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File: vendors/echarts/src/coord/View.js

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File: vendors/echarts/src/coord/View.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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/** * Simple view coordinate system * Mapping given x, y to transformd view x, y */ define(function (require) { var vector = require('zrender/core/vector'); var matrix = require('zrender/core/matrix'); var Transformable = require('zrender/mixin/Transformable'); var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util'); var BoundingRect = require('zrender/core/BoundingRect'); var v2ApplyTransform = vector.applyTransform; // Dummy transform node function TransformDummy() {; } zrUtil.mixin(TransformDummy, Transformable); function View(name) { /** * @type {string} */ = name; /** * @type {Object} */ this.zoomLimit;; this._roamTransform = new TransformDummy(); this._viewTransform = new TransformDummy(); this._center; this._zoom; } View.prototype = { constructor: View, type: 'view', /** * @param {Array.<string>} * @readOnly */ dimensions: ['x', 'y'], /** * Set bounding rect * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ // PENDING to getRect setBoundingRect: function (x, y, width, height) { this._rect = new BoundingRect(x, y, width, height); return this._rect; }, /** * @return {module:zrender/core/BoundingRect} */ // PENDING to getRect getBoundingRect: function () { return this._rect; }, /** * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ setViewRect: function (x, y, width, height) { width = width; height = height; this.transformTo(x, y, width, height); this._viewRect = new BoundingRect(x, y, width, height); }, /** * Transformed to particular position and size * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ transformTo: function (x, y, width, height) { var rect = this.getBoundingRect(); var viewTransform = this._viewTransform; viewTransform.transform = rect.calculateTransform( new BoundingRect(x, y, width, height) ); viewTransform.decomposeTransform(); this._updateTransform(); }, /** * Set center of view * @param {Array.<number>} [centerCoord] */ setCenter: function (centerCoord) { if (!centerCoord) { return; } this._center = centerCoord; this._updateCenterAndZoom(); }, /** * @param {number} zoom */ setZoom: function (zoom) { zoom = zoom || 1; var zoomLimit = this.zoomLimit; if (zoomLimit) { if (zoomLimit.max != null) { zoom = Math.min(zoomLimit.max, zoom); } if (zoomLimit.min != null) { zoom = Math.max(zoomLimit.min, zoom); } } this._zoom = zoom; this._updateCenterAndZoom(); }, /** * Get default center without roam */ getDefaultCenter: function () { // Rect before any transform var rawRect = this.getBoundingRect(); var cx = rawRect.x + rawRect.width / 2; var cy = rawRect.y + rawRect.height / 2; return [cx, cy]; }, getCenter: function () { return this._center || this.getDefaultCenter(); }, getZoom: function () { return this._zoom || 1; }, /** * @return {Array.<number} */ getRoamTransform: function () { return this._roamTransform; }, _updateCenterAndZoom: function () { // Must update after view transform updated var viewTransformMatrix = this._viewTransform.getLocalTransform(); var roamTransform = this._roamTransform; var defaultCenter = this.getDefaultCenter(); var center = this.getCenter(); var zoom = this.getZoom(); center = vector.applyTransform([], center, viewTransformMatrix); defaultCenter = vector.applyTransform([], defaultCenter, viewTransformMatrix); roamTransform.origin = center; roamTransform.position = [ defaultCenter[0] - center[0], defaultCenter[1] - center[1] ]; roamTransform.scale = [zoom, zoom]; this._updateTransform(); }, /** * Update transform from roam and mapLocation * @private */ _updateTransform: function () { var roamTransform = this._roamTransform; var viewTransform = this._viewTransform; viewTransform.parent = roamTransform; roamTransform.updateTransform(); viewTransform.updateTransform(); viewTransform.transform && matrix.copy(this.transform || (this.transform = []), viewTransform.transform); if (this.transform) { this.invTransform = this.invTransform || []; matrix.invert(this.invTransform, this.transform); } else { this.invTransform = null; } this.decomposeTransform(); }, /** * @return {module:zrender/core/BoundingRect} */ getViewRect: function () { return this._viewRect; }, /** * Get view rect after roam transform * @return {module:zrender/core/BoundingRect} */ getViewRectAfterRoam: function () { var rect = this.getBoundingRect().clone(); rect.applyTransform(this.transform); return rect; }, /** * Convert a single (lon, lat) data item to (x, y) point. * @param {Array.<number>} data * @return {Array.<number>} */ dataToPoint: function (data) { var transform = this.transform; return transform ? v2ApplyTransform([], data, transform) : [data[0], data[1]]; }, /** * Convert a (x, y) point to (lon, lat) data * @param {Array.<number>} point * @return {Array.<number>} */ pointToData: function (point) { var invTransform = this.invTransform; return invTransform ? v2ApplyTransform([], point, invTransform) : [point[0], point[1]]; } /** * @return {number} */ // getScalarScale: function () { // // Use determinant square root of transform to mutiply scalar // var m = this.transform; // var det = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(m[0] * m[3] - m[2] * m[1])); // return det; // } }; zrUtil.mixin(View, Transformable); return View; });