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File: vendors/datejs/src/core/time_period.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/datejs/src/core/time_period.js   Download  
File: vendors/datejs/src/core/time_period.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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(function () { "use strict"; var attrs = ["years", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds"]; var gFn = function (attr) { return function () { return this[attr]; }; }; var sFn = function (attr) { return function (val) { this[attr] = val; return this; }; }; var addSetFuncs = function (context, attrs) { for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length ; i++) { var $a = attrs[i], $b = $a.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + $a.slice(1); context.prototype[$a] = 0; context.prototype["get" + $b] = gFn($a); context.prototype["set" + $b] = sFn($a); } }; var setMonthsAndYears = function (orient, d1, d2, context) { function inc() { d1.addMonths(-orient); context.months++; if (context.months === 12) { context.years++; context.months = 0; } } if (orient === +1) { while (d1 > d2) { inc(); } } else { while (d1 < d2) { inc(); } } context.months--; context.months *= orient; context.years *= orient; }; var adjustForDST = function(orient, startDate, endDate) { var hasDSTMismatch = (false === (startDate.isDaylightSavingTime() === endDate.isDaylightSavingTime())); if (hasDSTMismatch && orient === 1) { startDate.addHours(-1); } else if (hasDSTMismatch) { startDate.addHours(1); } }; /** * TimePeriod(startDate, endDate); * TimePeriod(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); */ var TimePeriod = function (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) { if (arguments.length === 7) { this.set(years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); } else if (arguments.length === 2 && arguments[0] instanceof Date && arguments[1] instanceof Date) { var startDate = arguments[0].clone(); var endDate = arguments[1].clone(); var orient = (startDate > endDate) ? +1 : -1; this.dates = { start: arguments[0].clone(), end: arguments[1].clone() }; setMonthsAndYears(orient, startDate, endDate, this); adjustForDST(orient, startDate, endDate); // // TODO - adjust for DST var diff = endDate - startDate; if (diff !== 0) { var ts = new TimeSpan(diff); this.set(this.years, this.months, ts.getDays(), ts.getHours(), ts.getMinutes(), ts.getSeconds(), ts.getMilliseconds()); } } return this; }; // create all the set functions. addSetFuncs(TimePeriod, attrs); TimePeriod.prototype.set = function (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds){ this.setYears(years || this.getYears()); this.setMonths(months || this.getMonths()); this.setDays(days || this.getDays()); this.setHours(hours || this.getHours()); this.setMinutes(minutes || this.getMinutes()); this.setSeconds(seconds || this.getSeconds()); this.setMilliseconds(milliseconds || this.getMilliseconds()); }; Date.TimePeriod = TimePeriod; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { // keeping API compatible for v1.x window.TimePeriod = TimePeriod; } }());