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File: vendors/echarts/src/loading/default.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/echarts/src/loading/default.js   Download  
File: vendors/echarts/src/loading/default.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
Render templates using Bootstrap for presentation
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,635 bytes



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define(function (require) { var graphic = require('../util/graphic'); var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var PI = Math.PI; /** * @param {module:echarts/ExtensionAPI} api * @param {Object} [opts] * @param {string} [opts.text] * @param {string} [opts.color] * @param {string} [opts.textColor] * @return {module:zrender/Element} */ return function (api, opts) { opts = opts || {}; zrUtil.defaults(opts, { text: 'loading', color: '#c23531', textColor: '#000', maskColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)', zlevel: 0 }); var mask = new graphic.Rect({ style: { fill: opts.maskColor }, zlevel: opts.zlevel, z: 10000 }); var arc = new graphic.Arc({ shape: { startAngle: -PI / 2, endAngle: -PI / 2 + 0.1, r: 10 }, style: { stroke: opts.color, lineCap: 'round', lineWidth: 5 }, zlevel: opts.zlevel, z: 10001 }); var labelRect = new graphic.Rect({ style: { fill: 'none', text: opts.text, textPosition: 'right', textDistance: 10, textFill: opts.textColor }, zlevel: opts.zlevel, z: 10001 }); arc.animateShape(true) .when(1000, { endAngle: PI * 3 / 2 }) .start('circularInOut'); arc.animateShape(true) .when(1000, { startAngle: PI * 3 / 2 }) .delay(300) .start('circularInOut'); var group = new graphic.Group(); group.add(arc); group.add(labelRect); group.add(mask); // Inject resize group.resize = function () { var cx = api.getWidth() / 2; var cy = api.getHeight() / 2; arc.setShape({ cx: cx, cy: cy }); var r = arc.shape.r; labelRect.setShape({ x: cx - r, y: cy - r, width: r * 2, height: r * 2 }); mask.setShape({ x: 0, y: 0, width: api.getWidth(), height: api.getHeight() }); }; group.resize(); return group; }; });