PHP Classes

File: multiple-scan/lib/js/functions.js

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  Classes of Ali YILMAZ   PHP Check HTTP Response Code IP Scanner   multiple-scan/lib/js/functions.js   Download  
File: multiple-scan/lib/js/functions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Check HTTP Response Code IP Scanner
Scan for HTTP servers within a given IP range
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 1,053 bytes



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$(function(){ window.setInterval(function(){ isconnection(); }, 500); function isconnection(){ if (navigator.onLine === true) { var message = 'You have internet connection!'; } else { var message = 'No internet connection!'; } $('strong#status').html('').append(message); return status; } $('button#ipscanner').on('click', function(){ send($(this).attr('id')); }); function send(type){ formdata = ''; response = ''; formdata = $('form#'+type).serialize(); $.ajax({ type:'POST', url:'class.php', data:formdata, beforeSend: function() { $('div#response').html('').append('Scanning...'); }, success:function(response){ $('div#response').html('').append('REQUEST: <br><code>'+formdata+'</code><br><br>RESPONSE: <br><code>'+response+'</code>'); } }); } });