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File: public/assets/js/socket.js

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  Classes of Ahmad Mustapha   ReactPHP Chat Client   public/assets/js/socket.js   Download  
File: public/assets/js/socket.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: ReactPHP Chat Client
Implement a live chat system based on Web Sockets
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
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var log = console.log; var chatEvent = new EventEmitter(); var ASocket = (function (log, chatEvent) { var ws = { readyState: 100 }; var _this; function TheSocket(credentials, callback) { _this = this; _this.connCredentials = credentials; this.connect(callback); } TheSocket.prototype.connCredentials; TheSocket.prototype.showDebug = false; TheSocket.prototype.callbacksToCall = []; TheSocket.prototype.isConnecting = false; TheSocket.prototype.isFirstConnection = true; TheSocket.prototype.isDisconnected = false; TheSocket.prototype.reconnectPayload; TheSocket.prototype.executeCallbacks = function (callbacks, param, then) { if (callbacks.length) { for (var i = callbacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { callbacks[i](param); } } if (then) then(); } TheSocket.prototype.constructTime = function () { var d = new Date(); return d.getTime(); } TheSocket.prototype.connect = function (callback) { //Stop if user disconnected manually(leave room) if (this.isDisconnected) { clearInterval(retryInterval); return; } //Let's see if we have connection already if (ws) if (ws.readyState == 1) { if (callback) callback(); return; } else if (_this.isConnecting) { if (callback) { _this.callbacksToCall.push(callback); } return; } setTimeout(function () { chatEvent.emit('conn.change', 'connecting'); chatEvent.emit('conn.connecting'); }, 250); _this.isConnecting = true; var retryNum = 1; var retryInterval = setInterval(function () { //if we are not connected or connecting if (ws.readyState != 1 && ws.readyState != 0) { //Log message if its not first if (!_this.isFirstConnection) { log('Retrying connection(' + retryNum + ')...'); //Call connection status callbacks chatEvent.emit('conn.change', 'reconnecting', retryNum); chatEvent.emit('conn.reconnecting', retryNum); } try { ws = new WebSocket(_this.connCredentials.url); } catch (e) { _this.handleError(e); } var stateCheckInterval = setInterval(function () { //Continue checking until our socket is not in 'connecting state' if (ws.readyState != 0) { clearInterval(stateCheckInterval); } //Init if (ws.readyState == 1) { clearInterval(retryInterval); _this.init(); _this.isConnecting = false; retryNum = 1; //If its reconnecting, then we will send TheSocket.prototype.reconnectPayload if (!_this.isFirstConnection && _this.reconnectPayload) { _this.send(_this.reconnectPayload); } //Execute if (callback) callback(); _this.executeCallbacks(_this.callbacksToCall, null, function () { _this.callbacksToCall = []; }); log("Connection established."); //Call connection status callbacks chatEvent.emit('conn.change', 'connected'); chatEvent.emit('conn.connected'); } }, 100); retryNum++; _this.isFirstConnection = false; } }, 1500); } TheSocket.prototype.getSocket = function () { return ws; }; TheSocket.prototype.init = function () { ws.onmessage = (message) => this.handleMessage(message); //ws.onopen = () =>; ws.onclose = () => this.handleClose(); ws.onerror = () => this.handleError(); }; TheSocket.prototype.send = function (data, callback) { if (ws.readyState == 1) { ws.send(JSON.stringify(data)); //exec callback if (callback) callback(); } else { this.connect(function () { _this.send(data); //exec callback if (callback) callback(); }); } }; = function () { this.send({ command: '', time: _this.constructTime() }); }; TheSocket.prototype.pong = function () { this.send({ command: 'system.pong', time: _this.constructTime() }); }; TheSocket.prototype.handleMessage = function (message) { if (this.showDebug) { var dt = new Date(); var now = dt.getHours() + ':' + dt.getMinutes() + ':' + dt.getSeconds(); log(now + ': ' +; } var recvMessage = JSON.parse(; var command = recvMessage.command; //Emit events bound to this message command chatEvent.emit(command, recvMessage); }; TheSocket.prototype.handleError = function (e) { chatEvent.emit('conn.error', e); log('Error: '); log(JSON.stringify(e)); }; TheSocket.prototype.handleClose = function (e) { if (!_this.isDisconnected) { chatEvent.emit('conn.closed', e); } this.connect(); }; TheSocket.prototype.setReconnectPayload = function (payload) { _this.reconnectPayload = payload; }; TheSocket.prototype.disconnect = function () { //Mark connection as disconnected _this.isDisconnected = true; //Disconnect ws.close(); //Emit event that connection is disconnected chatEvent.emit('conn.disconnected') }; //When ping message is received chatEvent.on('', function () { _this.pong(); }); chatEvent.on('system.pong', function () { log('Pong message received'); }); return TheSocket; })(log, chatEvent);