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File: vendors/echarts/src/util/clazz.js

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File: vendors/echarts/src/util/clazz.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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define(function (require) { var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var clazz = {}; var TYPE_DELIMITER = '.'; var IS_CONTAINER = '___EC__COMPONENT__CONTAINER___'; /** * @public */ var parseClassType = clazz.parseClassType = function (componentType) { var ret = {main: '', sub: ''}; if (componentType) { componentType = componentType.split(TYPE_DELIMITER); ret.main = componentType[0] || ''; ret.sub = componentType[1] || ''; } return ret; }; /** * @public */ clazz.enableClassExtend = function (RootClass, preConstruct) { RootClass.extend = function (proto) { var ExtendedClass = function () { preConstruct && preConstruct.apply(this, arguments); RootClass.apply(this, arguments); }; zrUtil.extend(ExtendedClass.prototype, proto); ExtendedClass.extend = this.extend; ExtendedClass.superCall = superCall; ExtendedClass.superApply = superApply; zrUtil.inherits(ExtendedClass, this); ExtendedClass.superClass = this; return ExtendedClass; }; }; // superCall should have class info, which can not be fetch from 'this'. // Consider this case: // class A has method f, // class B inherits class A, overrides method f, f call superApply('f'), // class C inherits class B, do not overrides method f, // then when method of class C is called, dead loop occured. function superCall(context, methodName) { var args = zrUtil.slice(arguments, 2); return this.superClass.prototype[methodName].apply(context, args); } function superApply(context, methodName, args) { return this.superClass.prototype[methodName].apply(context, args); } /** * @param {Object} entity * @param {Object} options * @param {boolean} [options.registerWhenExtend] * @public */ clazz.enableClassManagement = function (entity, options) { options = options || {}; /** * Component model classes * key: componentType, * value: * componentClass, when componentType is 'xxx' * or Object.<subKey, componentClass>, when componentType is 'xxx.yy' * @type {Object} */ var storage = {}; entity.registerClass = function (Clazz, componentType) { if (componentType) { componentType = parseClassType(componentType); if (!componentType.sub) { if (storage[componentType.main]) { throw new Error(componentType.main + 'exists.'); } storage[componentType.main] = Clazz; } else if (componentType.sub !== IS_CONTAINER) { var container = makeContainer(componentType); container[componentType.sub] = Clazz; } } return Clazz; }; entity.getClass = function (componentTypeMain, subType, throwWhenNotFound) { var Clazz = storage[componentTypeMain]; if (Clazz && Clazz[IS_CONTAINER]) { Clazz = subType ? Clazz[subType] : null; } if (throwWhenNotFound && !Clazz) { throw new Error( 'Component ' + componentTypeMain + '.' + (subType || '') + ' not exists. Load it first.' ); } return Clazz; }; entity.getClassesByMainType = function (componentType) { componentType = parseClassType(componentType); var result = []; var obj = storage[componentType.main]; if (obj && obj[IS_CONTAINER]) { zrUtil.each(obj, function (o, type) { type !== IS_CONTAINER && result.push(o); }); } else { result.push(obj); } return result; }; entity.hasClass = function (componentType) { // Just consider componentType.main. componentType = parseClassType(componentType); return !!storage[componentType.main]; }; /** * @return {Array.<string>} Like ['aa', 'bb'], but can not be ['aa.xx'] */ entity.getAllClassMainTypes = function () { var types = []; zrUtil.each(storage, function (obj, type) { types.push(type); }); return types; }; /** * If a main type is container and has sub types * @param {string} mainType * @return {boolean} */ entity.hasSubTypes = function (componentType) { componentType = parseClassType(componentType); var obj = storage[componentType.main]; return obj && obj[IS_CONTAINER]; }; entity.parseClassType = parseClassType; function makeContainer(componentType) { var container = storage[componentType.main]; if (!container || !container[IS_CONTAINER]) { container = storage[componentType.main] = {}; container[IS_CONTAINER] = true; } return container; } if (options.registerWhenExtend) { var originalExtend = entity.extend; if (originalExtend) { entity.extend = function (proto) { var ExtendedClass =, proto); return entity.registerClass(ExtendedClass, proto.type); }; } } return entity; }; /** * @param {string|Array.<string>} properties */ clazz.setReadOnly = function (obj, properties) { // FIXME It seems broken in IE8 simulation of IE11 // if (!zrUtil.isArray(properties)) { // properties = properties != null ? [properties] : []; // } // zrUtil.each(properties, function (prop) { // var value = obj[prop]; // Object.defineProperty // && Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { // value: value, writable: false // }); // zrUtil.isArray(obj[prop]) // && Object.freeze // && Object.freeze(obj[prop]); // }); }; return clazz; });