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File: vendors/datejs/build/i18n/pt-PT.js

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   Gentelella BladeOne   vendors/datejs/build/i18n/pt-PT.js   Download  
File: vendors/datejs/build/i18n/pt-PT.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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Date: 3 years ago
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/* * DateJS Culture String File * Country Code: pt-PT * Name: Portuguese (Portugal) * Format: "key" : "value" * Key is the en-US term, Value is the Key in the current language. */ Date.CultureStrings = Date.CultureStrings || {}; Date.CultureStrings["pt-PT"] = { "name": "pt-PT", "englishName": "Portuguese (Portugal)", "nativeName": "Português (Portugal)", "Sunday": "domingo", "Monday": "segunda-feira", "Tuesday": "terça-feira", "Wednesday": "quarta-feira", "Thursday": "quinta-feira", "Friday": "sexta-feira", "Saturday": "sábado", "Sun": "dom", "Mon": "seg", "Tue": "ter", "Wed": "qua", "Thu": "qui", "Fri": "sex", "Sat": "sáb", "Su": "dom", "Mo": "seg", "Tu": "ter", "We": "qua", "Th": "qui", "Fr": "sex", "Sa": "sáb", "S_Sun_Initial": "d", "M_Mon_Initial": "s", "T_Tue_Initial": "t", "W_Wed_Initial": "q", "T_Thu_Initial": "q", "F_Fri_Initial": "s", "S_Sat_Initial": "s", "January": "Janeiro", "February": "Fevereiro", "March": "Março", "April": "Abril", "May": "Maio", "June": "Junho", "July": "Julho", "August": "Agosto", "September": "Setembro", "October": "Outubro", "November": "Novembro", "December": "Dezembro", "Jan_Abbr": "Jan", "Feb_Abbr": "Fev", "Mar_Abbr": "Mar", "Apr_Abbr": "Abr", "May_Abbr": "Mai", "Jun_Abbr": "Jun", "Jul_Abbr": "Jul", "Aug_Abbr": "Ago", "Sep_Abbr": "Set", "Oct_Abbr": "Out", "Nov_Abbr": "Nov", "Dec_Abbr": "Dez", "AM": "", "PM": "", "firstDayOfWeek": 1, "twoDigitYearMax": 2029, "mdy": "dmy", "M/d/yyyy": "dd-MM-yyyy", "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy": "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy", "h:mm tt": "H:mm", "h:mm:ss tt": "H:mm:ss", "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt": "dddd, d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ", "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss": "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MMMM dd": "d/M", "MMMM, yyyy": "MMMM' de 'yyyy", "/jan(uary)?/": "jan(eiro)?", "/feb(ruary)?/": "fev(ereiro)?", "/mar(ch)?/": "mar(ço)?", "/apr(il)?/": "abr(il)?", "/may/": "mai(o)?", "/jun(e)?/": "jun(ho)?", "/jul(y)?/": "jul(ho)?", "/aug(ust)?/": "ago(sto)?", "/sep(t(ember)?)?/": "set(embro)?", "/oct(ober)?/": "out(ubro)?", "/nov(ember)?/": "nov(embro)?", "/dec(ember)?/": "dez(embro)?", "/^su(n(day)?)?/": "^domingo", "/^mo(n(day)?)?/": "^segunda-feira", "/^tu(e(s(day)?)?)?/": "^terça-feira", "/^we(d(nesday)?)?/": "^quarta-feira", "/^th(u(r(s(day)?)?)?)?/": "^quinta-feira", "/^fr(i(day)?)?/": "^sexta-feira", "/^sa(t(urday)?)?/": "^sábado", "/^next/": "^prox(im(o(s)?|a(s)?))?", "/^last|past|prev(ious)?/": "^ant(erior(es)?)?|ult(im(o(s)?|a(s)?))?", "/^(\\+|aft(er)?|from|hence)/": "^(\\+|depois)", "/^(\\-|bef(ore)?|ago)/": "^(\\-|antes)", "/^yes(terday)?/": "^ontem", "/^t(od(ay)?)?/": "^h(oje)?", "/^tom(orrow)?/": "^amanha", "/^n(ow)?/": "^a(gora)?", "/^ms|milli(second)?s?/": "^ms|milli(segundo)?s?", "/^sec(ond)?s?/": "^s(egundo)?s?", "/^mn|min(ute)?s?/": "^mn|min(uto)?s?", "/^h(our)?s?/": "^h(ora)?s?", "/^w(eek)?s?/": "^sem(ana)?s?", "/^m(onth)?s?/": "^m(e(se)?s?)?", "/^d(ay)?s?/": "^d(ia(s)?s?)?", "/^y(ear)?s?/": "^an((o)?s?)?", "/^(a|p)/": "^(a|p)", "/^(a\\.?m?\\.?|p\\.?m?\\.?)/": "^(a\\.?m?\\.?|p\\.?m?\\.?)", "/^((e(s|d)t|c(s|d)t|m(s|d)t|p(s|d)t)|((gmt)?\\s*(\\+|\\-)\\s*\\d\\d\\d\\d?)|gmt|utc)/": "^((e(s|d)t|c(s|d)t|m(s|d)t|p(s|d)t)|((gmt)?\\s*(\\+|\\-)\\s*\\d\\d\\d\\d?)|gmt|utc)", "/^\\s*(st|nd|rd|th)/": "^\\s*(st|nd|rd|th)", "/^\\s*(\\:|a(?!u|p)|p)/": "^\\s*(\\:|a(?!u|p)|p)", "LINT": "LINT", "TOT": "TOT", "CHAST": "CHAST", "NZST": "NZST", "NFT": "NFT", "SBT": "SBT", "AEST": "AEST", "ACST": "ACST", "JST": "JST", "CWST": "CWST", "CT": "CT", "ICT": "ICT", "MMT": "MMT", "BIOT": "BST", "NPT": "NPT", "IST": "IST", "PKT": "PKT", "AFT": "AFT", "MSK": "MSK", "IRST": "IRST", "FET": "FET", "EET": "EET", "CET": "CET", "UTC": "UTC", "GMT": "GMT", "CVT": "CVT", "GST": "GST", "BRT": "BRT", "NST": "NST", "AST": "AST", "EST": "EST", "CST": "CST", "MST": "MST", "PST": "PST", "AKST": "AKST", "MIT": "MIT", "HST": "HST", "SST": "SST", "BIT": "BIT", "CHADT": "CHADT", "NZDT": "NZDT", "AEDT": "AEDT", "ACDT": "ACDT", "AZST": "AZST", "IRDT": "IRDT", "EEST": "EEST", "CEST": "CEST", "BST": "BST", "PMDT": "PMDT", "ADT": "ADT", "NDT": "NDT", "EDT": "EDT", "CDT": "CDT", "MDT": "MDT", "PDT": "PDT", "AKDT": "AKDT", "HADT": "HADT" }; Date.CultureStrings.lang = "pt-PT";