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File: vendors/switchery/switchery.js

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File: vendors/switchery/switchery.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Gentelella BladeOne
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Date: 3 years ago
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/** * Switchery 0.8.1 * * * Authored by Alexander Petkov * * * Copyright 2013-2015, Alexander Petkov * License: The MIT License (MIT) * * */ /** * External dependencies. */ var transitionize = require('transitionize') , fastclick = require('fastclick') , classes = require('classes') , events = require('events'); /** * Expose `Switchery`. */ module.exports = Switchery; /** * Set Switchery default values. * * @api public */ var defaults = { color : '#64bd63' , secondaryColor : '#dfdfdf' , jackColor : '#fff' , jackSecondaryColor: null , className : 'switchery' , disabled : false , disabledOpacity : 0.5 , speed : '0.4s' , size : 'default' }; /** * Create Switchery object. * * @param {Object} element * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function Switchery(element, options) { if (!(this instanceof Switchery)) return new Switchery(element, options); this.element = element; this.options = options || {}; for (var i in defaults) { if (this.options[i] == null) { this.options[i] = defaults[i]; } } if (this.element != null && this.element.type == 'checkbox') this.init(); if (this.isDisabled() === true) this.disable(); } /** * Hide the target element. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.hide = function() { = 'none'; }; /** * Show custom switch after the target element. * * @api private */ = function() { var switcher = this.create(); this.insertAfter(this.element, switcher); }; /** * Create custom switch. * * @returns {Object} this.switcher * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.create = function() { this.switcher = document.createElement('span'); this.jack = document.createElement('small'); this.switcher.appendChild(this.jack); this.switcher.className = this.options.className; = events(this.switcher, this); return this.switcher; }; /** * Insert after element after another element. * * @param {Object} reference * @param {Object} target * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.insertAfter = function(reference, target) { reference.parentNode.insertBefore(target, reference.nextSibling); }; /** * Set switch jack proper position. * * @param {Boolean} clicked - we need this in order to uncheck the input when the switch is clicked * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.setPosition = function (clicked) { var checked = this.isChecked() , switcher = this.switcher , jack = this.jack; if (clicked && checked) checked = false; else if (clicked && !checked) checked = true; if (checked === true) { this.element.checked = true; if (window.getComputedStyle) = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(switcher).width) - parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(jack).width) + 'px'; else = parseInt(switcher.currentStyle['width']) - parseInt(jack.currentStyle['width']) + 'px'; if (this.options.color) this.colorize(); this.setSpeed(); } else { = 0; this.element.checked = false; = 'inset 0 0 0 0 ' + this.options.secondaryColor; = this.options.secondaryColor; = (this.options.secondaryColor !== defaults.secondaryColor) ? this.options.secondaryColor : '#fff'; = (this.options.jackSecondaryColor !== this.options.jackColor) ? this.options.jackSecondaryColor : this.options.jackColor; this.setSpeed(); } }; /** * Set speed. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.setSpeed = function() { var switcherProp = {} , jackProp = { 'background-color': this.options.speed , 'left': this.options.speed.replace(/[a-z]/, '') / 2 + 's' }; if (this.isChecked()) { switcherProp = { 'border': this.options.speed , 'box-shadow': this.options.speed , 'background-color': this.options.speed.replace(/[a-z]/, '') * 3 + 's' }; } else { switcherProp = { 'border': this.options.speed , 'box-shadow': this.options.speed }; } transitionize(this.switcher, switcherProp); transitionize(this.jack, jackProp); }; /** * Set switch size. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.setSize = function() { var small = 'switchery-small' , normal = 'switchery-default' , large = 'switchery-large'; switch (this.options.size) { case 'small': classes(this.switcher).add(small) break; case 'large': classes(this.switcher).add(large) break; default: classes(this.switcher).add(normal) break; } }; /** * Set switch color. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.colorize = function() { var switcherHeight = this.switcher.offsetHeight / 2; = this.options.color; = this.options.color; = 'inset 0 0 0 ' + switcherHeight + 'px ' + this.options.color; = this.options.jackColor; }; /** * Handle the onchange event. * * @param {Boolean} state * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.handleOnchange = function(state) { if (document.dispatchEvent) { var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('change', true, true); this.element.dispatchEvent(event); } else { this.element.fireEvent('onchange'); } }; /** * Handle the native input element state change. * A `change` event must be fired in order to detect the change. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.handleChange = function() { var self = this , el = this.element; if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener('change', function() { self.setPosition(); }); } else { el.attachEvent('onchange', function() { self.setPosition(); }); } }; /** * Handle the switch click event. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.handleClick = function() { var switcher = this.switcher; fastclick(switcher);'click', 'bindClick'); }; /** * Attach all methods that need to happen on switcher click. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.bindClick = function() { var parent = this.element.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() , labelParent = (parent === 'label') ? false : true; this.setPosition(labelParent); this.handleOnchange(this.element.checked); }; /** * Mark an individual switch as already handled. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.markAsSwitched = function() { this.element.setAttribute('data-switchery', true); }; /** * Check if an individual switch is already handled. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.markedAsSwitched = function() { return this.element.getAttribute('data-switchery'); }; /** * Initialize Switchery. * * @api private */ Switchery.prototype.init = function() { this.hide();; this.setSize(); this.setPosition(); this.markAsSwitched(); this.handleChange(); this.handleClick(); }; /** * See if input is checked. * * @returns {Boolean} * @api public */ Switchery.prototype.isChecked = function() { return this.element.checked; }; /** * See if switcher should be disabled. * * @returns {Boolean} * @api public */ Switchery.prototype.isDisabled = function() { return this.options.disabled || this.element.disabled || this.element.readOnly; }; /** * Destroy all event handlers attached to the switch. * * @api public */ Switchery.prototype.destroy = function() {; }; /** * Enable disabled switch element. * * @api public */ Switchery.prototype.enable = function() { if (this.options.disabled) this.options.disabled = false; if (this.element.disabled) this.element.disabled = false; if (this.element.readOnly) this.element.readOnly = false; = 1;'click', 'bindClick'); }; /** * Disable switch element. * * @api public */ Switchery.prototype.disable = function() { if (!this.options.disabled) this.options.disabled = true; if (!this.element.disabled) this.element.disabled = true; if (!this.element.readOnly) this.element.readOnly = true; = this.options.disabledOpacity; this.destroy(); };