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File: Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Word.php

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  Classes of Filipe Sá   Zend Framework Data Grid   Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Word.php   Download  
File: Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Word.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Export Results to a MS Word document (2003)
Class: Zend Framework Data Grid
Display and edit data from a database in a grid
Author: By
Last change: Version 0.6
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 6,187 bytes



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 * This source file is subject to the new BSD license
 * It is available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
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 * @package Bvb_Grid
 * @copyright Copyright (c) (
 * @license New BSD License
 * @version $Id: Word.php 1011 2010-03-17 16:18:51Z $
 * @author Bento Vilas Boas < >

class Bvb_Grid_Deploy_Word extends Bvb_Grid implements Bvb_Grid_Deploy_Interface

OUTPUT = 'word';

$options = array ();


__construct( $options )

parent::__construct ($options );

$this->addTemplateDir ( 'Bvb/Grid/Template/Word', 'Bvb_Grid_Template_Word', 'word' );



        if (!
in_array ( self::OUTPUT, $this->_export ))
$this->__ ( "You dont' have permission to export the results to this format" );
            die ();

$this->setPagination ( 0 );

parent::deploy ();

        if (!
$this->_temp['word'] instanceof Bvb_Grid_Template_Word_Word) {
$this->setTemplate('word', 'word');

$titles = parent::_buildTitles ();

#$nome = reset($titles);
$wsData = parent::_buildGrid ();
$sql = parent::_buildSqlExp ();

$xml = $this->_temp ['word']->globalStart ();

$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->titlesStart ();

        foreach (
$titles as $value )
            if ((
$value ['field'] != $this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '') {
$xml .= str_replace ( "{{value}}", $value ['value'], $this->_temp ['word']->titlesLoop () );
$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->titlesEnd ();

        if (
is_array ( $wsData ))
if ($this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '')
$bar = $wsData;

$hbar = trim ($this->getInfo('hRow,title'));

$p = 0;
                foreach (
$wsData [0] as $value )
                    if (
$value ['field'] == $hbar)
$hRowIndex = $p;

$p ++;
$aa = 0;


$i = 1;
$aa = 0;
            foreach (
$wsData as $row )
                //A linha horizontal
if ($this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '')

                    if (@
$bar [$aa] [$hRowIndex] ['value'] != @$bar [$aa - 1] [$hRowIndex] ['value'])
$xml .= str_replace ( "{{value}}", @$bar [$aa] [$hRowIndex] ['value'], $this->_temp ['word']->hRow () );

$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->loopStart ();
$a = 1;
                foreach (
$row as $value )
$value ['value'] = strip_tags ( $value ['value'] );

                    if ((@
$value ['field'] !=$this->getInfo('hRow,field') && $this->getInfo('hRow,title') != '') || $this->getInfo('hRow,title') == '') {
$xml .= str_replace ( "{{value}}", $value ['value'], $this->_temp ['word']->loopLoop ( 2 ) );
$a ++;
$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->loopEnd ();
$aa ++;
$i ++;

        if (
is_array ( $sql ))
$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->sqlExpStart ();
            foreach (
$sql as $value )
$xml .= str_replace ( "{{value}}", $value ['value'], $this->_temp ['word']->sqlExpLoop () );
$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->sqlExpEnd ();

$xml .= $this->_temp ['word']->globalEnd ();

        if (! isset(
$this->deploy['save'])) {
$this->deploy['save'] = false;

        if (! isset(
$this->deploy['download'])) {
$this->deploy['download'] = false;

        if (
$this->deploy['save'] != 1 && $this->deploy['download'] != 1) {
            throw new
Exception('Nothing to do. Please specify download&&|save options');

        if (empty(
$this->deploy['name'])) {
$this->deploy['name'] = date('H_m_d_H_i_s');

        if (
substr($this->deploy['name'], - 4) == '.doc') {
$this->deploy['name'] = substr($this->deploy['name'], 0, - 4);

$this->deploy['dir'] = rtrim($this->deploy['dir'], '/') . '/';

        if (!
is_dir($this->deploy['dir'])) {
            throw new
Bvb_Grid_Exception($this->deploy['dir'] . ' is not a dir');

        if (!
is_writable($this->deploy['dir'])) {
            throw new
Bvb_Grid_Exception($this->deploy['dir'] . ' is not writable');

file_put_contents($this->deploy['dir'] . $this->deploy['name'] . ".doc", $xml);

        if (
$this->deploy['download'] == 1) {
header ( 'Content-type: application/word' );
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this->deploy['name'] . '.doc"');
readfile($this->deploy['dir'] . $this->deploy['name'] . '.doc');

        if (
$this->deploy['save'] != 1) {
unlink($this->deploy['dir'] . $this->deploy['name'] . '.doc');

        die ();
