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File: src/Proxy.php

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  Classes of Melanie Wehowski   PHP Proxy Server Script   src/Proxy.php   Download  
File: src/Proxy.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: PHP Proxy Server Script
Forward HTTP requests to other servers as a proxy
Author: By
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Date: 3 years ago
Size: 15,518 bytes



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<?php namespace frdl\Proxy; use Proxy\Adapter\Guzzle\GuzzleAdapter as GuzzleAdapter; use Proxy\Filter\RewriteLocationFilter as RewriteLocationFilter; use Proxy\Filter\RemoveEncodingFilter as RemoveEncodingFilter; use Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory as ServerRequestFactory; use GuzzleHttp\Client as Client; use webfan\hps\patch\Uri as Uri; use webfan\hps\patch\Request as Request; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\Proxy as ProxyHandler; use GuzzleHttp\Handler\StreamHandler; class Proxy { const HEADER_DEPLOY_NEGOTIATION = 'X-Frdlweb-Negotiation-Stage'; const HEADER_HOST_NEGOTIATION = 'X-Frdlweb-Negotiation-Host'; const HEADER_HOST_IMPERSONATION = 'X-Frdlweb-Proxy-For-Host'; const HEADER_IP_IMPERSONATION = 'X-Forwarded-For'; protected $targetSeverHost; protected $httpHost; protected $targetLocation; protected $method; protected $protocol; protected $deploy; protected $HostHeaderOverwrite = false; protected $fakeHeader; public function __construct(string $deploy = null, string $targetLocation = null, string $targetSeverHost = null, string $httpHost = null, string $method = null, $protocol = null, bool $HostHeaderOverwrite = null){ $l = new PatchAutoloadFunctions(); $this->targetSeverHost = $targetSeverHost ? $targetSeverHost : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $this->httpHost = $httpHost ? $httpHost : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $this->protocol = $protocol ? $protocol : (($this->is_ssl()) ? 'https' : 'http'); $this->targetLocation = $targetLocation ? $targetLocation : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->method = $method ? $method : $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; $this->deploy = $deploy; $this->HostHeaderOverwrite = $HostHeaderOverwrite ? $HostHeaderOverwrite : false; $this->fakeHeader = self::HEADER_HOST_IMPERSONATION; $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : \gethostbyname( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ); $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } protected function choose_handler() { $handler = null; if (function_exists('curl_multi_exec') && function_exists('curl_exec')) { $handler = ProxyHandler::wrapSync(new CurlMultiHandler(), new CurlHandler()); } elseif (function_exists('curl_exec')) { $handler = new CurlHandler(); } elseif (function_exists('curl_multi_exec')) { $handler = new CurlMultiHandler(); } if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $handler = $handler ? ProxyHandler::wrapStreaming($handler, new StreamHandler()) : new StreamHandler(); } elseif (!$handler) { throw new \RuntimeException('GuzzleHttp requires cURL, the ' . 'allow_url_fopen ini setting, or a custom HTTP handler.'); } return $handler; } public function withFakeHost(?bool $withFakeHost = null){ if(null===$withFakeHost){ $withFakeHost = true; } $this->HostHeaderOverwrite = !$withFakeHost; return $this; } public function withFakeHeader(?string $withFakeHeader = null){ if(null===$withFakeHeader){ return $this->withFakeHost(true); } $this->fakeHeader = $withFakeHeader; return $this; } public function is_ssl() { if ( isset($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) { if ( 'on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) return true; if ( '1' == $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ) return true; } elseif (isset($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && ( '443' == $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ) ) { return true; } return false; } public function bounce(){ return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FRDLWEB_PROXY']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FRDLWEB_PROXY'] === $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] && ($this->targetSeverHost === $this->httpHost || $this->targetSeverHost === $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && $this->targetLocation === $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } protected function send(&$response){ $response->send(true); } public function handle(bool $verbose = true){ $response = false; if(!$this->bounce()){ $response = $this->createProxy( $this->targetSeverHost, $this->protocol, $this->targetLocation, $this->httpHost, $this->method, [ // 'allow_redirects' => ['track_redirects' => true], 'allow_redirects' => false, 'http_errors' => false, 'handler' => $this->choose_handler(), 'headers' => [ 'User-Agent' => __CLASS__, ], ], $_SERVER /*$reverse_host = null, $reverse_protocol = null, $reverse_uri = null, $host = null, $method = null, array $config = ['http_errors' => true], $serverVars = null, $ClassResponse = null */)->toUri(); $headersRedirect = $response->getHeader(\GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware::HISTORY_HEADER); if($headersRedirect){ $response = $response->withHeader('Location', $headersRedirect[0]); } if(true===$verbose){ $this->send($response); } } return $response; } public function parseHeaders($serverVars = null, &$ifNoneMatch = null, &$ifModifiedSince=null){ if( !is_array($serverVars))$serverVars = $_SERVER; $headers = array(); foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value) { if (substr($key,0,5)=="HTTP_") { $key=str_replace(" ","-",ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_"," ",substr($key,5))))); $headers[$key]=$value; if( $key == 'If-None-Match' ) { $ifNoneMatch = $headers['If-None-Match']; if(substr($ifNoneMatch, 0, 1) !== '"')$ifNoneMatch = null; } if( $key == 'If-Modified-Since' ) { $ifModifiedSince = $headers['If-Modified-Since']; } } } return $headers; } public function unparse_url($parsed_url) { $scheme = isset($parsed_url['scheme']) ? $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' : ''; $host = isset($parsed_url['host']) ? $parsed_url['host'] : ''; $port = isset($parsed_url['port']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['port'] : ''; $user = isset($parsed_url['user']) ? $parsed_url['user'] : ''; $pass = isset($parsed_url['pass']) ? ':' . $parsed_url['pass'] : ''; $pass = ($user || $pass) ? "$pass@" : ''; $path = isset($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : ''; $query = isset($parsed_url['query']) ? '?' . $parsed_url['query'] : ''; $fragment = isset($parsed_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parsed_url['fragment'] : ''; return "$scheme$user$pass$host$port$path$query$fragment"; } protected function createServerRequest( $host = null, $url = null,//marshalUriFromSapi($server, $headers), $method = null, //marshalMethodFromSapi($server), $query= null,//null $headers= null, //null $cookies= null,//null $files = null, $server = null, $body = null, //'php://input', // marshalProtocolVersionFromSapi($server) $protocol = '1.1', $parsedBody =null){ //if(!defined('\MX_SESSION_NAME'))define('MX_SESSION_NAME', 'PHPSESSID'); $server = $server?:$_SERVER; $files = $files?:$_FILES; $cookies = $cookies?:$_COOKIE; $query = $query?:$_GET; $method = $method?:$server['REQUEST_METHOD']; $headers= $headers?: $this->{'parseHeaders'}($server); //if (null === $cookies && null!==$headers && array_key_exists('cookie', $headers)) { // $cookies = parseCookieHeader($headers['cookie']); // } $body = $body?:'php://input'; $p = parse_url($url); if(isset($p['query'])){ parse_str($p['query'], $queryParams); }else{ $queryParams = []; } $p['path'] = '/'.ltrim($p['path'], '/'); $queryParams = array_merge($query, $queryParams); $query = \http_build_query($queryParams); if(null === $host ){ $host = $p['host']; } $uri = (is_string($url)) ? new Uri($url) :new Uri( $this->unparse_url($p) ) ; $uri->withQuery($query); $uri->withPath($p['path']); // $uri->withHost($host); $uri->withHost($p['host']); if(isset($p['port']))$uri->withPort($p['port']); $uri->withScheme($p['scheme']); $forIp = ((isset($server['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? $server['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $server['REMOTE_ADDR']); //Request($uri = null, string $method = null, $body = 'php://temp', array $headers = []) $input = file_get_contents('php://input'); // print_r($method); parse_str($input, $parsedBody); $json = json_decode($input); // print_r($parsedBody); $stream = new \Zend\Diactoros\Stream('php://memory', 'wb+'); if('POST' === $method || 'PUT' === $method){ if( is_array((array)$json) ){ $stream->write($input); }elseif( is_array($parsedBody) ){ // $stream->write(http_build_query($_POST)); $stream->write($input); }else{ $stream->write($input); } } $REQUEST = (new Request( $uri, $method, $stream, $headers )) ->withHeader($this->fakeHeader, $host) ->withHeader(self::HEADER_IP_IMPERSONATION, $forIp) ->withMethod($method) ->withBody($stream) ; foreach($headers as $k => $v){ $REQUEST = $REQUEST ->withHeader($k, $v); } //multipart/form-data if('POST' === $method || 'PUT' === $method){ if( 0<count($_FILES) ){ $REQUEST = $REQUEST ->withHeader('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data'); }elseif( null!== $json && (is_array($json) ||is_object($json))){ $REQUEST = $REQUEST ->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); }elseif( is_array($parsedBody) ){ $REQUEST = $REQUEST ->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); }else{ $REQUEST = $REQUEST ->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } } if($this->deploy){ $REQUEST = $REQUEST ->withHeader(self::HEADER_DEPLOY_NEGOTIATION, $this->deploy); } return $REQUEST; } protected function createProxy( $reverse_host = null, $reverse_protocol = null, $reverse_uri = null, $host = null, $method = null, array $config = ['http_errors' => false], $serverVars = null, $ClassResponse = null){ if(null===$reverse_host){ $reverse_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if(null===$serverVars){ $serverVars = $_SERVER; } if(null===$ClassResponse){ $ClassResponse ='\\'.trim(__NAMESPACE__, '\\ ').'\\'.'Response'; } if(null===$reverse_protocol){ $reverse_protocol = 'https'; } if(null===$reverse_uri){ $reverse_uri = $serverVars['REQUEST_URI']; } if(null===$host){ $host = (!isset($serverVars['SERVER_NAME']) || $serverVars['SERVER_NAME'] !==$serverVars['HTTP_HOST']) ? $serverVars['HTTP_HOST'] : $reverse_host; } if(null===$method){ $method = $serverVars['REQUEST_METHOD']; } $url = rtrim($reverse_protocol, ':// ').'://'.$reverse_host.''.$reverse_uri; $request = $this-> createServerRequest( $host, $url, $method, $_GET/*$query$Params*/, $this->{'parseHeaders'}($serverVars)/* $headers*/, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $serverVars//, //'php://input' //$_POST //stream_get_contents('php://input') //rawurlencode($_POST) ); $guzzle = new Client(array_merge([ // 'allow_redirects' => ['track_redirects' => true], 'http_errors' => false, 'handler' => $this->choose_handler(), ], $config)); $adapter = new GuzzleAdapter($guzzle); // $proxy = new \webfan\hps\Client\Proxy($adapter, $request->getUri()); $proxy = new ClientProxy($adapter, $request->getUri()); $cstr = ''; foreach($_COOKIE as $name => $value){ $cstr.= "$name=$value;"; } if(0<strlen($cstr)){ $request = $request->withHeader('Cookie', trim($cstr, '; '), true ); } $forIp = ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $request = $request->withHeader(self::HEADER_IP_IMPERSONATION, $forIp); $request = $request->withHeader($this->fakeHeader, $host); $request = $request->withHeader('X-Frdlweb-Proxy', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']); return $proxy ->forward($request) ->filter(new RemoveEncodingFilter()) ->filter(function ($request, $response, $next) use($host, $ClassResponse, $method) { $request = $request->withHeader($this->fakeHeader, $host); $request = $request->withHeader('X-Frdlweb-Proxy', $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']); if(true===$this->HostHeaderOverwrite){ $request = $request->withHeader('Host', $host); } $response = $next($request, $response); $MyResponse = new $ClassResponse($response); foreach($MyResponse->getHeaders() as $n => $_v){ foreach($_v as $v){ if('Location'===$n){ }elseif('Set-Cookie' === $n){ $RequestCookies = []; if(!is_array($v)){ $v = [$v]; } foreach( $v as $i => $hv){ $CookieObject = ( function_exists('\http_parse_cookie')) ? \http_parse_cookie( trim($hv), 0 ) : new \webfan\hps\Parse\Cookie(trim($hv), 0 ); $cookies = $CookieObject->cookies; foreach($cookies as $cookieName => $cookieValue){ $RequestCookies[$cookieName] = [ 'expires' => $CookieObject->expires, 'value' => $cookieValue, 'domain' => $CookieObject->domain, 'path' => $CookieObject->path, 'secure' => (bool)$CookieObject->secure, ]; } } foreach($RequestCookies as $name => $Cookie){ // print_r($name); $time = time() + 2 * 60 * 60; extract($Cookie); $cs = "$name=$value; expires=$expires; domain=$domain; path=$path; $secure"; $MyResponse = $MyResponse->withHeader('Set-Cookie', $cs); // if($name===\MX_SESSION_NAME && strlen(trim($value)) && 'sess' === substr($value, 0, strlen('sess'))){ // session_id(urldecode($value)); // } } }else{ $MyResponse = $MyResponse->withHeader($n, $v, true ); } }//foreach }//foreach $MyResponse = $MyResponse->withHeader('X-Powered-By', 'Webfan Homepagesystem', false ); return $MyResponse; }) // ->filter(new RewriteLocationFilter()) ; } }