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File: phpQuery-onefile.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: 0.9.5 Beta4
Class: phpQuery
Manipulate HTML and XML documents like jQuery
Author: By
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Date: 16 years ago
Size: 155,094 bytes



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<?php /** * phpQuery is a server-side, chainable, CSS3 selector driven * Document Object Model (DOM) API based on jQuery JavaScript Library. * * @version 0.9.5 beta4 * @link * @link * @link * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @license MIT License * @package phpQuery */ // class names for instanceof // TODO move them as class constants into phpQuery define('DOMDOCUMENT', 'DOMDocument'); define('DOMELEMENT', 'DOMElement'); define('DOMNODELIST', 'DOMNodeList'); define('DOMNODE', 'DOMNode'); /** * DOMEvent class. * * Based on * @link * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @package phpQuery * @todo implement ArrayAccess ? */ class DOMEvent { /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM or not. * * @var unknown_type */ public $bubbles = true; /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable. * * @var unknown_type */ public $cancelable = true; /** * Returns a reference to the currently registered target for the event. * * @var unknown_type */ public $currentTarget; /** * Returns detail about the event, depending on the type of event. * * @var unknown_type * @link */ public $detail; // ??? /** * Used to indicate which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated. * * NOT IMPLEMENTED * * @var unknown_type * @link */ public $eventPhase; // ??? /** * The explicit original target of the event (Mozilla-specific). * * NOT IMPLEMENTED * * @var unknown_type */ public $explicitOriginalTarget; // moz only /** * The original target of the event, before any retargetings (Mozilla-specific). * * NOT IMPLEMENTED * * @var unknown_type */ public $originalTarget; // moz only /** * Identifies a secondary target for the event. * * @var unknown_type */ public $relatedTarget; /** * Returns a reference to the target to which the event was originally dispatched. * * @var unknown_type */ public $target; /** * Returns the time that the event was created. * * @var unknown_type */ public $timeStamp; /** * Returns the name of the event (case-insensitive). */ public $type; public $runDefault = true; public $data = null; public function __construct($data) { foreach($data as $k => $v) { $this->$k = $v; } if (! $this->timeStamp) $this->timeStamp = time(); } /** * Cancels the event (if it is cancelable). * */ public function preventDefault() { $this->runDefault = false; } /** * Stops the propagation of events further along in the DOM. * */ public function stopPropagation() { $this->bubbles = false; } } /** * DOMDocumentWrapper class simplifies work with DOMDocument. * * Know bug: * - in XHTML fragments, <br /> changes to <br clear="none" /> * * @todo check XML catalogs compatibility * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @package phpQuery */ class DOMDocumentWrapper { /** * @var DOMDocument */ public $document; public $id; /** * @todo Rewrite as method and quess if null. * @var unknown_type */ public $contentType = ''; public $xpath; public $events = array(); public $eventsNodes = array(); public $eventsGlobal = array(); /** * TODO * @var unknown_type */ public $frames = array(); /** * Document root, by default equals to document itself. * Used by documentFragments. * * @var DOMNode */ public $root; public $isDocumentFragment = null; public $isXML = false; public $isXHTML = false; public $isHTML = false; public $charset; public function __construct($markup = null, $contentType = null, $newDocumentID = null) { if (isset($markup)) $this->load($markup, $contentType, $newDocumentID); } public function load($markup, $contentType = null, $newDocumentID = null) { $id = $newDocumentID ? $newDocumentID : md5(microtime()); if ($markup instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { // TODO: integrate passed DOMDocument object into wrapper } phpQuery::$documents[$id] = $this; $this->contentType = strtolower($contentType); if ($this->loadMarkup($markup)) { $this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->document); $this->afterMarkupLoad(); // remember last loaded document return phpQuery::$defaultDocumentID = $id; } } protected function afterMarkupLoad() { if ($this->isXHTML) { $this->xpath->registerNamespace("html", ""); } } protected function loadMarkup($markup) { $loaded = false; if ($this->contentType) { self::debug("Load markup for content type {$this->contentType}"); // content determined by contentType list($contentType, $charset) = $this->contentTypeToArray($this->contentType); switch($contentType) { case 'text/html': $loaded = $this->loadMarkupHTML($markup, $charset); break; case 'text/xml': case 'application/xhtml+xml': $loaded = $this->loadMarkupXML($markup, $charset); break; default: // for feeds or anything that sometimes doesn't use text/xml if (strpos('xml', $this->contentType) !== false) $loaded = $this->loadMarkupXML($markup, $charset); else phpQuery::debug("Could not determine document type from content type '{$this->contentType}'"); } } else { // content type autodetection if ($this->isXML($markup)) { $loaded = $this->loadMarkupXML($markup); if (! $loaded && $this->isXHTML) { phpQuery::debug('Loading as XML failed, trying to load as HTML'); $loaded = $this->loadMarkupHTML($markup); } } else { $loaded = $this->loadMarkupHTML($markup); } } return $loaded; } protected function loadMarkupReset() { $this->isXML = $this->isXHTML = $this->isHTML = false; } protected function documentCreate($charset, $version = '1.0') { if (! $version) $version = '1.0'; if ($this->document) // TODO unload ; $this->document = new DOMDocument($version, $charset); $this->charset = $this->document->encoding; // $this->document->encoding = $charset; $this->document->formatOutput = true; $this->document->preserveWhiteSpace = true; } protected function loadMarkupHTML($markup, $requestedCharset = null) { if (phpQuery::$debug) phpQuery::debug('Full markup load (HTML): '.substr($markup, 0, 250)); $this->loadMarkupReset(); $this->isHTML = true; if (!isset($this->isDocumentFragment)) $this->isDocumentFragment = self::isDocumentFragmentHTML($markup); $charset = null; $documentCharset = $this->charsetFromHTML($markup); if ($documentCharset) { $charset = $documentCharset; } else if ($requestedCharset) { $charset = $requestedCharset; } if (! $charset) $charset = phpQuery::$defaultCharset; if ($requestedCharset && $documentCharset && $requestedCharset != $documentCharset) { // TODO place for charset conversion // $charset = $requestedCharset; } $return = false; if ($this->isDocumentFragment) { phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (HTML), DocumentFragment detected, using charset '$charset'"); $return = $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($this, $charset, $markup); } else { if (! $documentCharset) { phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (HTML), appending charset '$charset'"); $markup = $this->charsetAppendToHTML($markup, $charset); } else { $charset = $documentCharset; phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (HTML), using document's charset '{$charset}'"); } // TODO: check if mb_convert_encoding is really needed // $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', self::$defaultEncoding); // $html = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset='.self::$defaultEncoding.'">'.$html; $this->documentCreate($charset); $return = phpQuery::$debug === 2 ? $this->document->loadHTML($markup) : @$this->document->loadHTML($markup); if ($return) $this->root = $this->document; } if ($return && ! $this->contentType) $this->contentType = 'text/html'; return $return; } protected function loadMarkupXML($markup, $requestedCharset = null) { if (phpQuery::$debug) phpQuery::debug('Full markup load (XML): '.substr($markup, 0, 250)); $this->loadMarkupReset(); $this->isXML = true; // check agains XHTML in contentType or markup $isContentTypeXHTML = $this->isXHTML(); $isMarkupXHTML = $this->isXHTML($markup); if ($isContentTypeXHTML || $isMarkupXHTML) { self::debug('Full markup load (XML), XHTML detected'); $this->isXHTML = true; } // determine document fragment if (!isset($this->isDocumentFragment)) $this->isDocumentFragment = $this->isXHTML ? self::isDocumentFragmentXHTML($markup) : self::isDocumentFragmentXML($markup); // this charset will be used $charset = null; // charset from XML declaration @var string $documentCharset = $this->charsetFromXML($markup); if (! $documentCharset) { if ($this->isXHTML) { // this is XHTML, try to get charset from content-type meta header $documentCharset = $this->charsetFromHTML($markup); if ($documentCharset) { phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (XML), appending XHTML charset '$documentCharset'"); $this->charsetAppendToXML($markup, $documentCharset); $charset = $documentCharset; } } if (! $documentCharset) { // if still no document charset... $charset = $requestedCharset; } } else if ($requestedCharset) { $charset = $requestedCharset; } if (! $charset) { $charset = phpQuery::$defaultCharset; } if ($requestedCharset && $documentCharset && $requestedCharset != $documentCharset) { // TODO place for charset conversion // $charset = $requestedCharset; } $return = false; if ($this->isDocumentFragment) { phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (XML), DocumentFragment detected, using charset '$charset'"); $return = $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($this, $charset, $markup); } else { // FIXME ??? if ($isContentTypeXHTML && ! $isMarkupXHTML) if (! $documentCharset) { phpQuery::debug("Full markup load (XML), appending charset '$charset'"); $markup = $this->charsetAppendToXML($markup, $charset); } // see // LIBXML_DTDLOAD (>= PHP 5.1) // does XML ctalogues works with LIBXML_NONET // $this->document->resolveExternals = true; // TODO test LIBXML_COMPACT for performance improvement // create document $this->documentCreate($charset); if (phpversion() < 5.1) { $this->document->resolveExternals = true; $return = phpQuery::$debug === 2 ? $this->document->loadXML($markup) : @$this->document->loadXML($markup); } else { /** @link */ $libxmlStatic = phpQuery::$debug === 2 ? LIBXML_DTDLOAD|LIBXML_DTDATTR|LIBXML_NONET : LIBXML_DTDLOAD|LIBXML_DTDATTR|LIBXML_NONET|LIBXML_NOWARNING|LIBXML_NOERROR; $return = $this->document->loadXML($markup, $libxmlStatic); // if (! $return) // $return = $this->document->loadHTML($markup); } if ($return) $this->root = $this->document; } if ($return) { if (! $this->contentType) { if ($this->isXHTML) $this->contentType = 'application/xhtml+xml'; else $this->contentType = 'text/xml'; } return $return; } else { throw new Exception("Error loading XML markup"); } } protected function isXHTML($markup = null) { if (! isset($markup)) { return strpos($this->contentType, 'xhtml') !== false; } // XXX ok ? return strpos($markup, "<!DOCTYPE html") !== false; // return stripos($doctype, 'xhtml') !== false; // $doctype = isset($dom->doctype) && is_object($dom->doctype) // ? $dom->doctype->publicId // : self::$defaultDoctype; } protected function isXML($markup) { // return strpos($markup, '<?xml') !== false && stripos($markup, 'xhtml') === false; return strpos($markup, '<'.'?xml') !== false; } protected function contentTypeToArray($contentType) { $matches = explode(';', trim(strtolower($contentType))); if (isset($matches[1])) { $matches[1] = explode('=', $matches[1]); // strip 'charset=' $matches[1] = isset($matches[1][1]) && trim($matches[1][1]) ? $matches[1][1] : $matches[1][0]; } else $matches[1] = null; return $matches; } /** * * @param $markup * @return array contentType, charset */ protected function contentTypeFromHTML($markup) { $matches; // find meta tag preg_match('@<meta[^>]+http-equiv\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])Content-Type\\1([^>]+?)>@i', $markup, $matches ); if (! isset($matches[0])) return array(null, null); // get attr 'content' preg_match('@content\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])(.+?)\\1@', $matches[0], $matches); if (! isset($matches[0])) return array(null, null); return $this->contentTypeToArray($matches[2]); } protected function charsetFromHTML($markup) { $contentType = $this->contentTypeFromHTML($markup); return $contentType[1]; } protected function charsetFromXML($markup) { $matches; // find declaration preg_match('@<'.'?xml[^>]+encoding\\s*=\\s*(["|\'])(.*?)\\1@i', $markup, $matches ); return isset($matches[2]) ? strtolower($matches[2]) : null; } protected function charsetAppendToHTML($html, $charset, $xhtml = false) { $meta = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=' .$charset.'" ' .($xhtml ? '/' : '') .'>'; if (strpos($html, '<head') === false) { if (strpos($html, '<html') === false) { return $meta.$html; } else { return preg_replace( '@<html(.*?)(?(?<!\?)>)@s', "<html\\1><head>{$meta}</head>", $html ); } } else { return preg_replace( '@<head(.*?)(?(?<!\?)>)@s', '<head\\1>'.$meta, $html ); } } protected function charsetAppendToXML($markup, $charset) { $declaration = '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$charset.'"?'.'>'; return $declaration.$markup; } public static function isDocumentFragmentHTML($markup) { return stripos($markup, '<html') === false; } public static function isDocumentFragmentXML($markup) { return stripos($markup, '<'.'?xml') === false; } public static function isDocumentFragmentXHTML($markup) { return self::isDocumentFragmentHTML($markup); } public function importAttr($value) { // TODO } /** * * @param $source * @param $target * @param $sourceCharset * @return array Array of imported nodes. */ public function import($source, $sourceCharset = null) { // TODO charset conversions $return = array(); if ($source instanceof DOMNODE && !($source instanceof DOMNODELIST)) $source = array($source); if (is_array($source) || $source instanceof DOMNODELIST) { // dom nodes self::debug('Importing nodes to document'); foreach($source as $node) $return[] = $this->document->importNode($node, true); } else { // string markup $fake = $this->documentFragmentCreate($source, $sourceCharset); if ($fake === false) throw new Exception("Error loading documentFragment markup"); else return $this->import($fake->root->childNodes); } return $return; } /** * Creates new document fragment. * * @param $source * @return DOMDocumentWrapper */ protected function documentFragmentCreate($source, $charset = null) { $fake = new DOMDocumentWrapper(); $fake->contentType = $this->contentType; $fake->isXML = $this->isXML; $fake->isHTML = $this->isHTML; $fake->isXHTML = $this->isXHTML; $fake->root = $fake->document; if (! $charset) $charset = $this->charset; // $fake->documentCreate($this->charset); if ($source instanceof DOMNODE && !($source instanceof DOMNODELIST)) $source = array($source); if (is_array($source) || $source instanceof DOMNODELIST) { // dom nodes // load fake document if (! $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($fake, $charset)) return false; $nodes = $fake->import($source); foreach($nodes as $node) $fake->root->appendChild($node); } else { // string markup $this->documentFragmentLoadMarkup($fake, $charset, $source); } return $fake; } /** * * @param $document DOMDocumentWrapper * @param $markup * @return $document */ private function documentFragmentLoadMarkup($fragment, $charset, $markup = null) { // TODO error handling // TODO copy doctype // tempolary turn off $fragment->isDocumentFragment = false; if ($fragment->isXML) { if ($fragment->isXHTML) { // add FAKE element to set default namespace $fragment->loadMarkupXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$charset.'"?>' .'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ' .'"">' .'<fake xmlns="">'.$markup.'</fake>'); $fragment->root = $fragment->document->firstChild->nextSibling; } else { $fragment->loadMarkupXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$charset.'"?><fake>'.$markup.'</fake>'); $fragment->root = $fragment->document->firstChild; } } else { $markup2 = phpQuery::$defaultDoctype.'<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=' .$charset.'"></head>'; $noBody = strpos($markup, '<body') === false; if ($noBody) $markup2 .= '<body>'; $markup2 .= $markup; if ($noBody) $markup2 .= '</body>'; $markup2 .= '</html>'; $fragment->loadMarkupHTML($markup2); // TODO resolv body tag merging issue $fragment->root = $noBody ? $fragment->document->firstChild->nextSibling->firstChild->nextSibling : $fragment->document->firstChild->nextSibling->firstChild->nextSibling; } if (! $fragment->root) return false; $fragment->isDocumentFragment = true; return true; } protected function documentFragmentToMarkup($fragment) { phpQuery::debug('documentFragmentToMarkup'); $tmp = $fragment->isDocumentFragment; $fragment->isDocumentFragment = false; $markup = $fragment->markup(); if ($fragment->isXML) { $markup = substr($markup, 0, strrpos($markup, '</fake>')); if ($fragment->isXHTML) { $markup = substr($markup, strpos($markup, '<fake')+43); } else { $markup = substr($markup, strpos($markup, '<fake>')+6); } } else { $markup = substr($markup, strpos($markup, '<body>')+6); $markup = substr($markup, 0, strrpos($markup, '</body>')); } $fragment->isDocumentFragment = $tmp; if (phpQuery::$debug) phpQuery::debug('documentFragmentToMarkup: '.substr($markup, 0, 150)); return $markup; } /** * Return document markup, starting with optional $node as root. * * @param $node DOMNode|DOMNodeList * @return string */ public function markup($nodes = null, $innerMarkup = false) { if (isset($nodes) && count($nodes) == 1 && $nodes[0] instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) $nodes = null; if (isset($nodes)) { $markup = ''; if (!is_array($nodes) && !($nodes instanceof DOMNODELIST) ) $nodes = array($nodes); if ($this->isDocumentFragment && ! $innerMarkup) foreach($nodes as $i => $node) if ($node->isSameNode($this->root)) { // var_dump($node); $nodes = array_slice($nodes, 0, $i) + phpQuery::DOMNodeListToArray($node->childNodes) + array_slice($nodes, $i+1); } if ($this->isXML && ! $innerMarkup) { self::debug("Getting outerXML with charset '{$this->charset}'"); // we need outerXML, so we can benefit from // $node param support in saveXML() foreach($nodes as $node) $markup .= $this->document->saveXML($node); } else { $loop = array(); if ($innerMarkup) foreach($nodes as $node) foreach($node->childNodes as $child) $loop[] = $child; else $loop = $nodes; self::debug("Getting markup, moving selected nodes (".count($loop).") to new DocumentFragment"); $fake = $this->documentFragmentCreate($loop); $markup = $this->documentFragmentToMarkup($fake); } if ($this->isXHTML) { self::debug("Fixing XHTML"); $markup = self::markupFixXHTML($markup); } self::debug("Markup: ".substr($markup, 0, 250)); return $markup; } else { if ($this->isDocumentFragment) { // documentFragment, html only... self::debug("Getting markup, DocumentFragment detected"); // return $this->markup( //// $this->document->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0) // $this->document->root, true // ); $markup = $this->documentFragmentToMarkup($this); // no need for markupFixXHTML, as it's done thought markup($nodes) method return $markup; } else { self::debug("Getting markup (".($this->isXML?'XML':'HTML')."), final with charset '{$this->charset}'"); $markup = $this->isXML ? $this->document->saveXML() : $this->document->saveHTML(); if ($this->isXHTML) { self::debug("Fixing XHTML"); $markup = self::markupFixXHTML($markup); } self::debug("Markup: ".substr($markup, 0, 250)); return $markup; } } } protected static function markupFixXHTML($markup) { $markup = self::expandEmptyTag('script', $markup); $markup = self::expandEmptyTag('select', $markup); $markup = self::expandEmptyTag('textarea', $markup); return $markup; } public static function debug($text) { phpQuery::debug($text); } /** * expandEmptyTag * * @param $tag * @param $xml * @return unknown_type * @author mjaque at ilkebenson dot com * @link */ public static function expandEmptyTag($tag, $xml){ $indice = 0; while ($indice< strlen($xml)){ $pos = strpos($xml, "<$tag ", $indice); if ($pos){ $posCierre = strpos($xml, ">", $pos); if ($xml[$posCierre-1] == "/"){ $xml = substr_replace($xml, "></$tag>", $posCierre-1, 2); } $indice = $posCierre; } else break; } return $xml; } } /** * Event handling class. * * @author Tobiasz Cudnik * @package phpQuery * @static */ abstract class phpQueryEvents { /** * Trigger a type of event on every matched element. * * @param DOMNode|phpQueryObject|string $document * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $data * * @TODO exclusive events (with !) * @TODO global events (test) * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated) */ public static function trigger($document, $type, $data = array(), $node = null) { // trigger: function(type, data, elem, donative, extra) { $documentID = phpQuery::getDocumentID($document); $namespace = null; if (strpos($type, '.') !== false) list($name, $namespace) = explode('.', $type); else $name = $type; if (! $node) { if (self::issetGlobal($documentID, $type)) { $pq = phpQuery::getDocument($documentID); // TODO check add($pq->document) $pq->find('*')->add($pq->document) ->trigger($type, $data); } } else { if (isset($data[0]) && $data[0] instanceof DOMEvent) { $event = $data[0]; $event->relatedTarget = $event->target; $event->target = $node; $data = array_slice($data, 1); } else { $event = new DOMEvent(array( 'type' => $type, 'target' => $node, 'timeStamp' => time(), )); } while($node) { phpQuery::debug("Triggering event '{$type}' on node ".phpQueryObject::whois($node)."\n"); $event->currentTarget = $node; $eventNode = self::getNode($documentID, $node); if (isset($eventNode->eventHandlers)) { foreach($eventNode->eventHandlers as $eventType => $handlers) { $eventNamespace = null; if (strpos($type, '.') !== false) list($eventName, $eventNamespace) = explode('.', $eventType); else $eventName = $eventType; if ($name != $eventName) continue; if ($namespace && $eventNamespace && $namespace != $eventNamespace) continue; foreach($handlers as $handler) { $event->data = $handler['data'] ? $handler['data'] : null; $params = array_merge(array($event), $data); $return = phpQuery::callbackRun($handler['callback'], $params); if ($return === false) { $event->bubbles = false; } } } } // to bubble or not to bubble... if (! $event->bubbles) break; $node = $node->parentNode; } } } /** * Binds a handler to one or more events (like click) for each matched element. * Can also bind custom events. * * @param DOMNode|phpQueryObject|string $document * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $data Optional * @param unknown_type $callback * * @TODO support '!' (exclusive) events * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated) * @TODO support binding to global events */ public static function add($document, $node, $type, $data, $callback = null) { phpQuery::debug("Binding '$type' event"); $documentID = phpQuery::getDocumentID($document); // if (is_null($callback) && is_callable($data)) { // $callback = $data; // $data = null; // } $eventNode = self::getNode($documentID, $node); if (! $eventNode) $eventNode = self::setNode($documentID, $node); if (!isset($eventNode->eventHandlers[$type])) $eventNode->eventHandlers[$type] = array(); $eventNode->eventHandlers[$type][] = array( 'callback' => $callback, 'data' => $data, ); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param DOMNode|phpQueryObject|string $document * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $callback * * @TODO namespace events * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated) */ public static function remove($document, $node, $type = null, $callback = null) { $documentID = phpQuery::getDocumentID($document); $eventNode = self::getNode($documentID, $node); if (is_object($eventNode) && isset($eventNode->eventHandlers[$type])) { if ($callback) { foreach($eventNode->eventHandlers[$type] as $k => $handler) if ($handler['callback'] == $callback) unset($eventNode->eventHandlers[$type][$k]); } else { unset($eventNode->eventHandlers[$type]); } } } protected static function getNode($documentID, $node) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->eventsNodes as $eventNode) { if ($node->isSameNode($eventNode)) return $eventNode; } } protected static function setNode($documentID, $node) { phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->eventsNodes[] = $node; return phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->eventsNodes[ count(phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->eventsNodes)-1 ]; } protected static function issetGlobal($documentID, $type) { return isset(phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]) ? in_array($type, phpQuery::$documents[$documentID]->eventsGlobal) : false; } } /** * Callback class implementing ParamStructures, pattern similar to Currying. * * @link * @author Tobiasz Cudnik */ class Callback { public $callback = null; public $params = null; public function __construct($callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { $params = func_get_args(); $params = array_slice($params, 1); if ($callback instanceof Callback) { // TODO implement recurention } else { $this->callback = $callback; $this->params = $params; } } // TODO test me !!! public function param() { $params = func_get_args(); return new Callback($this->callback, $this->params+$params); } } class CallbackReference extends Callback{ /** * * @param $reference * @param $paramIndex * @todo implement $paramIndex; param index choose which callback param will be passed to reference */ public function __construct(&$reference, $name = null){ $this->callback =& $reference; } } class CallbackParam {} /** * Class representing phpQuery objects. * * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @package phpQuery * @method phpQueryObject clone() clone() * @method phpQueryObject empty() empty() * @method phpQueryObject next() next($selector = null) * @method phpQueryObject prev() prev($selector = null) * @property Int $length */ class phpQueryObject implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess { public $documentID = null; /** * DOMDocument class. * * @var DOMDocument */ public $document = null; public $charset = null; /** * * @var DOMDocumentWrapper */ public $documentWrapper = null; /** * XPath interface. * * @var DOMXPath */ public $xpath = null; /** * Stack of selected elements. * @TODO refactor to ->nodes * @var array */ public $elements = array(); /** * @access private */ protected $elementsBackup = array(); /** * @access private */ protected $previous = null; /** * @access private * @TODO deprecate */ protected $root = array(); /** * Indicated if doument is just a fragment (no <html> tag). * * Every document is realy a full document, so even documentFragments can * be queried against <html>, but getDocument(id)->htmlOuter() will return * only contents of <body>. * * @var bool */ public $documentFragment = true; /** * Iterator interface helper * @access private */ protected $elementsInterator = array(); /** * Iterator interface helper * @access private */ protected $valid = false; /** * Iterator interface helper * @access private */ protected $current = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function __construct($documentID) { $id = $documentID instanceof self ? $documentID->getDocumentID() : $documentID; if (! isset(phpQuery::$documents[$id] ) ) { throw new Exception("Document with ID '{$id}' isn't loaded. Use phpQuery::newDocument(\$html) or phpQuery::newDocumentFile(\$file) first."); return; } $this->documentID = $id; $this->documentWrapper =& phpQuery::$documents[$id]; $this->document =& $this->documentWrapper->document; $this->xpath =& $this->documentWrapper->xpath; $this->charset =& $this->documentWrapper->charset; $this->documentFragment =& $this->documentWrapper->isDocumentFragment; // TODO check $this->DOM->documentElement; // $this->root = $this->document->documentElement; $this->root =& $this->documentWrapper->root; // $this->toRoot(); $this->elements = array($this->root); } /** * * @access private * @param $attr * @return unknown_type */ public function __get($attr) { switch($attr) { // FIXME doesnt work at all ? case 'length': return $this->size(); break; default: return $this->$attr; } } /** * Saves actual object to $var by reference. * Useful when need to break chain. * @param phpQueryObject $var * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function toReference(&$var) { return $var = $this; } public function documentFragment($state = null) { if ($state) { phpQuery::$documents[$this->getDocumentID()]['documentFragment'] = $state; return $this; } return $this->documentFragment; } /** * @access private * @TODO documentWrapper */ protected function isRoot( $node ) { // return $node instanceof DOMDOCUMENT || $node->tagName == 'html'; return $node instanceof DOMDOCUMENT || ($node instanceof DOMELEMENT && $node->tagName == 'html') || $this->root->isSameNode($node); } /** * @access private */ protected function stackIsRoot() { return $this->size() == 1 && $this->isRoot($this->elements[0]); } /** * Enter description here... * NON JQUERY METHOD * * TODO SUPPORT FOR end() !!! Causing problems in queryTemplates... * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function toRoot() { $this->elements = array($this->root); return $this; // return $this->newInstance(array($this->root)); } /** * Saves object's DocumentID to $var by reference. * <code> * $myDocumentId; * phpQuery::newDocument('<div/>') * ->getDocumentIDRef($myDocumentId) * ->find('div')->... * </code> * * @param unknown_type $domId * @see phpQuery::newDocument * @see phpQuery::newDocumentFile * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function getDocumentIDRef(&$documentID) { $documentID = $this->getDocumentID(); return $this; } /** * Returns object with stack set to document root. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function getDocument() { return phpQuery::getDocument($this->getDocumentID()); } /** * * @return DOMDocument */ public function getDOMDocument() { return $this->document; } /** * Get object's Document ID. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function getDocumentID() { return $this->documentID; } /** * Unloads whole document from memory. * CAUTION! None further operations will be possible on this document. * All objects refering to it will be useless. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function unloadDocument() { phpQuery::unloadDocuments($this->getDocumentID()); } public function isHTML() { return $this->documentWrapper->isHTML; } public function isXHTML() { return $this->documentWrapper->isXHTML; } public function isXML() { return $this->documentWrapper->isXML; } /** * Enter description here... * * @link * @return string */ public function serialize() { return phpQuery::param($this->serializeArray()); } /** * Enter description here... * * @link * @return array */ public function serializeArray($submit = null) { $source = $this->filter('form, input, select, textarea') ->find('input, select, textarea') ->andSelf() ->not('form'); $return = array(); // $source->dumpDie(); foreach($source as $input) { $input = phpQuery::pq($input); if ($input->is('[disabled]')) continue; if (!$input->is('[name]')) continue; if ($input->is('[type=checkbox]') && !$input->is('[checked]')) continue; // jquery diff if ($submit && $input->is('[type=submit]')) { if ($submit instanceof DOMELEMENT && ! $input->elements[0]->isSameNode($submit)) continue; else if (is_string($submit) && $input->attr('name') != $submit) continue; } $return[] = array( 'name' => $input->attr('name'), 'value' => $input->val(), ); } return $return; } /** * @access private */ protected function debug($in) { if (! phpQuery::$debug ) return; print('<pre>'); print_r($in); // file debug // file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/phpQuery.log', print_r($in, true)."\n", FILE_APPEND); // quite handy debug trace // if ( is_array($in)) // print_r(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 3)); print("</pre>\n"); } /** * @access private */ protected function isRegexp($pattern) { return in_array( $pattern[ mb_strlen($pattern)-1 ], array('^','*','$') ); } /** * Determines if $char is really a char. * * @param string $char * @return bool * @todo rewrite me to charcode range ! ;) * @access private */ protected function isChar($char) { return extension_loaded('mbstring') ? mb_eregi('\w', $char) : preg_match('@\w@', $char); } /** * @access private */ protected function parseSelector( $query ) { // clean spaces // TODO include this inside parsing ? $query = trim( preg_replace('@\s+@', ' ', preg_replace('@\s*(>|\\+|~)\s*@', '\\1', $query) ) ); $queries = array(array()); if (! $query) return $queries; $return =& $queries[0]; $specialChars = array('>',' '); // $specialCharsMapping = array('/' => '>'); $specialCharsMapping = array(); $strlen = mb_strlen($query); $classChars = array('.', '-'); $pseudoChars = array('-'); $tagChars = array('*', '|', '-'); // split multibyte string // $_query = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$strlen; $i++) $_query[] = mb_substr($query, $i, 1); $query = $_query; // it works, but i dont like it... $i = 0; while( $i < $strlen) { $c = $query[$i]; $tmp = ''; // TAG if ($this->isChar($c) || in_array($c, $tagChars)) { while(isset($query[$i]) && ($this->isChar($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $tagChars))) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $return[] = $tmp; // IDs } else if ( $c == '#' ) { $i++; while( isset($query[$i]) && ($this->isChar($query[$i]) || $query[$i] == '-')) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $return[] = '#'.$tmp; // SPECIAL CHARS } else if (in_array($c, $specialChars)) { $return[] = $c; $i++; // MAPPED SPECIAL MULTICHARS // } else if ( $c.$query[$i+1] == '//' ) { // $return[] = ' '; // $i = $i+2; // MAPPED SPECIAL CHARS } else if ( isset($specialCharsMapping[$c]) ) { $return[] = $specialCharsMapping[$c]; $i++; // COMMA } else if ( $c == ',' ) { $queries[] = array(); $return =& $queries[ count($queries)-1 ]; $i++; while( isset($query[$i]) && $query[$i] == ' ') $i++; // CLASSES } else if ($c == '.') { while( isset($query[$i]) && ($this->isChar($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $classChars))) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $return[] = $tmp; // ~ General Sibling Selector } else if ($c == '~') { $spaceAllowed = true; $tmp .= $query[$i++]; while( isset($query[$i]) && ($this->isChar($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $classChars) || $query[$i] == '*' || ($query[$i] == ' ' && $spaceAllowed) )) { if ($query[$i] != ' ') $spaceAllowed = false; $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $return[] = $tmp; // + Adjacent sibling selectors } else if ($c == '+') { $spaceAllowed = true; $tmp .= $query[$i++]; while( isset($query[$i]) && ($this->isChar($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $classChars) || $query[$i] == '*' || ($spaceAllowed && $query[$i] == ' ') )) { if ($query[$i] != ' ') $spaceAllowed = false; $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } $return[] = $tmp; // ATTRS } else if ($c == '[') { $stack = 1; $tmp .= $c; while( isset($query[++$i]) ) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; if ( $query[$i] == '[' ) { $stack++; } else if ( $query[$i] == ']' ) { $stack--; if (! $stack ) break; } } $return[] = $tmp; $i++; // PSEUDO CLASSES } else if ($c == ':') { $stack = 1; $tmp .= $query[$i++]; while( isset($query[$i]) && ($this->isChar($query[$i]) || in_array($query[$i], $pseudoChars))) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $i++; } // with arguments ? if ( isset($query[$i]) && $query[$i] == '(' ) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; $stack = 1; while( isset($query[++$i]) ) { $tmp .= $query[$i]; if ( $query[$i] == '(' ) { $stack++; } else if ( $query[$i] == ')' ) { $stack--; if (! $stack ) break; } } $return[] = $tmp; $i++; } else { $return[] = $tmp; } } else { $i++; } } foreach($queries as $k => $q ) { if (isset($q[0])) { if (isset($q[0][0]) && $q[0][0] == ':') array_unshift($queries[$k], '*'); if ($q[0] != '>') array_unshift($queries[$k], ' '); } } return $queries; } /** * Return matched DOM nodes. * * @param int $index * @return array|DOMElement Single DOMElement or array of DOMElement. */ public function get($index = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { $return = isset($index) ? (isset($this->elements[$index]) ? $this->elements[$index] : null) : $this->elements; // pass thou callbacks $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_slice($args, 1); foreach($args as $callback) { if (is_array($return)) foreach($return as $k => $v) $return[$k] = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($v)); else $return = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($return)); } return $return; } /** * Return matched DOM nodes. * jQuery difference. * * @param int $index * @return array|string Returns string if $index != null * @todo implement callbacks * @todo return only arrays ? * @todo maybe other name... */ public function getString($index = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { if ($index) $return = $this->eq($index)->text(); else { $return = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $this->size(); $i++) { $return[] = $this->eq($i)->text(); } } // pass thou callbacks $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_slice($args, 1); foreach($args as $callback) { $return = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($return)); } return $return; } /** * Return matched DOM nodes. * jQuery difference. * * @param int $index * @return array|string Returns string if $index != null * @todo implement callbacks * @todo return only arrays ? * @todo maybe other name... */ public function getStrings($index = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { if ($index) $return = $this->eq($index)->text(); else { $return = array(); for($i = 0; $i < $this->size(); $i++) { $return[] = $this->eq($i)->text(); } // pass thou callbacks $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_slice($args, 1); } foreach($args as $callback) { if (is_array($return)) foreach($return as $k => $v) $return[$k] = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($v)); else $return = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($return)); } return $return; } /** * Returns new instance of actual class. * * @param array $newStack Optional. Will replace old stack with new and move old one to history.c */ public function newInstance($newStack = null) { $class = get_class($this); // support inheritance by passing old object to overloaded constructor $new = $class != 'phpQuery' ? new $class($this, $this->getDocumentID()) : new phpQueryObject($this->getDocumentID()); $new->previous = $this; if (is_null($newStack)) { $new->elements = $this->elements; if ($this->elementsBackup) $this->elements = $this->elementsBackup; } else { $new->elements = $newStack; } return $new; } /** * Enter description here... * * In the future, when PHP will support XLS 2.0, then we would do that this way: * contains(tokenize(@class, '\s'), "something") * @param unknown_type $class * @param unknown_type $node * @return boolean * @access private */ protected function matchClasses( $class, $node ) { // multi-class if ( mb_strpos($class, '.', 1) ) { $classes = explode('.', substr($class, 1)); $classesCount = count( $classes ); $nodeClasses = explode(' ', $node->getAttribute('class') ); $nodeClassesCount = count( $nodeClasses ); if ( $classesCount > $nodeClassesCount ) return false; $diff = count( array_diff( $classes, $nodeClasses ) ); if (! $diff ) return true; // single-class } else { return in_array( // strip leading dot from class name substr($class, 1), // get classes for element as array explode(' ', $node->getAttribute('class') ) ); } } /** * @access private */ protected function runQuery( $XQuery, $selector = null, $compare = null ) { if ( $compare && ! method_exists($this, $compare) ) return false; $stack = array(); if (! $this->elements ) $this->debug('Stack empty, skipping...'); foreach( $this->elements as $k => $stackNode ) { $detachAfter = false; // to work on detached nodes we need temporary place them somewhere // thats because context xpath queries sucks ;] $testNode = $stackNode; while ($testNode) { if (! $testNode->parentNode && ! $this->isRoot($testNode) ) { $this->root->appendChild($testNode); $detachAfter = $testNode; break; } $testNode = isset($testNode->parentNode) ? $testNode->parentNode : null; } // TODO tmp $xpath = $this->documentWrapper->isXHTML ? $this->getNodeXpath($stackNode, 'html') : $this->getNodeXpath($stackNode); // FIXME deam... $query = $XQuery == '//' && $xpath == '/html[1]' ? '//*' : $xpath.$XQuery; $this->debug("XPATH: {$query}"); // run query, get elements $nodes = $this->xpath->query($query); $this->debug("QUERY FETCHED"); if (! $nodes->length ) $this->debug('Nothing found'); $debug = array(); foreach( $nodes as $node ) { $matched = false; if ( $compare ) { phpQuery::$debug ? $this->debug("Found: ".$this->whois( $node ).", comparing with {$compare}()") : null; $phpQueryDebug = phpQuery::$debug; phpQuery::$debug = false; // TODO ??? use phpQuery::callbackRun() if (call_user_func_array(array($this, $compare), array($selector, $node))) $matched = true; phpQuery::$debug = $phpQueryDebug; } else { $matched = true; } if ( $matched ) { if (phpQuery::$debug) $debug[] = $this->whois( $node ); $stack[] = $node; } } if (phpQuery::$debug) { $this->debug("Matched ".count($debug).": ".implode(', ', $debug)); } if ($detachAfter) $this->root->removeChild($detachAfter); } $this->elements = $stack; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function find( $selectors, $context = null, $noHistory = false ) { if (!$noHistory) // backup last stack /for end()/ $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; // allow to define context if ($context) { if (! is_array($context) && $context instanceof DOMELEMENT) $this->elements = array($context); else if ( is_array($context) ) { $this->elements = array(); foreach ($context as $e) if ($c instanceof DOMELEMENT) $this->elements[] = $c; } else if ( $context instanceof self ) $this->elements = $context->elements; } $queries = $this->parseSelector($selectors); $this->debug(array('FIND',$selectors,$queries)); $XQuery = ''; // remember stack state because of multi-queries $oldStack = $this->elements; // here we will be keeping found elements $stack = array(); foreach($queries as $selector) { $this->elements = $oldStack; $delimiterBefore = false; foreach($selector as $s) { // TAG $isTag = extension_loaded('mbstring') ? mb_ereg_match('^[\w|\||-]+$', $s) || $s == '*' : preg_match('@^[\w|\||-]+$@', $s) || $s == '*'; if ($isTag) { if ($this->isXML()) { // namespace support if (mb_strpos($s, '|') !== false) { list($ns, $tag) = explode('|', $s); $XQuery .= "$ns:$tag"; } else if ($s == '*') { $XQuery .= "*"; } else { $XQuery .= "*[local-name()='$s']"; } } else { $XQuery .= $s; } // ID } else if ( $s[0] == '#' ) { if ( $delimiterBefore ) $XQuery .= '*'; $XQuery .= "[@id='".substr($s, 1)."']"; // ATTRIBUTES } else if ($s[0] == '[') { if ( $delimiterBefore ) $XQuery .= '*'; // strip side brackets $attr = trim($s, ']['); $execute = false; // attr with specifed value if (mb_strpos( $s, '=' )) { list($attr, $value) = explode('=', $attr); $value = trim($value, "'\""); if ($this->isRegexp($attr)) { // cut regexp character $attr = substr($attr, 0, -1); $execute = true; $XQuery .= "[@{$attr}]"; } else { $XQuery .= "[@{$attr}='{$value}']"; } // attr without specified value } else { $XQuery .= "[@{$attr}]"; } if ($execute) { $this->runQuery($XQuery, $s, 'is'); $XQuery = ''; if (! $this->length() ) break; } // CLASSES } else if ( $s[0] == '.' ) { // TODO use return $this->find("./self::*[contains(concat(\" \",@class,\" \"), \" $class \")]"); // thx wizDom ;) if ( $delimiterBefore ) $XQuery .= '*'; $XQuery .= '[@class]'; $this->runQuery($XQuery, $s, 'matchClasses'); $XQuery = ''; if (! $this->length() ) break; // ~ General Sibling Selector } else if ( $s[0] == '~' ) { $this->runQuery($XQuery); $XQuery = ''; $this->elements = $this ->siblings( substr($s, 1) )->elements; if (! $this->length() ) break; // + Adjacent sibling selectors } else if ( $s[0] == '+' ) { // TODO /following-sibling:: $this->runQuery($XQuery); $XQuery = ''; $subSelector = substr($s, 1); $subElements = $this->elements; $this->elements = array(); foreach($subElements as $node) { // search first DOMElement sibling $test = $node->nextSibling; while($test && ! ($test instanceof DOMELEMENT)) $test = $test->nextSibling; if ($test && $this->is($subSelector, $test)) $this->elements[] = $test; } if (! $this->length() ) break; // PSEUDO CLASSES } else if ( $s[0] == ':' ) { // TODO optimization for :first :last if ( $XQuery ) { $this->runQuery($XQuery); $XQuery = ''; } if (! $this->length() ) break; $this->pseudoClasses($s); if (! $this->length() ) break; // DIRECT DESCENDANDS } else if ( $s == '>' ) { $XQuery .= '/'; $delimiterBefore = 2; } else { $XQuery .= '//'; $delimiterBefore = 2; } $delimiterBefore = $delimiterBefore === 2 ? true : false; } // run query if any if ( $XQuery && $XQuery != '//' ) { $this->runQuery($XQuery); $XQuery = ''; // if (! $this->length() ) // break; } foreach( $this->elements as $node ) if (! $this->elementsContainsNode($node, $stack) ) $stack[] = $node; } $this->elements = $stack; return $this->newInstance(); } /** * @todo create API for classes with pseudoselectors * @access private */ protected function pseudoClasses($class) { // TODO clean args parsing ? $class = ltrim($class, ':'); $haveArgs = mb_strpos($class, '('); if ($haveArgs !== false) { $args = substr($class, $haveArgs+1, -1); $class = substr($class, 0, $haveArgs); } switch($class) { case 'even': case 'odd': $stack = array(); foreach( $this->elements as $i => $node ) { if ($class == 'even' && ($i%2) == 0) $stack[] = $node; else if ( $class == 'odd' && $i % 2 ) $stack[] = $node; } $this->elements = $stack; break; case 'eq': $k = intval($args); $this->elements = isset( $this->elements[$k] ) ? array( $this->elements[$k] ) : array(); break; case 'gt': $this->elements = array_slice($this->elements, $args+1); break; case 'lt': $this->elements = array_slice($this->elements, 0, $args+1); break; case 'first': if (isset($this->elements[0])) $this->elements = array($this->elements[0]); break; case 'last': if ($this->elements) $this->elements = array($this->elements[count($this->elements)-1]); break; /*case 'parent': $stack = array(); foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { if ( $node->childNodes->length ) $stack[] = $node; } $this->elements = $stack; break;*/ case 'contains': $text = trim($args, "\"'"); $stack = array(); foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { if ( mb_strpos( $node->textContent, $text) === false) continue; $stack[] = $node; } $this->elements = $stack; break; case 'not': $selector = self::unQuote($args); $this->elements = $this->not($selector)->stack(); break; case 'slice': // TODO jQuery difference ? $args = exlode(',', str_replace(', ', ',', trim($args, "\"'")) ); $start = $args[0]; $end = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : null; if ($end > 0) $end = $end-$start; $this->elements = array_slice($this->elements, $start, $end); break; case 'has': $selector = trim($args, "\"'"); $stack = array(); foreach( $this->elements as $el ) { if ($this->find($selector, $el, true)->length) $stack[] = $el; } $this->elements = $stack; break; case 'submit': case 'reset': $this->elements = phpQuery::merge( $this->map(array($this, 'is'), "input[type=$class]", new CallbackParam() ), $this->map(array($this, 'is'), "button[type=$class]", new CallbackParam() ) ); break; // $stack = array(); // foreach($this->elements as $node) // if ($node->is('input[type=submit]') || $node->is('button[type=submit]')) // $stack[] = $el; // $this->elements = $stack; case 'input': $this->elements = $this->map( array($this, 'is'), 'input', new CallbackParam() )->elements; break; case 'password': case 'checkbox': case 'radio': case 'hidden': case 'image': case 'file': $this->elements = $this->map( array($this, 'is'), "input[type=$class]", new CallbackParam() )->elements; break; case 'parent': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', ' return $node instanceof DOMELEMENT && $node->childNodes->length ? $node : null;') )->elements; break; case 'empty': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', ' return $node instanceof DOMELEMENT && $node->childNodes->length ? null : $node;') )->elements; break; case 'disabled': case 'selected': case 'checked': $this->elements = $this->map( array($this, 'is'), "[$class]", new CallbackParam() )->elements; break; case 'enabled': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', ' return pq($node)->not(":disabled") ? $node : null;') )->elements; break; case 'header': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', '$isHeader = isset($node->tagName) && in_array($node->tagName, array( "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "h7" )); return $isHeader ? $node : null;') )->elements; // $this->elements = $this->map( // create_function('$node', '$node = pq($node); // return $node->is("h1") // || $node->is("h2") // || $node->is("h3") // || $node->is("h4") // || $node->is("h5") // || $node->is("h6") // || $node->is("h7") // ? $node // : null;') // )->elements; break; case 'only-child': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', 'return pq($node)->siblings()->size() == 0 ? $node : null;') )->elements; break; case 'first-child': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', 'return pq($node)->prevAll()->size() == 0 ? $node : null;') )->elements; break; case 'last-child': $this->elements = $this->map( create_function('$node', 'return pq($node)->nextAll()->size() == 0 ? $node : null;') )->elements; break; case 'nth-child': $param = trim($args, "\"'"); if (! $param) break; // nth-child(n+b) to nth-child(1n+b) if ($param{0} == 'n') $param = '1'.$param; // :nth-child(index/even/odd/equation) if ($param == 'even' || $param == 'odd') $mapped = $this->map( create_function('$node, $param', '$index = pq($node)->prevAll()->size()+1; if ($param == "even" && ($index%2) == 0) return $node; else if ($param == "odd" && $index%2 == 1) return $node; else return null;'), new CallbackParam(), $param ); else if (mb_strlen($param) > 1 && $param{1} == 'n') // an+b $mapped = $this->map( create_function('$node, $param', '$prevs = pq($node)->prevAll()->size(); $index = 1+$prevs; $b = mb_strlen($param) > 3 ? $param{3} : 0; $a = $param{0}; if ($b && $param{2} == "-") $b = -$b; if ($a > 0) { return ($index-$b)%$a == 0 ? $node : null; phpQuery::debug($a."*".floor($index/$a)."+$b-1 == ".($a*floor($index/$a)+$b-1)." ?= $prevs"); return $a*floor($index/$a)+$b-1 == $prevs ? $node : null; } else if ($a == 0) return $index == $b ? $node : null; else // negative value return $index <= $b ? $node : null; // if (! $b) // return $index%$a == 0 // ? $node // : null; // else // return ($index-$b)%$a == 0 // ? $node // : null; '), new CallbackParam(), $param ); else // index $mapped = $this->map( create_function('$node, $index', '$prevs = pq($node)->prevAll()->size(); if ($prevs && $prevs == $index-1) return $node; else if (! $prevs && $index == 1) return $node; else return null;'), new CallbackParam(), $param ); $this->elements = $mapped->elements; break; default: $this->debug("Unknown pseudoclass '{$class}', skipping..."); } } /** * @access private */ protected function __pseudoClassParam($paramsString) { // TODO; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function is($selector, $nodes = null) { phpQuery::debug(array("Is:", $selector)); if (! $selector) return false; $oldStack = $this->elements; $returnArray = false; if ($nodes && is_array($nodes)) { $this->elements = $nodes; } else if ($nodes) $this->elements = array($nodes); $this->filter($selector, true); $stack = $this->elements; $this->elements = $oldStack; if ($nodes) return $stack ? $stack : null; return (bool)count($stack); } /** * Enter description here... * jQuery difference. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @link */ public function filterCallback($callback, $_skipHistory = false) { if (! $_skipHistory ) { $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->debug(array("Filtering:", $selectors)); } $newStack = array(); foreach($this->elements as $index => $node) { if (false !== phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($index, $node))) $newStack[] = $node; } $this->elements = $newStack; return $_skipHistory ? $this : $this->newInstance(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @link */ public function filter($selectors, $_skipHistory = false) { if (! $_skipHistory) $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $notSimpleSelector = array(' ', '>', '~', '+', '/'); if (! is_array($selectors)) $selectors = $this->parseSelector($selectors); if (! $_skipHistory) $this->debug(array("Filtering:", $selectors)); $finalStack = array(); foreach($selectors as $selector) { $stack = array(); if (! $selector) break; // avoid first space or / if (in_array($selector[0], $notSimpleSelector)) $selector = array_slice($selector, 1); // PER NODE selector chunks foreach($this->stack() as $node) { $break = false; foreach($selector as $s) { if (!($node instanceof DOMELEMENT)) { // all besides DOMElement if ( $s[0] == '[' ) { $attr = trim($s, '[]'); if ( mb_strpos($attr, '=') ) { list( $attr, $val ) = explode('=', $attr); if ($attr == 'nodeType' && $node->nodeType != $val) $break = true; } } else $break = true; } else { // DOMElement only // ID if ( $s[0] == '#' ) { if ( $node->getAttribute('id') != substr($s, 1) ) $break = true; // CLASSES } else if ( $s[0] == '.' ) { if (! $this->matchClasses( $s, $node ) ) $break = true; // ATTRS } else if ( $s[0] == '[' ) { // strip side brackets $attr = trim($s, '[]'); if (mb_strpos($attr, '=')) { list($attr, $val) = explode('=', $attr); $val = self::unQuote($val); if ($attr == 'nodeType') { if ($val != $node->nodeType) $break = true; } else if ($this->isRegexp($attr)) { $val = extension_loaded('mbstring') ? quotemeta(trim($val, '"\'')) : preg_quote(trim($val, '"\''), '@'); // switch last character switch( substr($attr, -1) ) { // quotemeta used insted of preg_quote // case '^': $pattern = '^'.$val; break; case '*': $pattern = '.*'.$val.'.*'; break; case '$': $pattern = $val.'$'; break; } // cut last character $attr = substr($attr, 0, -1); $isMatch = extension_loaded('mbstring') ? mb_ereg_match($pattern, $node->getAttribute($attr)) : preg_match("@{$pattern}@", $node->getAttribute($attr)); if (! $isMatch) $break = true; } else if ($node->getAttribute($attr) != $val) $break = true; } else if (! $node->hasAttribute($attr)) $break = true; // PSEUDO CLASSES } else if ( $s[0] == ':' ) { // skip // TAG } else if (trim($s)) { if ($s != '*') { // TODO namespaces if (isset($node->tagName)) { if ($node->tagName != $s) $break = true; } else if ($s == 'html' && ! $this->isRoot($node)) $break = true; } // AVOID NON-SIMPLE SELECTORS } else if (in_array($s, $notSimpleSelector)) { $break = true; $this->debug(array('Skipping non simple selector', $selector)); } } if ($break) break; } // if element passed all chunks of selector - add it to new stack if (! $break ) $stack[] = $node; } $tmpStack = $this->elements; $this->elements = $stack; // PER ALL NODES selector chunks foreach($selector as $s) // PSEUDO CLASSES if ($s[0] == ':') $this->pseudoClasses($s); foreach($this->elements as $node) // XXX it should be merged without duplicates // but jQuery doesnt do that $finalStack[] = $node; $this->elements = $tmpStack; } $this->elements = $finalStack; if ($_skipHistory) { return $this; } else { $this->debug("Stack length after filter(): ".count($finalStack)); return $this->newInstance(); } } /** * * @param $value * @return unknown_type * @TODO implement in all methods using passed parameters */ protected static function unQuote($value) { return $value[0] == '\'' || $value[0] == '"' ? substr($value, 1, -1) : $value; } /** * Enter description here... * * @link * @return phpQuery|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo Support $selector */ public function load($url, $data = null, $callback = null) { if ($data && ! is_array($data)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } if (mb_strpos($url, ' ') !== false) { $matches = null; if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) mb_ereg_match('^([^ ]+) (.*)$', $url, $matches); else preg_match('^([^ ]+) (.*)$', $url, $matches); $url = $matches[1]; $selector = $matches[2]; // XXX this sucks, but what to do ? $this->_loadSelector = $selector; } $ajax = array( 'url' => $url, 'type' => $data ? 'POST' : 'GET', 'data' => $data, 'complete' => $callback, 'success' => array($this, '__loadSuccess') ); phpQuery::ajax($ajax); return $this; } /** * @access private * @param $html * @return unknown_type */ public function __loadSuccess($html) { if ($this->_loadSelector) { $html = phpQuery::newDocument($html)->find($this->_loadSelector); unset($this->_loadSelector); } foreach($this as $node) { phpQuery::pq($node, $this->getDocumentID()) ->html($html); } } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQuery|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo */ public function css() { // TODO return $this; } /** * @todo * */ public function show(){ // TODO return $this; } /** * @todo * */ public function hide(){ // TODO return $this; } /** * Trigger a type of event on every matched element. * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $data * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated) */ public function trigger($type, $data = array()) { foreach($this->elements as $node) phpQueryEvents::trigger($this->getDocumentID(), $type, $data, $node); return $this; } /** * This particular method triggers all bound event handlers on an element (for a specific event type) WITHOUT executing the browsers default actions. * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $data * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @TODO */ public function triggerHandler($type, $data = array()) { // TODO; } /** * Binds a handler to one or more events (like click) for each matched element. * Can also bind custom events. * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $data Optional * @param unknown_type $callback * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @TODO support '!' (exclusive) events * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated) */ public function bind($type, $data, $callback = null) { // TODO check if $data is callable, not using is_callable if (! isset($callback)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } foreach($this->elements as $node) phpQueryEvents::add($this->getDocumentID(), $node, $type, $data, $callback); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $callback * @return unknown * @TODO namespace events * @TODO support more than event in $type (space-separated) */ public function unbind($type = null, $callback = null) { foreach($this->elements as $node) phpQueryEvents::remove($this->getDocumentID(), $node, $type, $callback); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function change($callback = null) { if ($callback) return $this->bind('change', $callback); return $this->trigger('change'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function submit($callback = null) { if ($callback) return $this->bind('submit', $callback); return $this->trigger('submit'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function click($callback = null) { if ($callback) return $this->bind('click', $callback); return $this->trigger('click'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrapAllOld($wrapper) { $wrapper = pq($wrapper)->_clone(); if (! $wrapper->length() || ! $this->length() ) return $this; $wrapper->insertBefore($this->elements[0]); $deepest = $wrapper->elements[0]; while($deepest->firstChild && $deepest->firstChild instanceof DOMELEMENT) $deepest = $deepest->firstChild; pq($deepest)->append($this); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * TODO testme... * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrapAll($wrapper) { if (! $this->length()) return $this; return phpQuery::pq($wrapper, $this->getDocumentID()) ->clone() ->insertBefore($this->get(0)) ->map(array($this, '___wrapAllCallback')) ->append($this); } /** * * @param $node * @return unknown_type * @access private */ public function ___wrapAllCallback($node) { $deepest = $node; while($deepest->firstChild && $deepest->firstChild instanceof DOMELEMENT) $deepest = $deepest->firstChild; return $deepest; } /** * Enter description here... * NON JQUERY METHOD * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrapAllPHP($codeBefore, $codeAfter) { return $this ->slice(0, 1) ->beforePHP($codeBefore) ->end() ->slice(-1) ->afterPHP($codeAfter) ->end(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrap($wrapper) { foreach($this->stack() as $node) phpQuery::pq($node, $this->getDocumentID())->wrapAll($wrapper); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrapPHP($codeBefore, $codeAfter) { foreach($this->stack() as $node) phpQuery::pq($node, $this->getDocumentID())->wrapAllPHP($codeBefore, $codeAfter); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrapInner($wrapper) { foreach($this->stack() as $node) phpQuery::pq($node, $this->getDocumentID())->contents()->wrapAll($wrapper); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function wrapInnerPHP($wrapper) { // TODO test // return $this->wrapInner("<php><!-- {$wrapper} --></php>"); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @testme Support for text nodes */ public function contents() { $stack = array(); foreach($this->stack(1) as $el) { // FIXME (fixed) // if (! isset($el->childNodes)) // continue; foreach( $el->childNodes as $node ) { $stack[] = $node; } } return $this->newInstance($stack); } /** * Enter description here... * * jQuery difference. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function contentsUnwrap() { foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { if (! $node->parentNode ) continue; $childNodes = array(); // any modification in DOM tree breaks childNodes iteration, so cache them first foreach( $node->childNodes as $chNode ) $childNodes[] = $chNode; foreach( $childNodes as $chNode ) // $node->parentNode->appendChild($chNode); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($chNode, $node); $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } return $this; } public function switchWith($markup) { $markup = pq($markup, $this->getDocumentID()); $content = null; foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { pq($node) ->contents()->toReference($content)->end() ->replaceWith($markup->clone()->append($content)); } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function eq($num) { $oldStack = $this->elements; $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->elements = array(); if ( isset($oldStack[$num]) ) $this->elements[] = $oldStack[$num]; return $this->newInstance(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function size() { return count($this->elements); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @deprecated Use length as attribute */ public function length() { return $this->size(); } public function count() { return $this->size(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo $level */ public function end($level = 1) { // $this->elements = array_pop( $this->history ); // return $this; // $this->previous->DOM = $this->DOM; // $this->previous->XPath = $this->XPath; return $this->previous ? $this->previous : $this; } /** * Enter description here... * Normal use ->clone() . * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @access private */ public function _clone() { $newStack = array(); //pr(array('copy... ', $this->whois())); //$this->dumpHistory('copy'); $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { $newStack[] = $node->cloneNode(true); } $this->elements = $newStack; return $this->newInstance(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function replaceWithPHP($code) { return $this->replaceWith("<php><!-- {$code} --></php>"); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery $content * @link * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function replaceWith($content) { return $this->after($content)->remove(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String $selector * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo this works ? */ public function replaceAll($selector) { foreach(phpQuery::pq($selector, $this->getDocumentID()) as $node) phpQuery::pq($node, $this->getDocumentID()) ->after($this->_clone()) ->remove(); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function remove($selector = null) { $loop = $selector ? $this->filter($selector)->elements : $this->elements; foreach($loop as $node) { if (! $node->parentNode ) continue; if (isset($node->tagName)) $this->debug("Removing '{$node->tagName}'"); $node->parentNode->removeChild( $node ); } return $this; } protected function markupEvents($newMarkup, $oldMarkup, $node) { if ($node->tagName == 'textarea' && $newMarkup != $oldMarkup) { $event = new DOMEvent(array( 'target' => $node, 'type' => 'change' )); phpQueryEvents::trigger($this->getDocumentID(), $event->type, array($event), $node ); } } /** * jQuey difference * * @param $markup * @return unknown_type * @TODO trigger change event for textarea */ public function markup($markup = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { $args = func_get_args(); if ($this->documentWrapper->isXML) return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'xml'), $args); else return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'html'), $args); } /** * jQuey difference * * @param $markup * @return unknown_type */ public function markupOuter($callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { $args = func_get_args(); if ($this->documentWrapper->isXML) return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'xmlOuter'), $args); else return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'htmlOuter'), $args); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $html * @return string|phpQuery|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @TODO force html result */ public function html($html = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { if (isset($html)) { // INSERT $nodes = $this->documentWrapper->import($html); $this->empty(); foreach($this->stack(1) as $alreadyAdded => $node) { // for now, limit events for textarea if (($this->isXHTML() || $this->isHTML()) && $node->tagName == 'textarea') $oldHtml = pq($node, $this->getDocumentID())->markup(); foreach($nodes as $newNode) { $node->appendChild($alreadyAdded ? $newNode->cloneNode(true) : $newNode ); } // for now, limit events for textarea if (($this->isXHTML() || $this->isHTML()) && $node->tagName == 'textarea') $this->markupEvents($html, $oldHtml, $node); } return $this; } else { // FETCH $return = $this->documentWrapper->markup($this->elements, true); $args = func_get_args(); foreach(array_slice($args, 1) as $callback) { $return = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($return)); } return $return; } } /** * @TODO force xml result */ public function xml($xml = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'html'), $args); } /** * Enter description here... * @TODO force html result * * @return String */ public function htmlOuter($callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { $markup = $this->documentWrapper->markup($this->elements); // pass thou callbacks $args = func_get_args(); foreach($args as $callback) { $markup = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($markup)); } return $markup; } /** * @TODO force xml result */ public function xmlOuter($callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'htmlOuter'), $args); } public function __toString() { return $this->htmlOuter(); } /** * Just like html(), but returns markup with VALID (dangerous) PHP tags. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo support returning markup with PHP tags when called without param */ public function php($code = null) { // TODO // $args = func_get_args(); return $code ? $this->markup("<php><!-- ".trim($code)." --></php>") : phpQuery::markupToPHP($this->markupOuter()); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function children($selector = null) { $stack = array(); foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { // foreach($node->getElementsByTagName('*') as $newNode) { foreach($node->childNodes as $newNode) { if ($newNode->nodeType != 1) continue; if ($selector && ! $this->is($selector, $newNode)) continue; if ($this->elementsContainsNode($newNode, $stack)) continue; $stack[] = $newNode; } } $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->elements = $stack; return $this->newInstance(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function ancestors( $selector = null ) { return $this->children( $selector ); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function append( $content ) { return $this->insert($content, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function appendPHP( $content ) { return $this->insert("<php><!-- {$content} --></php>", 'append'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function appendTo( $seletor ) { return $this->insert($seletor, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function prepend( $content ) { return $this->insert($content, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @todo accept many arguments, which are joined, arrays maybe also * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function prependPHP( $content ) { return $this->insert("<php><!-- {$content} --></php>", 'prepend'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function prependTo( $seletor ) { return $this->insert($seletor, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function before( $content ) { return $this->insert($content, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function beforePHP( $content ) { return $this->insert("<php><!-- {$content} --></php>", 'before'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param String|phpQuery * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function insertBefore( $seletor ) { return $this->insert($seletor, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function after( $content ) { return $this->insert($content, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function afterPHP( $content ) { return $this->insert("<php><!-- {$content} --></php>", 'after'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function insertAfter( $seletor ) { return $this->insert($seletor, __FUNCTION__); } /** * Various insert scenarios. * * @param unknown_type $target * @param unknown_type $type * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @access private */ protected function insert($target, $type) { $this->debug("Inserting data with '{$type}'"); $to = false; switch( $type ) { case 'appendTo': case 'prependTo': case 'insertBefore': case 'insertAfter': $to = true; } switch(gettype( $target )) { case 'string': $insertFrom = $insertTo = array(); if ($to) { // INSERT TO $insertFrom = $this->elements; if (phpQuery::isMarkup( $target )) { // $target is new markup, import it $insertTo = $this->documentWrapper->import($target); // insert into selected element } else { // $tagret is a selector $thisStack = $this->elements; $this->toRoot(); $insertTo = $this->find($target)->elements; $this->elements = $thisStack; } } else { // INSERT FROM $insertTo = $this->elements; $insertFrom = $this->documentWrapper->import($target); } break; case 'object': $insertFrom = $insertTo = array(); // phpQuery if ($target instanceof self) { if ($to) { $insertTo = $target->elements; if ($this->documentFragment && $this->stackIsRoot()) // get all body children // $loop = $this->find('body > *')->elements; // TODO test it, test it hard... // $loop = $this->newInstance($this->root)->find('> *')->elements; $loop = $this->root->childNodes; else $loop = $this->elements; // import nodes if needed $insertFrom = $this->getDocumentID() == $target->getDocumentID() ? $loop : $target->documentWrapper->import($loop); } else { $insertTo = $this->elements; if ( $target->documentFragment && $target->stackIsRoot() ) // get all body children // $loop = $target->find('body > *')->elements; $loop = $target->root->childNodes; else $loop = $target->elements; // import nodes if needed $insertFrom = $this->getDocumentID() == $target->getDocumentID() ? $loop : $this->documentWrapper->import($loop); } // DOMNODE } elseif ($target instanceof DOMNODE) { // import node if needed // if ( $target->ownerDocument != $this->DOM ) // $target = $this->DOM->importNode($target, true); if ( $to ) { $insertTo = array($target); if ($this->documentFragment && $this->stackIsRoot()) // get all body children $loop = $this->root->childNodes; // $loop = $this->find('body > *')->elements; else $loop = $this->elements; foreach($loop as $fromNode) // import nodes if needed $insertFrom[] = ! $fromNode->ownerDocument->isSameNode($target->ownerDocument) ? $target->ownerDocument->importNode($fromNode, true) : $fromNode; } else { // import node if needed if (! $target->ownerDocument->isSameNode($this->document)) $target = $this->document->importNode($target, true); $insertTo = $this->elements; $insertFrom[] = $target; } } break; } phpQuery::debug("From ".count($insertFrom)."; To ".count($insertTo)." nodes"); foreach( $insertTo as $insertNumber => $toNode ) { // we need static relative elements in some cases switch( $type ) { case 'prependTo': case 'prepend': $firstChild = $toNode->firstChild; break; case 'insertAfter': case 'after': $nextSibling = $toNode->nextSibling; break; } foreach( $insertFrom as $fromNode ) { // clone if inserted already before $insert = $insertNumber ? $fromNode->cloneNode(true) : $fromNode; switch( $type ) { case 'appendTo': case 'append': // $toNode->insertBefore( // $fromNode, // $toNode->lastChild->nextSibling // ); $toNode->appendChild($insert); break; case 'prependTo': case 'prepend': $toNode->insertBefore( $insert, $firstChild ); break; case 'insertBefore': case 'before': if (! $toNode->parentNode) throw new Exception("No parentNode, can't do {$type}()"); else $toNode->parentNode->insertBefore( $insert, $toNode ); break; case 'insertAfter': case 'after': if (! $toNode->parentNode) throw new Exception("No parentNode, can't do {$type}()"); else $toNode->parentNode->insertBefore( $insert, $nextSibling ); break; } } } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return Int */ public function index($subject) { $index = -1; $subject = $subject instanceof phpQueryObject ? $subject->elements[0] : $subject; foreach($this->newInstance() as $k => $node) { if ($node->isSameNode($subject)) $index = $k; } return $index; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $start * @param unknown_type $end * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @testme */ public function slice($start, $end = null) { // $last = count($this->elements)-1; // $end = $end // ? min($end, $last) // : $last; // if ($start < 0) // $start = $last+$start; // if ($start > $last) // return array(); if ($end > 0) $end = $end-$start; return $this->newInstance( array_slice($this->elements, $start, $end) ); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function reverse() { $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->elements = array_reverse($this->elements); return $this->newInstance(); } /** * Return joined text content. * @return String */ public function text($text = null, $callback1 = null, $callback2 = null, $callback3 = null) { if ($text) return $this->html(htmlspecialchars($text)); $args = func_get_args(); $args = array_slice($args, 1); $return = ''; foreach($this->elements as $node) { $text = $node->textContent; if (count($this->elements) > 1 && $node->textContent) $text .= "\n"; foreach($args as $callback) { $text = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($text)); } $return .= $text; } return $return; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function plugin($class, $file = null) { phpQuery::plugin($class, $file); return $this; } /** * Deprecated, use $pq->plugin() instead. * * @deprecated * @param $class * @param $file * @return unknown_type */ public static function extend($class, $file = null) { return $this->plugin($class, $file); } /** * * @access private * @param $method * @param $args * @return unknown_type */ public function __call($method, $args) { $aliasMethods = array('clone', 'empty'); if (isset(phpQuery::$pluginsMethods[$method])) { array_unshift($args, $this); $class = phpQuery::$pluginsMethods[$method]; $realClass = "phpQueryObjectPlugin_$class"; $return = call_user_func_array( array($realClass, $method), $args ); return is_null($return) ? $this : $return; } else if (in_array($method, $aliasMethods)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, '_'.$method), $args); } else throw new Exception("Method '{$method}' doesnt exist"); } /** * Safe rename of next(). * * Use it ONLY when need to call next() on an iterated object (in same time). * Normaly there is no need to do such thing ;) * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @access private */ public function _next( $selector = null ) { return $this->newInstance( $this->getElementSiblings('nextSibling', $selector, true) ); } /** * Use prev() and next(). * * @deprecated * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @access private */ public function _prev( $selector = null ) { return $this->prev($selector); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function prev( $selector = null ) { return $this->newInstance( $this->getElementSiblings('previousSibling', $selector, true) ); } /** * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo */ public function prevAll( $selector = null ) { return $this->newInstance( $this->getElementSiblings('previousSibling', $selector) ); } /** * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo FIXME: returns source elements insted of next siblings */ public function nextAll( $selector = null ) { return $this->newInstance( $this->getElementSiblings('nextSibling', $selector) ); } /** * @access private */ protected function getElementSiblings($direction, $selector = null, $limitToOne = false) { $stack = array(); $count = 0; foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { $test = $node; while( isset($test->{$direction}) && $test->{$direction} ) { $test = $test->{$direction}; if (! $test instanceof DOMELEMENT) continue; $stack[] = $test; if ($limitToOne && $stack) return $stack; } } if ($selector) { $stackOld = $this->elements; $this->elements = $stack; $stack = $this->filter($selector, true)->stack(); $this->elements = $stackOld; } return $stack; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function siblings($selector = null) { $stack = array(); $siblings = array_merge( $this->getElementSiblings('previousSibling', $selector), $this->getElementSiblings('nextSibling', $selector) ); foreach($siblings as $node) { if (! $this->elementsContainsNode($node, $stack)) $stack[] = $node; } return $this->newInstance($stack); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function not($selector = null) { phpQuery::debug(array('not', $selector)); $stack = array(); if ($selector instanceof self || $selector instanceof DOMNODE) { foreach($this->elements as $node) { if ($selector instanceof self) { // XXX check all nodes ? if (count($selector->elements) && ! $selector->elements[0]->isSameNode($node)) $stack[] = $node; } else if ($selector instanceof DOMNODE) { if (! $selector->isSameNode($node)) $stack[] = $node; } else { if (! $this->is($selector)) $stack[] = $node; } } } else { $orgStack = $this->stack(); $matched = $this->filter($selector, true)->stack(); // $matched = array(); // // simulate OR in filter() instead of AND 5y // foreach($this->parseSelector($selector) as $s) { // $matched = array_merge($matched, // $this->filter(array($s))->stack() // ); // } foreach($orgStack as $node) if (! $this->elementsContainsNode($node, $matched)) $stack[] = $node; } return $this->newInstance($stack); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param string|phpQueryObject * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function add($selector = null) { if (! $selector) return $this; $stack = array(); $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $found = phpQuery::pq($selector, $this->getDocumentID()); $this->merge($found->elements); return $this->newInstance(); } /** * @access private */ protected function merge() { foreach(func_get_args() as $nodes) foreach( $nodes as $newNode ) if (! $this->elementsContainsNode($newNode) ) $this->elements[] = $newNode; } /** * @access private * TODO refactor to stackContainsNode */ protected function elementsContainsNode($nodeToCheck, $elementsStack = null) { $loop = ! is_null($elementsStack) ? $elementsStack : $this->elements; foreach( $loop as $node ) { if ( $node->isSameNode( $nodeToCheck ) ) return true; } return false; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function parent( $selector = null ) { $stack = array(); foreach( $this->elements as $node ) if ( $node->parentNode && ! $this->elementsContainsNode($node->parentNode, $stack) ) $stack[] = $node->parentNode; $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->elements = $stack; if ( $selector ) $this->filter($selector, true); return $this->newInstance(); } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function parents( $selector = null ) { $stack = array(); if (! $this->elements ) $this->debug('parents() - stack empty'); foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { $test = $node; while( $test->parentNode ) { $test = $test->parentNode; if ($this->isRoot($test)) break; if (! $this->elementsContainsNode($test, $stack) ) { $stack[] = $test; continue; } } } $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->elements = $stack; if ( $selector ) $this->filter($selector, true); return $this->newInstance(); } /** * Attribute method. * Accepts * for all attributes (for setting and getting) * * @param unknown_type $attr * @param unknown_type $value * @return string|array|phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @access private */ protected function stack($nodeTypes = null) { if (!isset($nodeTypes)) return $this->elements; if (!is_array($nodeTypes)) $nodeTypes = array($nodeTypes); $return = array(); foreach($this->elements as $node) if (in_array($node->nodeType, $nodeTypes)) $return[] = $node; return $return; } // TODO phpdoc; $oldAttr is result of hasAttribute, before any changes protected function attrEvents($attr, $oldAttr, $oldValue, $node) { // skip events for XML documents if (! $this->isXHTML() && ! $this->isHTML()) return; $event = null; // identify $isInputValue = $node->tagName == 'input' && ( in_array($node->getAttribute('type'), array('text', 'password', 'hidden')) || !$node->getAttribute('type') ); $isRadio = $node->tagName == 'input' && $node->getAttribute('type') == 'radio'; $isCheckbox = $node->tagName == 'input' && $node->getAttribute('type') == 'checkbox'; $isOption = $node->tagName == 'option'; if ($isInputValue && $attr == 'value' && $oldValue != $node->getAttribute($attr)) { $event = new DOMEvent(array( 'target' => $node, 'type' => 'change' )); } else if (($isRadio || $isCheckbox) && $attr == 'checked' && ( // check (! $oldAttr && $node->hasAttribute($attr)) // un-check || (! $node->hasAttribute($attr) && $oldAttr) )) { $event = new DOMEvent(array( 'target' => $node, 'type' => 'change' )); } else if ($isOption && $node->parentNode && $attr == 'selected' && ( // select (! $oldAttr && $node->hasAttribute($attr)) // un-select || (! $node->hasAttribute($attr) && $oldAttr) )) { $event = new DOMEvent(array( 'target' => $node->parentNode, 'type' => 'change' )); } if ($event) { phpQueryEvents::trigger($this->getDocumentID(), $event->type, array($event), $node ); } } public function attr($attr = null, $value = null) { foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { if (! is_null($value)) { $loop = $attr == '*' ? $this->getNodeAttrs($node) : array($attr); foreach($loop as $a) { $oldValue = $node->getAttribute($a); $oldAttr = $node->hasAttribute($a); // TODO raises an error when charset other than UTF-8 // while document's charset is also not UTF-8 @$node->setAttribute($a, $value); $this->attrEvents($a, $oldAttr, $oldValue, $node); } } else if ($attr == '*') { // jQuery difference $return = array(); foreach( $node->attributes as $n => $v) $return[$n] = $v->value; return $return; } else return $node->getAttribute($attr); } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * jQuery difference. * * @param string $attr * @param mixed $value * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo use attr() function (encoding issues etc). */ public function attrPrepend($attr, $value) { foreach( $this->elements as $node ) $node->setAttribute($attr, $value.$node->getAttribute($attr) ); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * jQuery difference. * * @param string $attr * @param mixed $value * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo use attr() function (encoding issues etc). */ public function attrAppend($attr, $value) { foreach( $this->elements as $node ) $node->setAttribute($attr, $node->getAttribute($attr).$value ); return $this; } /** * @access private */ protected function getNodeAttrs($node) { $return = array(); foreach( $node->attributes as $n => $o) $return[] = $n; return $return; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo check CDATA ??? */ public function attrPHP( $attr, $value ) { if (! is_null( $value )) { $value = '<'.'?php '.$value.' ?'.'>'; // TODO tempolary solution // // if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding') && mb_detect_encoding($value) == 'ASCII') // $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES'); } foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { if (! is_null( $value )) { // $attrNode = $this->DOM->createAttribute($attr); $node->setAttribute($attr, $value); // $attrNode->value = $value; // $node->appendChild($attrNode); } else if ( $attr == '*' ) { // jQuery diff $return = array(); foreach( $node->attributes as $n => $v) $return[$n] = $v->value; return $return; } else return $node->getAttribute($attr); } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function removeAttr($attr) { foreach($this->elements as $node) { $loop = $attr == '*' ? $this->getNodeAttrs($node) : array($attr); foreach($loop as $a) { $oldValue = $node->getAttribute($a); $node->removeAttribute($a); $this->attrEvents($a, $oldValue, null, $node); } } return $this; } /** * Return form element value. * * @return String Fields value. */ public function val($val = null) { if (! isset($val)) { if ($this->eq(0)->is('select')) { $selected = $this->eq(0)->find('option[selected=selected]'); if ($selected->is('[value]')) return $selected->attr('value'); else return $selected->text(); } else if ($this->eq(0)->is('textarea')) return $this->eq(0)->markup(); else return $this->eq(0)->attr('value'); } else { foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { $node = pq($node, $this->getDocumentID()); if (is_array($val) && in_array($node->attr('type'), array('checkbox', 'radio'))) { $isChecked = in_array($node->attr('value'), $val) || in_array($node->attr('name'), $val); if ($isChecked) $node->attr('checked', 'checked'); else $node->removeAttr('checked'); } else if ($node->get(0)->tagName == 'select') { if (! is_array($val)) $val = array($val); foreach($node['option']->stack() as $option) { $option = pq($option, $this->getDocumentID()); $selected = in_array($option->attr('value'), $val) || in_array($option->text(), $val); if ($selected) $option->attr('selected', 'selected'); else $option->removeAttr('selected'); } } else if ($node->get(0)->tagName == 'textarea') $node->markup($val); else $node->attr('value', $val); } } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function andSelf() { if ( $this->previous ) $this->elements = array_merge($this->elements, $this->previous->elements); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function addClass( $className ) { if (! $className) return $this; foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { if (! $this->is(".$className", $node)) $node->setAttribute( 'class', trim($node->getAttribute('class').' '.$className) ); } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function addClassPHP( $className ) { foreach($this->stack(1) as $node) { // if (! $this->is(".$className", $node)) { // $attr = $this->DOM->createAttribute('class'); $classes = $node->getAttribute('class'); $newValue = $classes ? $classes.' <'.'?php '.$className.' ?'.'>' : '<'.'?php '.$className.' ?'.'>'; $node->setAttribute('class', $newValue); // $attr->value = $newValue; // $node->removeAttribute('class'); // $node->appendChild($attr); /*$attr = $node->setAttribute( 'class', $classes = $node->getAttribute('class') ? $classes.' <'.'?php<!-- '.$className.'-->?'.'>' : '<'.'?php<!-- '.$className.'-->?'.'>' );*/ // } } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param string $className * @return bool */ public function hasClass($className) { foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { if ( $this->is(".$className", $node)) return true; } return false; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function removeClass($className) { foreach($this->elements as $node) { $classes = explode( ' ', $node->getAttribute('class')); if ( in_array($className, $classes) ) { $classes = array_diff($classes, array($className)); if ( $classes ) $node->setAttribute('class', implode(' ', $classes)); else $node->removeAttribute('class'); } } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function toggleClass($className) { foreach($this->elements as $node) { if ( $this->is( $node, '.'.$className )) $this->removeClass($className); else $this->addClass($className); } return $this; } /** * Proper name without underscore (just ->empty()) also works. * * Removes all child nodes from the set of matched elements. * * Example: * pq("p")._empty() * * HTML: * <p>Hello, <span>Person</span> <a href="#">and person</a></p> * * Result: * [ <p></p> ] * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @access private */ public function _empty() { foreach( $this->elements as $node ) { // many thx to 'dave at dgx dot cz' :) $node->nodeValue = ''; } return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param array|string $callback Expects $node as first param, $index as second * @param array $scope External variables passed to callback. Use compact('varName1', 'varName2'...) and extract($scope) * @param array $arg1 Will ba passed as third and futher args to callback. * @param array $arg2 Will ba passed as fourth and futher args to callback, and so on... * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function each($callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { $paramStructure = null; if (func_num_args() > 1) { $paramStructure = func_get_args(); $paramStructure = array_slice($paramStructure, 1); } foreach($this->elements as $v) phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($v), $paramStructure); return $this; } /** * Enter description here... * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * @todo add $scope and $args as in each() ??? */ public function map($callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { // $stack = array(); //// foreach($this->newInstance() as $node) { // foreach($this->newInstance() as $node) { // $result = call_user_func($callback, $node); // if ($result) // $stack[] = $result; // } $params = func_get_args(); array_unshift($params, $this->elements); return $this->newInstance( call_user_func_array(array('phpQuery', 'map'), $params) // phpQuery::map($this->elements, $callback) ); } // INTERFACE IMPLEMENTATIONS // ITERATOR INTERFACE // TODO IteratorAggregate ??? /** * @access private */ public function rewind(){ $this->debug('iterating foreach'); // phpQuery::selectDocument($this->getDocumentID()); $this->elementsBackup = $this->elements; $this->elementsInterator = $this->elements; $this->valid = isset( $this->elements[0] ) ? 1 : 0; // $this->elements = $this->valid // ? array($this->elements[0]) // : array(); $this->current = 0; } /** * @access private */ public function current(){ return $this->elementsInterator[ $this->current ]; } /** * @access private */ public function key(){ return $this->current; } /** * Double-function method. * * First: main iterator interface method. * Second: Returning next sibling, alias for _next(). * * Proper functionality is choosed automagicaly. * * @see phpQueryObject::_next() * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery */ public function next($cssSelector = null){ // if ($cssSelector || $this->valid) // return $this->_next($cssSelector); $this->valid = isset( $this->elementsInterator[ $this->current+1 ] ) ? true : false; if (! $this->valid && $this->elementsInterator) { $this->elementsInterator = null; } else if ($this->valid) { $this->current++; } else { return $this->_next($cssSelector); } } /** * @access private */ public function valid(){ return $this->valid; } // ITERATOR INTERFACE END // ARRAYACCESS INTERFACE /** * @access private */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return $this->find($offset)->size() > 0; } /** * @access private */ public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->find($offset); } /** * @access private */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { // $this->find($offset)->replaceWith($value); $this->find($offset)->html($value); } /** * @access private */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { // empty throw new Exception("Can't do unset, use array interface only for calling queries and replacing HTML."); } // ARRAYACCESS INTERFACE END /** * Returns node's XPath. * * @param unknown_type $oneNode * @return string * @TODO use native getNodePath is avaible * @access private */ protected function getNodeXpath($oneNode = null, $namespace = null) { $return = array(); $loop = $oneNode ? array($oneNode) : $this->elements; // if ($namespace) // $namespace .= ':'; foreach( $loop as $node ) { if ($node instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { $return[] = ''; continue; } $xpath = array(); while(! ($node instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) ) { $i = 1; $sibling = $node; while($sibling->previousSibling ) { $sibling = $sibling->previousSibling; $isElement = $sibling instanceof DOMELEMENT; if ( $isElement && $sibling->tagName == $node->tagName ) $i++; } $xpath[] = $this->isXML() ? "*[local-name()='{$node->tagName}'][{$i}]" : "{$node->tagName}[{$i}]"; $node = $node->parentNode; } $xpath = join('/', array_reverse($xpath)); $return[] = '/'.$xpath; } return $oneNode ? $return[0] : $return; } // HELPERS public function whois($oneNode = null) { $return = array(); $loop = $oneNode ? array( $oneNode ) : $this->elements; foreach( $loop as $node ) { $return[] = isset($node->tagName) ? $node->tagName .($node->getAttribute('id') ? '#'.$node->getAttribute('id'):'') .($node->getAttribute('class') ? '.'.join('.', split(' ', $node->getAttribute('class'))):'') .($node->getAttribute('name') ? '[name="'.$node->getAttribute('name').'"]':'') : ($node instanceof DOMTEXT ? "text: '".substr(str_replace("\n", '', $node->textContent), 0, 15)."'" : get_class($node) ); } return $oneNode ? $return[0] : $return; } /** * Dump htmlOuter and preserve chain. Usefull for debugging. * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery * */ public function dump() { print 'DUMP #'.(phpQuery::$dumpCount++).' '; $debug = phpQuery::$debug; phpQuery::$debug = false; // print __FILE__.':'.__LINE__."\n"; var_dump($this->htmlOuter()); return $this; } public function dumpWhois() { print 'DUMP #'.(phpQuery::$dumpCount++).' '; $debug = phpQuery::$debug; phpQuery::$debug = false; // print __FILE__.':'.__LINE__."\n"; var_dump('whois', $this->whois()); phpQuery::$debug = $debug; return $this; } public function dumpLength() { print 'DUMP #'.(phpQuery::$dumpCount++).' '; $debug = phpQuery::$debug; phpQuery::$debug = false; // print __FILE__.':'.__LINE__."\n"; var_dump('length', $this->length()); phpQuery::$debug = $debug; return $this; } public function dumpTree() { print 'DUMP #'.(phpQuery::$dumpCount++).' '; $debug = phpQuery::$debug; phpQuery::$debug = false; foreach($this->stack() as $node) print $this->__dumpTree($node); phpQuery::$debug = $debug; return $this; } private function __dumpTree($node, $intend = 0) { $return = str_repeat(' ', $intend); $return .= $this->whois($node)."\n"; if (isset($node->childNodes)) foreach($node->childNodes as $chNode) $return .= $this->__dumpTree($chNode, $intend+1); return $return; } /** * Dump htmlOuter and stop script execution. Usefull for debugging. * */ public function dumpDie() { print __FILE__.':'.__LINE__; var_dump($this->htmlOuter()); die(); } } // -- Multibyte Compatibility functions --------------------------------------- // /** * mb_internal_encoding() * * Included for mbstring pseudo-compatability. */ if (!function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { function mb_internal_encoding($enc) {return true; } } /** * mb_regex_encoding() * * Included for mbstring pseudo-compatability. */ if (!function_exists('mb_regex_encoding')) { function mb_regex_encoding($enc) {return true; } } /** * mb_strlen() * * Included for mbstring pseudo-compatability. */ if (!function_exists('mb_strlen')) { function mb_strlen($str) { return strlen($str); } } /** * mb_strpos() * * Included for mbstring pseudo-compatability. */ if (!function_exists('mb_strpos')) { function mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } } /** * mb_substr() * * Included for mbstring pseudo-compatability. */ if (!function_exists('mb_substr')) { function mb_substr($str, $start, $length=0) { return substr($str, $start, $length); } } /** * mb_substr_count() * * Included for mbstring pseudo-compatability. */ if (!function_exists('mb_substr_count')) { function mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle) { return substr_count($haystack, $needle); } } /** * Static namespace for phpQuery functions. * * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @package phpQuery */ abstract class phpQuery { public static $debug = false; public static $documents = array(); public static $defaultDocumentID = null; // public static $defaultDoctype = 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""'; /** * Applies only to HTML. * * @var unknown_type */ public static $defaultDoctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">'; public static $defaultCharset = 'UTF-8'; /** * Static namespace for plugins. * * @var object */ public static $plugins = array(); /** * List of loaded plugins. * * @var unknown_type */ public static $pluginsLoaded = array(); public static $pluginsMethods = array(); public static $pluginsStaticMethods = array(); /** * Hosts allowed for AJAX connections. * Dot '.' means $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] (if any). * * @var array */ public static $ajaxAllowedHosts = array( '.' ); /** * AJAX settings. * * @var array * XXX should it be static or not ? */ public static $ajaxSettings = array( 'url' => '',//TODO 'global' => true, 'type' => "GET", 'timeout' => null, 'contentType' => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'processData' => true, // 'async' => true, 'data' => null, 'username' => null, 'password' => null, 'accepts' => array( 'xml' => "application/xml, text/xml", 'html' => "text/html", 'script' => "text/javascript, application/javascript", 'json' => "application/json, text/javascript", 'text' => "text/plain", '_default' => "*/*" ) ); public static $lastModified = null; public static $active = 0; public static $dumpCount = 0; /** * Multi-purpose function. * Use pq() as shortcut. * * In below examples, $pq is any result of pq(); function. * * 1. Import markup into existing document (without any attaching): * - Import into selected document: * pq('<div/>') // DOESNT accept text nodes at beginning of input string ! * - Import into document with ID from $pq->getDocumentID(): * pq('<div/>', $pq->getDocumentID()) * - Import into same document as DOMNode belongs to: * pq('<div/>', DOMNode) * - Import into document from phpQuery object: * pq('<div/>', $pq) * * 2. Run query: * - Run query on last selected document: * pq('div.myClass') * - Run query on document with ID from $pq->getDocumentID(): * pq('div.myClass', $pq->getDocumentID()) * - Run query on same document as DOMNode belongs to and use node(s)as root for query: * pq('div.myClass', DOMNode) * - Run query on document from phpQuery object * and use object's stack as root node(s) for query: * pq('div.myClass', $pq) * * @param string|DOMNode|DOMNodeList|array $arg1 HTML markup, CSS Selector, DOMNode or array of DOMNodes * @param string|phpQueryObject|DOMNode $context DOM ID from $pq->getDocumentID(), phpQuery object (determines also query root) or DOMNode (determines also query root) * * @return phpQueryObject|QueryTemplatesSource|QueryTemplatesParse|QueryTemplatesSourceQuery|QueryTemplatesPhpQuery|false * phpQuery object or false in case of error. */ public static function pq($arg1, $context = null) { if ($arg1 instanceof DOMNODE && ! isset($context)) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $documentWrapper) { if ($documentWrapper->document->isSameNode($arg1->ownerDocument)) { $context = $documentWrapper->id; } } } if (! $context) { $domId = self::$defaultDocumentID; if (! $domId) throw new Exception("Can't use last created DOM, because there isn't any. Use phpQuery::newDocument() first."); // } else if (is_object($context) && ($context instanceof PHPQUERY || is_subclass_of($context, 'phpQueryObject'))) } else if (is_object($context) && $context instanceof phpQueryObject) $domId = $context->getDocumentID(); else if ($context instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { $domId = self::getDocumentID($context); if (! $domId) { //throw new Exception('Orphaned DOMDocument'); $domId = self::newDocument($context)->getDocumentID(); } } else if ($context instanceof DOMNODE) { $domId = self::getDocumentID($context); if (! $domId) { throw new Exception('Orphaned DOMNode'); // $domId = self::newDocument($context->ownerDocument); } } else $domId = $context; if ($arg1 instanceof phpQueryObject) { // if (is_object($arg1) && (get_class($arg1) == 'phpQueryObject' || $arg1 instanceof PHPQUERY || is_subclass_of($arg1, 'phpQueryObject'))) { /** * Return $arg1 or import $arg1 stack if document differs: * pq(pq('<div/>')) */ if ($arg1->getDocumentID() == $domId) return $arg1; $class = get_class($arg1); // support inheritance by passing old object to overloaded constructor $phpQuery = $class != 'phpQuery' ? new $class($arg1, $domId) : new phpQueryObject($domId); $phpQuery->elements = array(); foreach($arg1->elements as $node) $phpQuery->elements[] = $phpQuery->document->importNode($node, true); return $phpQuery; } else if ($arg1 instanceof DOMNODE || (is_array($arg1) && isset($arg1[0]) && $arg[0] instanceof DOMNODE)) { /* * Wrap DOM nodes with phpQuery object, import into document when needed: * pq(array($domNode1, $domNode2)) */ $phpQuery = new phpQueryObject($domId); if (!($arg1 instanceof DOMNODELIST) && ! is_array($arg1)) $arg1 = array($arg1); $phpQuery->elements = array(); foreach($arg1 as $node) $phpQuery->elements[] = ! $node->ownerDocument->isSameNode($phpQuery->document) ? $phpQuery->document->importNode($node, true) : $node; return $phpQuery; } else if (self::isMarkup($arg1)) { /** * Import HTML: * pq('<div/>') */ $phpQuery = new phpQueryObject($domId); return $phpQuery->newInstance( $phpQuery->documentWrapper->import($arg1) ); } else { /** * Run CSS query: * pq('div.myClass') */ $phpQuery = new phpQueryObject($domId); // if ($context && ($context instanceof PHPQUERY || is_subclass_of($context, 'phpQueryObject'))) if ($context && $context instanceof phpQueryObject) $phpQuery->elements = $context->elements; else if ($context && $context instanceof DOMNODELIST) { $phpQuery->elements = array(); foreach($context as $node) $phpQuery->elements[] = $node; } else if ($context && $context instanceof DOMNODE) $phpQuery->elements = array($context); return $phpQuery->find($arg1); } } /** * Sets default document to $id. Document has to be loaded prior * to using this method. * $id can be retrived via getDocumentID() or getDocumentIDRef(). * * @param unknown_type $id */ public static function selectDocument($id) { $id = self::getDocumentID($id); self::debug("Selecting document '$id' as default one"); self::$defaultDocumentID = self::getDocumentID($id); } /** * Returns document with id $id or last used as phpQueryObject. * $id can be retrived via getDocumentID() or getDocumentIDRef(). * Chainable. * * @see phpQuery::selectDocument() * @param unknown_type $id * @return phpQueryObject|queryTemplatesFetch|queryTemplatesParse|queryTemplatesPickup */ public static function getDocument($id = null) { if ($id) phpQuery::selectDocument($id); else $id = phpQuery::$defaultDocumentID; return new phpQueryObject($id); } /** * Creates new document from markup. * Chainable. * * @param unknown_type $markup * @return phpQueryObject|queryTemplatesFetch|queryTemplatesParse|queryTemplatesPickup * @TODO support DOMDocument */ public static function newDocument($markup = null, $contentType = null) { if (! $markup) $markup = ''; $documentID = phpQuery::createDocumentWrapper($markup, $contentType); return new phpQueryObject($documentID); } public static function newDocumentHTML($markup = null, $charset = 'utf-8') { if (!isset($charset)) $charset = self::$defaultCharset; return self::newDocument($markup, "text/html;charset=$charset"); } public static function newDocumentXML($markup = null, $charset = 'utf-8') { return self::newDocument($markup, "text/xml;charset=$charset"); } public static function newDocumentXHTML($markup = null, $charset = 'utf-8') { return self::newDocument($markup, "application/xhtml+xml;charset=$charset"); } public static function newDocumentPHP($markup = null, $contentType = "text/html;charset=utf-8") { $markup = phpQuery::phpToMarkup($markup); return self::newDocument($markup, $contentType); } public static function phpToMarkup($php, $charset = 'utf-8') { $regexes = array( '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(\')([^\']*)<?php?(.*?)(?:\\?>)([^\']*)\'@s', '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(")([^"]*)<?php?(.*?)(?:\\?>)([^"]*)"@s', ); foreach($regexes as $regex) while (preg_match($regex, $php, $matches)) { $php = preg_replace_callback( $regex, create_function('$m, $charset = "'.$charset.'"', 'return $m[1].$m[2] .htmlspecialchars("<?php".$m[4]."?>", ENT_QUOTES|ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset) .$m[5].$m[2];' ), $php ); } $regex = '@(^|>[^<]*)+?(<\?php(.*?)(\?>))@s'; //preg_match_all($regex, $php, $matches); //var_dump($matches); $php = preg_replace($regex, '\\1<php><!-- \\3 --></php>', $php); return $php; } public static function markupToPHP($content) { if ($content instanceof phpQueryObject) $content = $content->markupOuter(); /* <php>...</php> to <?php...?> */ $content = preg_replace_callback( '@<php>\s*<!--(.*?)-->\s*</php>@s', create_function('$m', 'return "<'.'?php \n".htmlspecialchars_decode($m[1])."\n ?'.'>";' ), $content ); /*$content = str_replace( array('<?php<!--', '<?php <!--', '-->?>', '--> ?>'), array('<?php', '<?php', '?>', '?>'), $content );*/ $regexes = array( '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(\')([^\']*)(?:&lt;|%3C)\\?(?:php)?(.*?)(?:\\?(?:&gt;|%3E))([^\']*)\'@s', '@(<(?!\\?)(?:[^>]|\\?>)+\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(")([^"]*)(?:&lt;|%3C)\\?(?:php)?(.*?)(?:\\?(?:&gt;|%3E))([^"]*)"@s', ); foreach($regexes as $regex) while (preg_match($regex, $content)) $content = preg_replace_callback( $regex, create_function('$m', 'return $m[1].$m[2].$m[3]."<?php \n" .str_replace( array("%20", "%3E", "%09", "&#10;", "&#9;", "%7B", "%24", "%7D", "%22", "%5B", "%5D"), array(" ", ">", " ", "\n", " ", "{", "$", "}", \'"\', "[", "]"), htmlspecialchars_decode($m[4]) ) ." \n?>".$m[5].$m[2];' ), $content ); return $content; } /** * Creates new document from file $file. * Chainable. * * @param string $file URLs allowed. See File wrapper page at for more supported sources. * @return phpQueryObject|queryTemplatesFetch|queryTemplatesParse|queryTemplatesPickup */ public static function newDocumentFile($file, $contentType = null) { $documentID = self::createDocumentWrapper( file_get_contents($file), $contentType ); return new phpQueryObject($documentID); } public static function newDocumentFileHTML($file, $charset = 'utf-8') { return self::newDocumentFile($file, "text/html;charset=$charset"); } public static function newDocumentFileXML($file, $charset = 'utf-8') { return self::newDocumentFile($file, "text/xml;charset=$charset"); } public static function newDocumentFileXHTML($file, $charset = 'utf-8') { return self::newDocumentFile($file, "application/xhtml+xml;charset=$charset"); } public static function newDocumentFilePHP($file, $contentType = null) { return self::newDocumentPHP(file_get_contents($file), $contentType); } /** * Reuses existing DOMDocument object. * Chainable. * * @param $document DOMDocument * @return phpQueryObject|queryTemplatesFetch|queryTemplatesParse|queryTemplatesPick * up */ public static function loadDocument($document) { // TODO die('TODO loadDocument'); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $html * @param unknown_type $domId * @return unknown New DOM ID * @todo support PHP tags in input * @todo support passing DOMDocument object from self::loadDocument */ protected static function createDocumentWrapper($html, $contentType = null, $documentID = null) { if (function_exists('domxml_open_mem')) { throw new Exception("Old PHP4 DOM XML extension detected. phpQuery won't work until this extension is enabled."); return null; } $id = $documentID ? $documentID : md5(microtime()); $document = null; if ($html instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { // TODO support cloning of DOMDocumentWrapper if (self::getDocumentID($html)) { // document already exists in phpQuery::$documents, make a copy $document = clone $html; } else { // new document, add it to phpQuery::$documents $wrapper = new DOMDocumentWrapper($html, $contentType); } } else { $wrapper = new DOMDocumentWrapper($html, $contentType); } $wrapper->id = $id; // create document phpQuery::$documents[$id] = $wrapper; // remember last loaded document return self::$defaultDocumentID = $id; } /** * Deprecated, use phpQuery::plugin() instead. * * @deprecated * @param $class * @param $file * @return unknown_type */ public static function extend($class, $file = null) { return self::plugin($class, $file); } /** * Extend phpQuery with $class from $file. * * @param string $class Extending class name. Real class name can be prepended phpQuery_. * @param string $file Filename to include. Defaults to "{$class}.php". */ public static function plugin($class, $file = null) { // TODO $class checked agains phpQuery_$class // if (strpos($class, 'phpQuery') === 0) // $class = substr($class, 8); if (in_array($class, self::$pluginsLoaded)) return true; if (! $file) $file = $class.'.php'; $objectClassExists = class_exists('phpQueryObjectPlugin_'.$class); $staticClassExists = class_exists('phpQueryPlugin_'.$class); if (! $objectClassExists && ! $staticClassExists) require_once($file); self::$pluginsLoaded[] = $class; // static methods if (class_exists('phpQueryPlugin_'.$class)) { $realClass = 'phpQueryPlugin_'.$class; $vars = get_class_vars($realClass); $loop = isset($vars['phpQueryMethods']) && ! is_null($vars['phpQueryMethods']) ? $vars['phpQueryMethods'] : get_class_methods($realClass); foreach($loop as $method) { if ($method == '__initialize') continue; if (! is_callable(array($realClass, $method))) continue; if (isset(self::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method])) { throw new Exception("Duplicate method '{$method}' from plugin '{$c}' conflicts with same method from plugin '".self::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method]."'"); return; } self::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method] = $class; } if (method_exists($realClass, '__initialize')) call_user_func_array(array($realClass, '__initialize'), array()); } // object methods if (class_exists('phpQueryObjectPlugin_'.$class)) { $realClass = 'phpQueryObjectPlugin_'.$class; $vars = get_class_vars($realClass); $loop = isset($vars['phpQueryMethods']) && ! is_null($vars['phpQueryMethods']) ? $vars['phpQueryMethods'] : get_class_methods($realClass); foreach($loop as $method) { if (! is_callable(array($realClass, $method))) continue; if (isset(self::$pluginsMethods[$method])) { throw new Exception("Duplicate method '{$method}' from plugin '{$c}' conflicts with same method from plugin '".self::$pluginsMethods[$method]."'"); return; } self::$pluginsMethods[$method] = $class; } } return true; } /** * Unloades all or specified document from memory. * * @param mixed $documentID @see phpQuery::getDocumentID() for supported types. */ public static function unloadDocuments($id = null) { if (isset($id)) { if ($id = self::getDocumentID($id)) unset(phpQuery::$documents[$id]); } else unset(phpQuery::$documents); } /** * Parses phpQuery object or HTML result against PHP tags and makes them active. * * @param phpQuery|string $content * @deprecated * @return string */ public static function unsafePHPTags($content) { return self::markupToPHP($content); } public static function DOMNodeListToArray($DOMNodeList) { $array = array(); if (! $DOMNodeList) return $array; foreach($DOMNodeList as $node) $array[] = $node; return $array; } /** * Checks if $input is HTML string, which has to start with '<'. * * @deprecated * @param String $input * @return Bool * @todo still used ? */ public static function isMarkup($input) { return substr(trim($input), 0, 1) == '<'; } public static function debug($text) { if (self::$debug) print var_dump($text); } /** * Make an AJAX request. * * @param array See $options * Additional options are: * 'document' - document for global events, @see phpQuery::getDocumentID() * 'referer' - implemented * 'requested_with' - TODO; not implemented (X-Requested-With) * @return Zend_Http_Client * @link * * @TODO $options['cache'] * @TODO $options['processData'] * @TODO support callbackStructure like each() and map() */ public static function ajax($options = array(), $xhr = null) { $options = array_merge( self::$ajaxSettings, $options ); $documentID = isset($options['document']) ? self::getDocumentID($options['document']) : null; if ($xhr) { // reuse existing XHR object, but clean it up $client = $xhr; // $client->setParameterPost(null); // $client->setParameterGet(null); $client->setAuth(false); $client->setHeaders("If-Modified-Since", null); $client->setHeaders("Referer", null); $client->resetParameters(); } else { // create new XHR object require_once('Zend/Http/Client.php'); $client = new Zend_Http_Client(); $client->setCookieJar(); } if (isset($options['timeout'])) $client->setConfig(array( 'timeout' => $options['timeout'], )); // 'maxredirects' => 0, foreach(self::$ajaxAllowedHosts as $k => $host) if ($host == '.' && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) self::$ajaxAllowedHosts[$k] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $host = parse_url($options['url'], PHP_URL_HOST); if (! in_array($host, self::$ajaxAllowedHosts)) { throw new Exception("Request not permitted, host '$host' not present in phpQuery::\$ajaxAllowedHosts"); return false; } $client->setUri($options['url']); $client->setMethod(strtoupper($options['type'])); if (isset($options['referer']) && $options['referer']) $client->setHeaders('Referer', $options['referer']); $client->setHeaders(array( // 'content-type' => $options['contentType'], 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9a8) Gecko/2007100619 GranParadiso/3.0a8', // TODO custom charset 'Accept-Charset' => 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', // 'Connection' => 'keep-alive', // 'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5', )); if ($options['username']) $client->setAuth($options['username'], $options['password']); if (isset($options['ifModified']) && $options['ifModified']) $client->setHeaders("If-Modified-Since", self::$lastModified ? self::$lastModified : "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" ); $client->setHeaders("Accept", isset($options['dataType']) && isset(self::$ajaxSettings['accepts'][ $options['dataType'] ]) ? self::$ajaxSettings['accepts'][ $options['dataType'] ].", */*" : self::$ajaxSettings['accepts']['_default'] ); // TODO $options['processData'] if ($options['data'] instanceof phpQueryObject) { $serialized = $options['data']->serializeArray($options['data']); $options['data'] = array(); foreach($serialized as $r) $options['data'][ $r['name'] ] = $r['value']; } if (strtolower($options['type']) == 'get') { $client->setParameterGet($options['data']); } else if (strtolower($options['type']) == 'post') { $client->setEncType($options['contentType']); $client->setParameterPost($options['data']); } if (self::$active == 0 && $options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxStart'); self::$active++; // beforeSend callback if (isset($options['beforeSend']) && $options['beforeSend']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['beforeSend'], array($client)); // ajaxSend event if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxSend', array($client, $options)); if (phpQuery::$debug) { self::debug("{$options['type']}: {$options['url']}\n"); self::debug("Options: <pre>".var_export($options, true)."</pre>\n"); // if ($client->getCookieJar()) // self::debug("Cookies: <pre>".var_export($client->getCookieJar()->getMatchingCookies($options['url']), true)."</pre>\n"); } // request $response = $client->request(); if (phpQuery::$debug) { self::debug('Status: '.$response->getStatus().' / '.$response->getMessage()); self::debug($client->getLastRequest()); self::debug($response->getHeaders()); } if ($response->isSuccessful()) { // XXX tempolary self::$lastModified = $response->getHeader('Last-Modified'); if (isset($options['success']) && $options['success']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['success'], array($response->getBody(), $response->getStatus())); if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxSuccess', array($client, $options)); } else { if (isset($options['error']) && $options['error']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['error'], array($client, $response->getStatus(), $response->getMessage())); if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxError', array($client, /*$response->getStatus(),*/$response->getMessage(), $options)); } if (isset($options['complete']) && $options['complete']) phpQuery::callbackRun($options['complete'], array($client, $response->getStatus())); if ($options['global']) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxComplete', array($client, $options)); if ($options['global'] && ! --self::$active) phpQueryEvents::trigger($documentID, 'ajaxStop'); return $client; // if (is_null($domId)) // $domId = self::$defaultDocumentID ? self::$defaultDocumentID : false; // return new phpQueryAjaxResponse($response, $domId); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param array|phpQuery $data * */ public static function param($data) { return http_build_query($data, null, '&'); } public static function get($url, $data = null, $callback = null, $type = null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } // TODO some array_values on this shit return phpQuery::ajax(array( 'type' => 'GET', 'url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'success' => $callback, 'dataType' => $type, )); } public static function post($url, $data = null, $callback = null, $type = null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $callback = $data; $data = null; } return phpQuery::ajax(array( 'type' => 'POST', 'url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'success' => $callback, 'dataType' => $type, )); } public static function ajaxSetup($options) { self::$ajaxSettings = array_merge( self::$ajaxSettings, $options ); } public static function ajaxAllowHost($host1, $host2 = null, $host3 = null) { $loop = is_array($host1) ? $host1 : func_get_args(); foreach($loop as $host) { if ($host && ! in_array($host, phpQuery::$ajaxAllowedHosts)) { phpQuery::$ajaxAllowedHosts[] = $host; } } } public static function ajaxAllowURL($url1, $url2 = null, $url3 = null) { $loop = is_array($url1) ? $url1 : func_get_args(); foreach($loop as $url) phpQuery::ajaxAllowHost(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST)); } /** * Returns JSON representation of $data. * * @static * @param mixed $data * @return string */ public static function toJSON($data) { if (function_exists('json_encode')) return json_encode($data); require_once('Zend/Json/Encoder'); return Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($data); } /** * Parses JSON into proper PHP type. * * @static * @param string $json * @return mixed */ public static function parseJSON($json) { if (function_exists('json_decode')) return json_decode($json, true); require_once('Zend/Json/Decoder'); return Zend_Json_Decoder::decode($json); } /** * Returns source's document ID. * * @param $source DOMNode|phpQueryObject * @return string */ public static function getDocumentID($source) { if ($source instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $id => $document) { if ($source->isSameNode($document['document'])) return $id; } } else if ($source instanceof DOMNODE) { foreach(phpQuery::$documents as $id => $document) { if ($source->ownerDocument->isSameNode($document['document'])) return $id; } } else if ($source instanceof phpQueryObject) return $source->getDocumentID(); else if (is_string($source) && isset(phpQuery::$documents[$source])) return $source; } /** * Get DOMDocument object related to $source. * Returns null if such document doesn't exist. * * @param $source DOMNode|phpQueryObject|string * @return string */ public static function getDOMDocument($source) { if ($source instanceof DOMDOCUMENT) return $source; $source = self::getDocumentID($source); return $source ? self::$documents[$id]['document'] : null; } // UTILITIES // /** * * @return unknown_type * @link */ public static function makeArray($obj) { $array = array(); if (is_object($object) && $object instanceof DOMNODELIST) { foreach($object as $value) $array[] = $value; } else if (is_object($object) && ! ($object instanceof Iterator)) { foreach(get_object_vars($object) as $name => $value) $array[0][$name] = $value; } else { foreach($object as $name => $value) $array[0][$name] = $value; } return $array; } public static function inArray($value, $array) { return in_array($value, $array); } /** * * @param $object * @param $callback * @return unknown_type * @link */ public static function each($object, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { $paramStructure = null; if (func_num_args() > 2) { $paramStructure = func_get_args(); $paramStructure = array_slice($paramStructure, 2); } if (is_object($object) && ! ($object instanceof Iterator)) { foreach(get_object_vars($object) as $name => $value) phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($name, $value), $paramStructure); } else { foreach($object as $name => $value) phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($name, $value), $paramStructure); } } /** * * @link */ public static function map($array, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { $result = array(); $paramStructure = null; if (func_num_args() > 2) { $paramStructure = func_get_args(); $paramStructure = array_slice($paramStructure, 2); } foreach($array as $v) { $vv = phpQuery::callbackRun($callback, array($v), $paramStructure); // $callbackArgs = $args; // foreach($args as $i => $arg) { // $callbackArgs[$i] = $arg instanceof CallbackParam // ? $v // : $arg; // } // $vv = call_user_func_array($callback, $callbackArgs); if (is_array($vv)) { foreach($vv as $vvv) $result[] = $vvv; } else if ($vv !== null) { $result[] = $vv; } } return $result; } /** * * @param $callback Callback * @param $params * @param $paramStructure * @return unknown_type */ public static function callbackRun($callback, $params = null, $paramStructure = null) { if (! $callback) return; if ($callback instanceof CallbackReference) { // TODO support ParamStructure to select which $param push to reference if (isset($params[0])) $callback->callback = $params[0]; return true; } if ($callback instanceof Callback) { $paramStructure = $callback->params; $callback = $callback->callback; } if (! $paramStructure) return call_user_func_array($callback, $params); $p = 0; foreach($paramStructure as $i => $v) { $paramStructure[$i] = $v instanceof CallbackParam ? $params[$p++] : $v; } return call_user_func_array($callback, $paramStructure); } /** * Merge 2 phpQuery objects. * @param array $one * @param array $two * @protected * @todo node lists, phpQueryObject */ public static function merge($one, $two) { $elements = $one->elements; foreach($two->elements as $node) { $exists = false; foreach($elements as $node2) { if ($node2->isSameNode($node)) $exists = true; } if (! $exists) $elements[] = $node; } return $elements; // $one = $one->newInstance(); // $one->elements = $elements; // return $one; } /** * * @param $array * @param $callback * @param $invert * @return unknown_type * @link */ public static function grep($array, $callback, $invert = false) { $result = array(); foreach($array as $k => $v) { $r = call_user_func_array($callback, array($v, $k)); if ($r === !(bool)$invert) $result[] = $v; } return $result; } public static function unique($array) { return array_unique($array); } /** * * @param $function * @return unknown_type * @TODO there are problems with non-static methods, second parameter pass it * but doesnt verify is method is really callable */ public static function isFunction($function) { return is_callable($function); } public static function trim($str) { return trim($str); } /* PLUGINS NAMESPACE */ public static function browserGet($url, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { if (self::plugin('WebBrowser')) { $params = func_get_args(); return self::callbackRun(array(self::$plugins, 'browserGet'), $params); } else { self::debug('WebBrowser plugin not available...'); } } public static function browserPost($url, $data, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { if (self::plugin('WebBrowser')) { $params = func_get_args(); return self::callbackRun(array(self::$plugins, 'browserPost'), $params); } else { self::debug('WebBrowser plugin not available...'); } } public static function browser($ajaxSettings, $callback, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $param3 = null) { if (self::plugin('WebBrowser')) { $params = func_get_args(); return self::callbackRun(array(self::$plugins, 'browser'), $params); } else { self::debug('WebBrowser plugin not available...'); } } public static function php($code) { return "<php><!-- ".trim($code)." --></php>"; } } /** * Plugins static namespace class. * * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @package phpQuery * @todo move plugin methods here (as statics) */ class phpQueryPlugins { public function __call($method, $args) { if (isset(phpQuery::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method])) { $class = phpQuery::$pluginsStaticMethods[$method]; $realClass = "phpQueryPlugin_$class"; $return = call_user_func_array( array($realClass, $method), $args ); return $return ? $return : $this; } else throw new Exception("Method '{$method}' doesnt exist"); } } /** * Shortcut to phpQuery::pq($arg1, $context) * Chainable. * * @see phpQuery::pq() * @return phpQueryObject|queryTemplatesFetch|queryTemplatesParse|queryTemplatesPickup * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @package phpQuery */ function pq($arg1, $context = null) { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array( array('phpQuery', 'pq'), $args ); } // add plugins dir and Zend framework to include path set_include_path( get_include_path() .PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__).'/' .PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__).'/plugins/' ); // why ? no __call nor __get for statics in php... phpQuery::$plugins = new phpQueryPlugins(); // include bootstrap file (personal library config) if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/bootstrap.php')) require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/bootstrap.php';