInfo.dataZoomId; var theCoordId = dataZoomInfo.coordId; // Do clean when a dataZoom changes its target coordnate system. zrUtil.each(store, function (record, coordId) { var dataZoomInfos = record.dataZoomInfos; if (dataZoomInfos[theDataZoomId] && zrUtil.indexOf(dataZoomInfo.allCoordIds, theCoordId) < 0 ) { delete dataZoomInfos[theDataZoomId]; record.count--; } }); cleanStore(store); var record = store[theCoordId]; // Create if needed. if (!record) { record = store[theCoordId] = { coordId: theCoordId, dataZoomInfos: {}, count: 0 }; record.controller = createController(api, dataZoomInfo, record); record.dispatchAction = zrUtil.curry(dispatchAction, api); } // Consider resize, area should be always updated. var rect = dataZoomInfo.coordinateSystem.getRect().clone(); record.controller.rectProvider = function () { return rect; }; // Update throttle. throttle.createOrUpdate( record, 'dispatchAction', dataZoomInfo.throttleRate, 'fixRate' ); // Update reference of dataZoom. !(record.dataZoomInfos[theDataZoomId]) && record.count++; record.dataZoomInfos[theDataZoomId] = dataZoomInfo; }, /** * @public * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {string} dataZoomId */ unregister: function (api, dataZoomId) { var store = giveStore(api); zrUtil.each(store, function (record) { var dataZoomInfos = record.dataZoomInfos; if (dataZoomInfos[dataZoomId]) { delete dataZoomInfos[dataZoomId]; record.count--; } }); cleanStore(store); }, /** * @public */ shouldRecordRange: function (payload, dataZoomId) { if (payload && payload.type === 'dataZoom' && payload.batch) { for (var i = 0, len = payload.batch.length; i < len; i++) { if (payload.batch[i].dataZoomId === dataZoomId) { return false; } } } return true; }, /** * @public */ generateCoordId: function (coordModel) { return coordModel.type + '\0_' +; } }; /** * Key: coordId, value: {dataZoomInfos: [], count, controller} * @type {Array.<Object>} */ function giveStore(api) { // Mount store on zrender instance, so that we do not // need to worry about dispose. var zr = api.getZr(); return zr[ATTR] || (zr[ATTR] = {}); } function createController(api, dataZoomInfo, newRecord) { var controller = new RoamController(api.getZr()); controller.enable(); controller.on('pan', curry(onPan, newRecord)); controller.on('zoom', curry(onZoom, newRecord)); return controller; } function cleanStore(store) { zrUtil.each(store, function (record, coordId) { if (!record.count) {'pan').off('zoom'); delete store[coordId]; } }); } function onPan(record, dx, dy) { wrapAndDispatch(record, function (info) { return info.panGetRange(record.controller, dx, dy); }); } function onZoom(record, scale, mouseX, mouseY) { wrapAndDispatch(record, function (info) { return info.zoomGetRange(record.controller, scale, mouseX, mouseY); }); } function wrapAndDispatch(record, getRange) { var batch = []; zrUtil.each(record.dataZoomInfos, function (info) { var range = getRange(info); range && batch.push({ dataZoomId: info.dataZoomId, start: range[0], end: range[1] }); }); record.dispatchAction(batch); } /** * This action will be throttled. */ function dispatchAction(api, batch) { api.dispatchAction({ type: 'dataZoom', batch: batch }); } return roams; });