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File: public/assets/js/chat.js

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  Classes of Ahmad Mustapha   ReactPHP Chat Client   public/assets/js/chat.js   Download  
File: public/assets/js/chat.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: ReactPHP Chat Client
Implement a live chat system based on Web Sockets
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 7,708 bytes



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var chosenRoom; var chosenName; var ws; $(function () { var $blockRoom = $('#block-room'); var $blockChat = $('#block-chat'); var $inputMessage = $('#input-message'); var $inputRoom = $('#input-room'); var $inputName = $('#input-name'); var textTimes = 0; var templateOutgoingMessage = Handlebars.compile($('#template-inbox-outgoing').html()); var templateIncomingMessage = Handlebars.compile($('#template-inbox-incoming').html()); var templateUserJoined = Handlebars.compile($('#template-chat-list').html()); var templateUserJoinedMessage = Handlebars.compile($('#template-user-joined').html()); var templateUserLeftMessage = Handlebars.compile($('#template-user-left').html()); var textInterval; var textTimesInterval; var runTextIntervalTimeout; let reconnectionInsurrance = function () { $('#people-list').html(''); }; //Tone to be played when new message is received var toneMessage = new Howl({ src: ['assets/mp3/juntos.mp3'], volume: 1 }); //Tone to be played when user join group var toneJoined = new Howl({ src: ['assets/mp3/done-for-you.mp3'], volume: 1 }); //When current user joined a group successfully chatEvent.on('chat.public.joined', function () { //alert('You joined joined'); }); //When user joined the room chatEvent.on('chat.public.ujoined', function (response) { let addToJoined = function (clientData) { $('#people-list').append(templateUserJoined({ id: clientData.client_id, name: })); //Show message that user joined $('#messages').append(templateUserJoinedMessage({ name: })); }; if (typeof response.message === 'object') { for (let i = 0; i < response.message.length; i++) { addToJoined(response.message[i]); } } //Play tone; }); //When user left the group chatEvent.on('chat.public.left', function (response) { $('#client-' + response.message.client_id).remove(); //Show message that user left $('#messages').append(templateUserLeftMessage({ name: })); }); //When new message is received chatEvent.on('chat.public.send', function (response) { var time = moment(response.time * 1000).format('h:mm:ss'); $('#messages').append(templateIncomingMessage({ name: response.message.user, message: response.message.message, time: time })); //Play tone; }); //When browser is connected to server successfully chatEvent.on('conn.connected', function () { $('#conn-status') .attr('class', 'badge badge-success') .html('connected'); }); //When browser is connected to server successfully chatEvent.on('conn.disconnected', function () { destructChatBlock(); }); //when browser is connecting chatEvent.on('conn.connecting', function () { $('#conn-status') .attr('class', 'badge badge-info') .html('connecting'); }); //when browser is retring lost connecting chatEvent.on('conn.reconnecting', function (number) { $('#conn-status') .attr('class', 'badge badge-warning') .html('reconnecting ' + number); }); //When the connection is closed chatEvent.on('conn.closed', function (error) { $('#conn-status') .attr('class', 'badge badge-danger') .html(JSON.stringify(error)); reconnectionInsurrance(); }); //When we got an error with the connection chatEvent.on('conn.error', function (error) { $('#conn-status') .attr('class', 'badge badge-danger') .html(JSON.stringify(error)); reconnectionInsurrance(); }); var constructChatBlock = function () { $blockRoom.hide(); $blockChat.removeClass('d-none'); textInterval = function () { textTimesInterval = setInterval(function () { $inputMessage.val('Hello(' + textTimes + ')'); textTimes++; }, 1000); }; $inputMessage.on('input', function () { if ($inputMessage.val() === '') { clearTimeout(runTextIntervalTimeout); runTextIntervalTimeout = setTimeout(textInterval, 5000); return; } clearTimeout(runTextIntervalTimeout); clearInterval(textTimesInterval); }); textInterval(); }; var destructChatBlock = function(){ clearInterval(textInterval); clearInterval(textTimesInterval); clearTimeout(runTextIntervalTimeout); $('#people-list').html(''); $('#messages').html(''); //Make the button available $('#form-choose-room') .find('button').eq(0) .removeAttr('disabled') .html('Join'); //Change connection status to disconnected $('#conn-status') .attr('class', 'badge badge-primary') .html('ready'); //Show room chooser $; //Hide block chat $blockChat.addClass('d-none'); }; //Choose room form $('#form-choose-room').submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $('button') .eq(0) .attr('disabled', 'disabled') .html('Joining...'); chosenName = $inputName.val(); chosenRoom = $inputRoom.val(); if (chosenRoom.length < 1) { $inputRoom.addClass('is-invalid').focus(); return; } if (chosenName.length < 1) { $inputName.addClass('is-invalid').focus(); return; } ws = new ASocket({ url: 'ws://' + window.location.hostname + ':10000' }, function () { var payload = { command: 'chat.public.join', name: chosenName, room: chosenRoom }; //Message that will be sent to server when the browser got reconnected ws.setReconnectPayload(payload); ws.send(payload, function () { chosenRoom = $inputRoom.val(); chosenName = $inputName.val(); constructChatBlock(); //Display room name $('#room-name').html(chosenName + ' @ <i>' + chosenRoom + '</i>'); }); }); }); //Send message form $('#form-send-message').submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var payload = { command: 'chat.public.send', message: $inputMessage.val(), time: (new Date()).getTime() }; var time = moment((new Date()).getTime()).format('h:mm:ss'); $('#messages').append(templateOutgoingMessage({ name: chosenName, message: $inputMessage.val(), time: time })); ws.send(payload, function () { $inputMessage.val(''); textTimes = 0; }); }); //Leave room $('#btn-leave-room').click(function () { ws.send({ command: 'chat.public.leave', time: (new Date()).getTime() }, () => ws.disconnect()); }); });