Download[comment]: # (This file is part of PcGen, PHP Code Generation support package. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence GPL 3.0)
Common Methods Methods
These methods are shared by all but *Dto :
* ```eol``` _string_, default PHP_EOL
* ```indent``` _string_, default four spaces, for no indent, use ''
* ```baseIndent``` _string_, default four spaces, for no indent, use ''
The base, leftmost, indent
The base, leftmost, indent
Return _static_
` baseClass` _BaseA_ anyMgr class
updates eol, indent, baseIndent from ```baseClass```
* Static
* Return _static_
Return _array_, result code rows (null-bytes removed) no trailing eol
Throws _RuntimeException_
* Return _string_ with code rows (extends toArray), each code row with trailing eol
* Throws _RuntimeException_
* ```eol``` _string_, eol chars
* Return _static_
* ```indent``` _string_, default four spaces, indentations after baseIndent
* The base, leftmost, indent
* ```indent``` _string_, default four spaces
* Return _static_
Note, eol, set here, will affect the whole package
* ```indent``` _string_, default four spaces, indentations after baseIndent
* Note, indent, set here, will affect the whole package
* Static
The base, leftmost, indent
Note, indent, set here, will affect the whole package
* Alter the target PHP version, default (PHP constant) _PHP_VERSION_
as for now, used for type hints
* ```phpVersion``` _string_
* Note, phpVersion, set here, will affect the whole package
* Static
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