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File: vendors/echarts/src/component/axis/AxisBuilder.js

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File: vendors/echarts/src/component/axis/AxisBuilder.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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define(function (require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var graphic = require('../../util/graphic'); var Model = require('../../model/Model'); var numberUtil = require('../../util/number'); var remRadian = numberUtil.remRadian; var isRadianAroundZero = numberUtil.isRadianAroundZero; var PI = Math.PI; function makeAxisEventDataBase(axisModel) { var eventData = { componentType: axisModel.mainType }; eventData[axisModel.mainType + 'Index'] = axisModel.componentIndex; return eventData; } /** * A final axis is translated and rotated from a "standard axis". * So opt.position and opt.rotation is required. * * A standard axis is and axis from [0, 0] to [0, axisExtent[1]], * for example: (0, 0) ------------> (0, 50) * * nameDirection or tickDirection or labelDirection is 1 means tick * or label is below the standard axis, whereas is -1 means above * the standard axis. labelOffset means offset between label and axis, * which is useful when 'onZero', where axisLabel is in the grid and * label in outside grid. * * Tips: like always, * positive rotation represents anticlockwise, and negative rotation * represents clockwise. * The direction of position coordinate is the same as the direction * of screen coordinate. * * Do not need to consider axis 'inverse', which is auto processed by * axis extent. * * @param {module:zrender/container/Group} group * @param {Object} axisModel * @param {Object} opt Standard axis parameters. * @param {Array.<number>} opt.position [x, y] * @param {number} opt.rotation by radian * @param {number} [opt.nameDirection=1] 1 or -1 Used when nameLocation is 'middle'. * @param {number} [opt.tickDirection=1] 1 or -1 * @param {number} [opt.labelDirection=1] 1 or -1 * @param {number} [opt.labelOffset=0] Usefull when onZero. * @param {string} [opt.axisName] default get from axisModel. * @param {number} [opt.labelRotation] by degree, default get from axisModel. * @param {number} [opt.labelInterval] Default label interval when label * interval from model is null or 'auto'. * @param {number} [opt.strokeContainThreshold] Default label interval when label * @param {number} [opt.axisLineSilent=true] If axis line is silent */ var AxisBuilder = function (axisModel, opt) { /** * @readOnly */ this.opt = opt; /** * @readOnly */ this.axisModel = axisModel; // Default value zrUtil.defaults( opt, { labelOffset: 0, nameDirection: 1, tickDirection: 1, labelDirection: 1, silent: true } ); /** * @readOnly */ = new graphic.Group({ position: opt.position.slice(), rotation: opt.rotation }); }; AxisBuilder.prototype = { constructor: AxisBuilder, hasBuilder: function (name) { return !!builders[name]; }, add: function (name) { builders[name].call(this); }, getGroup: function () { return; } }; var builders = { /** * @private */ axisLine: function () { var opt = this.opt; var axisModel = this.axisModel; if (!axisModel.get('')) { return; } var extent = this.axisModel.axis.getExtent(); graphic.Line({ shape: { x1: extent[0], y1: 0, x2: extent[1], y2: 0 }, style: zrUtil.extend( {lineCap: 'round'}, axisModel.getModel('axisLine.lineStyle').getLineStyle() ), strokeContainThreshold: opt.strokeContainThreshold, silent: !!opt.axisLineSilent, z2: 1 })); }, /** * @private */ axisTick: function () { var axisModel = this.axisModel; if (!axisModel.get('')) { return; } var axis = axisModel.axis; var tickModel = axisModel.getModel('axisTick'); var opt = this.opt; var lineStyleModel = tickModel.getModel('lineStyle'); var tickLen = tickModel.get('length'); var tickInterval = getInterval(tickModel, opt.labelInterval); var ticksCoords = axis.getTicksCoords(); var tickLines = []; for (var i = 0; i < ticksCoords.length; i++) { // Only ordinal scale support tick interval if (ifIgnoreOnTick(axis, i, tickInterval)) { continue; } var tickCoord = ticksCoords[i]; // Tick line tickLines.push(new graphic.Line(graphic.subPixelOptimizeLine({ shape: { x1: tickCoord, y1: 0, x2: tickCoord, y2: opt.tickDirection * tickLen }, style: { lineWidth: lineStyleModel.get('width') }, silent: true }))); }, { style: lineStyleModel.getLineStyle(), z2: 2, silent: true })); }, /** * @param {module:echarts/coord/cartesian/AxisModel} axisModel * @param {module:echarts/coord/cartesian/GridModel} gridModel * @private */ axisLabel: function () { var axisModel = this.axisModel; if (!axisModel.get('')) { return; } var opt = this.opt; var axis = axisModel.axis; var labelModel = axisModel.getModel('axisLabel'); var textStyleModel = labelModel.getModel('textStyle'); var labelMargin = labelModel.get('margin'); var ticks = axis.scale.getTicks(); var labels = axisModel.getFormattedLabels(); // Special label rotate. var labelRotation = opt.labelRotation; if (labelRotation == null) { labelRotation = labelModel.get('rotate') || 0; } // To radian. labelRotation = labelRotation * PI / 180; var labelLayout = innerTextLayout(opt, labelRotation, opt.labelDirection); var categoryData = axisModel.get('data'); var textEls = []; var isSilent = axisModel.get('silent'); for (var i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { if (ifIgnoreOnTick(axis, i, opt.labelInterval)) { continue; } var itemTextStyleModel = textStyleModel; if (categoryData && categoryData[i] && categoryData[i].textStyle) { itemTextStyleModel = new Model( categoryData[i].textStyle, textStyleModel, axisModel.ecModel ); } var textColor = itemTextStyleModel.getTextColor(); var tickCoord = axis.dataToCoord(ticks[i]); var pos = [ tickCoord, opt.labelOffset + opt.labelDirection * labelMargin ]; var labelBeforeFormat = axis.scale.getLabel(ticks[i]); var textEl = new graphic.Text({ style: { text: labels[i], textAlign: itemTextStyleModel.get('align', true) || labelLayout.textAlign, textVerticalAlign: itemTextStyleModel.get('baseline', true) || labelLayout.verticalAlign, textFont: itemTextStyleModel.getFont(), fill: typeof textColor === 'function' ? textColor(labelBeforeFormat) : textColor }, position: pos, rotation: labelLayout.rotation, silent: isSilent, z2: 10 }); // Pack data for mouse event textEl.eventData = makeAxisEventDataBase(axisModel); textEl.eventData.targetType = 'axisLabel'; textEl.eventData.value = labelBeforeFormat; textEls.push(textEl);; } function isTwoLabelOverlapped(current, next) { var firstRect = current && current.getBoundingRect().clone(); var nextRect = next && next.getBoundingRect().clone(); if (firstRect && nextRect) { firstRect.applyTransform(current.getLocalTransform()); nextRect.applyTransform(next.getLocalTransform()); return firstRect.intersect(nextRect); } } if (axis.type !== 'category') { // If min or max are user set, we need to check // If the tick on min(max) are overlap on their neighbour tick // If they are overlapped, we need to hide the min(max) tick label if (axisModel.getMin ? axisModel.getMin() : axisModel.get('min')) { var firstLabel = textEls[0]; var nextLabel = textEls[1]; if (isTwoLabelOverlapped(firstLabel, nextLabel)) { firstLabel.ignore = true; } } if (axisModel.getMax ? axisModel.getMax() : axisModel.get('max')) { var lastLabel = textEls[textEls.length - 1]; var prevLabel = textEls[textEls.length - 2]; if (isTwoLabelOverlapped(prevLabel, lastLabel)) { lastLabel.ignore = true; } } } }, /** * @private */ axisName: function () { var opt = this.opt; var axisModel = this.axisModel; var name = this.opt.axisName; // If name is '', do not get name from axisMode. if (name == null) { name = axisModel.get('name'); } if (!name) { return; } var nameLocation = axisModel.get('nameLocation'); var nameDirection = opt.nameDirection; var textStyleModel = axisModel.getModel('nameTextStyle'); var gap = axisModel.get('nameGap') || 0; var extent = this.axisModel.axis.getExtent(); var gapSignal = extent[0] > extent[1] ? -1 : 1; var pos = [ nameLocation === 'start' ? extent[0] - gapSignal * gap : nameLocation === 'end' ? extent[1] + gapSignal * gap : (extent[0] + extent[1]) / 2, // 'middle' // Reuse labelOffset. nameLocation === 'middle' ? opt.labelOffset + nameDirection * gap : 0 ]; var labelLayout; if (nameLocation === 'middle') { labelLayout = innerTextLayout(opt, opt.rotation, nameDirection); } else { labelLayout = endTextLayout(opt, nameLocation, extent); } var textEl = new graphic.Text({ style: { text: name, textFont: textStyleModel.getFont(), fill: textStyleModel.getTextColor() || axisModel.get('axisLine.lineStyle.color'), textAlign: labelLayout.textAlign, textVerticalAlign: labelLayout.verticalAlign }, position: pos, rotation: labelLayout.rotation, silent: axisModel.get('silent'), z2: 1 }); textEl.eventData = makeAxisEventDataBase(axisModel); textEl.eventData.targetType = 'axisName'; = name;; } }; /** * @inner */ function innerTextLayout(opt, textRotation, direction) { var rotationDiff = remRadian(textRotation - opt.rotation); var textAlign; var verticalAlign; if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff)) { // Label is parallel with axis line. verticalAlign = direction > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom'; textAlign = 'center'; } else if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff - PI)) { // Label is inverse parallel with axis line. verticalAlign = direction > 0 ? 'bottom' : 'top'; textAlign = 'center'; } else { verticalAlign = 'middle'; if (rotationDiff > 0 && rotationDiff < PI) { textAlign = direction > 0 ? 'right' : 'left'; } else { textAlign = direction > 0 ? 'left' : 'right'; } } return { rotation: rotationDiff, textAlign: textAlign, verticalAlign: verticalAlign }; } /** * @inner */ function endTextLayout(opt, textPosition, extent) { var rotationDiff = remRadian(-opt.rotation); var textAlign; var verticalAlign; var inverse = extent[0] > extent[1]; var onLeft = (textPosition === 'start' && !inverse) || (textPosition !== 'start' && inverse); if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff - PI / 2)) { verticalAlign = onLeft ? 'bottom' : 'top'; textAlign = 'center'; } else if (isRadianAroundZero(rotationDiff - PI * 1.5)) { verticalAlign = onLeft ? 'top' : 'bottom'; textAlign = 'center'; } else { verticalAlign = 'middle'; if (rotationDiff < PI * 1.5 && rotationDiff > PI / 2) { textAlign = onLeft ? 'left' : 'right'; } else { textAlign = onLeft ? 'right' : 'left'; } } return { rotation: rotationDiff, textAlign: textAlign, verticalAlign: verticalAlign }; } /** * @static */ var ifIgnoreOnTick = AxisBuilder.ifIgnoreOnTick = function (axis, i, interval) { var rawTick; var scale = axis.scale; return scale.type === 'ordinal' && ( typeof interval === 'function' ? ( rawTick = scale.getTicks()[i], !interval(rawTick, scale.getLabel(rawTick)) ) : i % (interval + 1) ); }; /** * @static */ var getInterval = AxisBuilder.getInterval = function (model, labelInterval) { var interval = model.get('interval'); if (interval == null || interval == 'auto') { interval = labelInterval; } return interval; }; return AxisBuilder; });