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File: vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/main.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/main.js   Download  
File: vendors/parsleyjs/src/parsley/main.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
Render templates using Bootstrap for presentation
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 4,576 bytes



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import $ from 'jquery'; import ParsleyUtils from './utils'; import ParsleyDefaults from './defaults'; import ParsleyAbstract from './abstract'; import ParsleyValidatorRegistry from './validator_registry'; import ParsleyUI from './ui'; import ParsleyForm from './form'; import ParsleyField from './field'; import ParsleyMultiple from './multiple'; import ParsleyFactory from './factory'; var vernums = $.fn.jquery.split('.'); if (parseInt(vernums[0]) <= 1 && parseInt(vernums[1]) < 8) { throw "The loaded version of jQuery is too old. Please upgrade to 1.8.x or better."; } if (!vernums.forEach) { ParsleyUtils.warn('Parsley requires ES5 to run properly. Please include'); } // Inherit `on`, `off` & `trigger` to Parsley: var Parsley = $.extend(new ParsleyAbstract(), { $element: $(document), actualizeOptions: null, _resetOptions: null, Factory: ParsleyFactory, version: '@@version' }); // Supplement ParsleyField and Form with ParsleyAbstract // This way, the constructors will have access to those methods $.extend(ParsleyField.prototype, ParsleyUI.Field, ParsleyAbstract.prototype); $.extend(ParsleyForm.prototype, ParsleyUI.Form, ParsleyAbstract.prototype); // Inherit actualizeOptions and _resetOptions: $.extend(ParsleyFactory.prototype, ParsleyAbstract.prototype); // ### jQuery API // `$('.elem').parsley(options)` or `$('.elem').psly(options)` $.fn.parsley = $.fn.psly = function (options) { if (this.length > 1) { var instances = []; this.each(function () { instances.push($(this).parsley(options)); }); return instances; } // Return undefined if applied to non existing DOM element if (!$(this).length) { ParsleyUtils.warn('You must bind Parsley on an existing element.'); return; } return new ParsleyFactory(this, options); }; // ### ParsleyField and ParsleyForm extension // Ensure the extension is now defined if it wasn't previously if ('undefined' === typeof window.ParsleyExtend) window.ParsleyExtend = {}; // ### Parsley config // Inherit from ParsleyDefault, and copy over any existing values Parsley.options = $.extend(ParsleyUtils.objectCreate(ParsleyDefaults), window.ParsleyConfig); window.ParsleyConfig = Parsley.options; // Old way of accessing global options // ### Globals window.Parsley = window.psly = Parsley; window.ParsleyUtils = ParsleyUtils; // ### Define methods that forward to the registry, and deprecate all access except through window.Parsley var registry = window.Parsley._validatorRegistry = new ParsleyValidatorRegistry(window.ParsleyConfig.validators, window.ParsleyConfig.i18n); window.ParsleyValidator = {}; $.each('setLocale addCatalog addMessage addMessages getErrorMessage formatMessage addValidator updateValidator removeValidator'.split(' '), function (i, method) { window.Parsley[method] = $.proxy(registry, method); window.ParsleyValidator[method] = function () { ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(`Accessing the method '${method}' through ParsleyValidator is deprecated. Simply call 'window.Parsley.${method}(...)'`); return window.Parsley[method](...arguments); }; }); // ### ParsleyUI // Deprecated global object window.Parsley.UI = ParsleyUI; window.ParsleyUI = { removeError: function (instance, name, doNotUpdateClass) { var updateClass = true !== doNotUpdateClass; ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(`Accessing ParsleyUI is deprecated. Call 'removeError' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method.`); return instance.removeError(name, {updateClass}); }, getErrorsMessages: function (instance) { ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(`Accessing ParsleyUI is deprecated. Call 'getErrorsMessages' on the instance directly.`); return instance.getErrorsMessages(); } }; $.each('addError updateError'.split(' '), function (i, method) { window.ParsleyUI[method] = function (instance, name, message, assert, doNotUpdateClass) { var updateClass = true !== doNotUpdateClass; ParsleyUtils.warnOnce(`Accessing ParsleyUI is deprecated. Call '${method}' on the instance directly. Please comment in issue 1073 as to your need to call this method.`); return instance[method](name, {message, assert, updateClass}); }; }); // ### PARSLEY auto-binding // Prevent it by setting `ParsleyConfig.autoBind` to `false` if (false !== window.ParsleyConfig.autoBind) { $(function () { // Works only on `data-parsley-validate`. if ($('[data-parsley-validate]').length) $('[data-parsley-validate]').parsley(); }); } export default Parsley;