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File: vendors/echarts/src/component/axis/SingleAxisView.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/echarts/src/component/axis/SingleAxisView.js   Download  
File: vendors/echarts/src/component/axis/SingleAxisView.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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define(function (require) { var AxisBuilder = require('./AxisBuilder'); var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var graphic = require('../../util/graphic'); var getInterval = AxisBuilder.getInterval; var ifIgnoreOnTick = AxisBuilder.ifIgnoreOnTick; var axisBuilderAttrs = [ 'axisLine', 'axisLabel', 'axisTick', 'axisName' ]; var selfBuilderAttr = 'splitLine'; var AxisView = require('../../echarts').extendComponentView({ type: 'singleAxis', render: function (axisModel, ecModel) { var group =; group.removeAll(); var layout = axisLayout(axisModel); var axisBuilder = new AxisBuilder(axisModel, layout); zrUtil.each(axisBuilderAttrs, axisBuilder.add, axisBuilder); group.add(axisBuilder.getGroup()); if (axisModel.get(selfBuilderAttr + '.show')) { this['_' + selfBuilderAttr](axisModel, layout.labelInterval); } }, _splitLine: function(axisModel, labelInterval) { var axis = axisModel.axis; var splitLineModel = axisModel.getModel('splitLine'); var lineStyleModel = splitLineModel.getModel('lineStyle'); var lineWidth = lineStyleModel.get('width'); var lineColors = lineStyleModel.get('color'); var lineInterval = getInterval(splitLineModel, labelInterval); lineColors = lineColors instanceof Array ? lineColors : [lineColors]; var gridRect = axisModel.coordinateSystem.getRect(); var isHorizontal = axis.isHorizontal(); var splitLines = []; var lineCount = 0; var ticksCoords = axis.getTicksCoords(); var p1 = []; var p2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < ticksCoords.length; ++i) { if (ifIgnoreOnTick(axis, i, lineInterval)) { continue; } var tickCoord = axis.toGlobalCoord(ticksCoords[i]); if (isHorizontal) { p1[0] = tickCoord; p1[1] = gridRect.y; p2[0] = tickCoord; p2[1] = gridRect.y + gridRect.height; } else { p1[0] = gridRect.x; p1[1] = tickCoord; p2[0] = gridRect.x + gridRect.width; p2[1] = tickCoord; } var colorIndex = (lineCount++) % lineColors.length; splitLines[colorIndex] = splitLines[colorIndex] || []; splitLines[colorIndex].push(new graphic.Line( graphic.subPixelOptimizeLine({ shape: { x1: p1[0], y1: p1[1], x2: p2[0], y2: p2[1] }, style: { lineWidth: lineWidth }, silent: true }))); } for (var i = 0; i < splitLines.length; ++i) {[i], { style: { stroke: lineColors[i % lineColors.length], lineDash: lineStyleModel.getLineDash(), lineWidth: lineWidth }, silent: true })); } } }); function axisLayout(axisModel) { var single = axisModel.coordinateSystem; var axis = axisModel.axis; var layout = {}; var axisPosition = axis.position; var orient = axis.orient; var rect = single.getRect(); var rectBound = [rect.x, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y, rect.y + rect.height]; var positionMap = { horizontal: {top: rectBound[2], bottom: rectBound[3]}, vertical: {left: rectBound[0], right: rectBound[1]} }; layout.position = [ orient === 'vertical' ? positionMap.vertical[axisPosition] : rectBound[0], orient === 'horizontal' ? positionMap.horizontal[axisPosition] : rectBound[3] ]; var r = {horizontal: 0, vertical: 1}; layout.rotation = Math.PI / 2 * r[orient]; var directionMap = {top: -1, bottom: 1, right: 1, left: -1}; layout.labelDirection = layout.tickDirection = layout.nameDirection = directionMap[axisPosition]; if (axisModel.getModel('axisTick').get('inside')) { layout.tickDirection = -layout.tickDirection; } if (axisModel.getModel('axisLabel').get('inside')) { layout.labelDirection = -layout.labelDirection; } var labelRotation = axisModel.getModel('axisLabel').get('rotate'); layout.labelRotation = axisPosition === 'top' ? -labelRotation : labelRotation; layout.labelInterval = axis.getLabelInterval(); layout.z2 = 1; return layout; } return AxisView; });