Assorted collection of string utilities
* Create a random password.
* @param integer $maxLength, maximum length
* @param boolean $onlyNumbers
* @return string
function simplePassword ($maxLength = 6, $onlyNumbers=false) {
//srand ((double)microtime()*1000003) ;
// no 0 ('Oh') or O (zero) allowed as this causes confusion...
$acceptedChars = 'azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN123456789';
if ($onlyNumbers) {
$acceptedChars = '012345678938' ;
$max = strlen($acceptedChars)-1;
$newpassword = null;
for($i=0; $i < $maxLength; $i++) {
$newpassword .= $acceptedChars{rand(0, $max)};
return $newpassword ;
function trim_value(&$value, $key, $trimChars)
if (is_string ($value)) {
$value = trim($value, $trimChars);
Trims all strings in the array. Trims the array in place.
function array_trim (&$array, $trimChars=" \n\r\t") {
array_walk($array, 'trim_value', $trimChars);
function tolower_value (&$value, $key) {
$value = strtolower($value) ;
* Puts all strings in the array to lower case
* @param array $array
function array_tolower (&$array) {
array_walk ($array, 'tolower_value') ;
* Remove empty lines from the array
function array_removeEmptyLines ($array) {
$result = array() ;
foreach ($array as $element) {
$element = trim ($element) ;
if ($element != '') $result[] = $element ;
return $result ;
From an array of key/value pairs, extract only one key.
@return array with extracted value corresponding to key
function array_extract ($array, $keyName) {
if (!is_array($array)) return array() ;
$result = array () ;
foreach ($array as $value) {
if (isset ($value[$keyName]))
$result[] = $value[$keyName] ;
return $result ;
Transforms an associated array into key=value string. If the $value is NULL, then only the
$key is printed. If the string is non-empty it **starts and ends** with the $sep.
@param array $array the input array
@param string $sep separator string, default = blank
function array_keyvalue ($array, $sep=' ') {
if (count($array) == 0) {
return '' ;
$result = $sep ;
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if ($value === NULL) $result .= "$key$sep" ;
else $result .= "$key=\"$value\"$sep" ;
return $result ;
Convert a string with accents into a string without accents.
see http://be2.php.net/strtr
function transcribe($string) {
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
$string = mb_convert_encoding ($string, "ISO-8859-1") ;
$string = strtr($string,
$string = strtr($string, array("\xC4"=>"Ae", "\xC6"=>"AE", "\xD6"=>"Oe", "\xDC"=>"Ue", "\xDE"=>"TH", "\xDF"=>"ss", "\xE4"=>"ae", "\xE6"=>"ae", "\xF6"=>"oe", "\xFC"=>"ue", "\xFE"=>"th"));
} else {
return remove_accents($string) ;
function remove_accents($string) {
$from = array ('á','ä','à ','â','Ã¥','ã','æ', 'é','è','ë','ê','Ã','ì','ï','î','ú','ù','ü','û','ç','ð','ñ','ó','ò','ô','ö','ø','Å ','Å’', 'Ž','Å¡','Å“' ,'¢','Ã','A','Ä','Â','Ã…','Æ' ,'Ç','É','È','Ë','Ê','Ã','ÃŒ','Ã','ÃŽ','Ñ','Ó','Ã’','Ö','Ô','Ø','Ù','Ú','Ãœ','Û','Þ','ß') ;
$to = array ('a','a','a','a','a','a','ae','e','e','e','e','i','i','i','i','u','u','u','u','c','o','n','o','o','o','o','o','S','OE','Z','s','oe','c','A','A','A','A','A','AE','C','E','E','E','E','I','I','I','I','N','O','O','O','O','O','U','U','U','U','TH', 'ss') ;
return str_replace($from, $to, $string);
* Remove part of the string between start- and endindex (inclusive)
* eg. str_remove ('abcdef', 2,3) -> 'abef'
* @param string $str
* @param integer $startIndex
* @param integer $endIndex
function str_remove ($str, $startIndex, $endIndex) {
$first = substr($str, 0, $startIndex) ;
if ($endIndex == NULL) return $first ;
$second = substr($str, $endIndex+1) ;
return $first.$second ;
* Remove part of the string that's in brackets (including)
* @param string $str
* @return string
function str_removeBrackets ($str) {
$i1 = strpos ($str, '(') ;
$i2 = strpos ($str, ')') ;
if (($i1 === false)) {
$i1 = strpos ($str, '[') ;
$i2 = strpos ($str, ']') ;
if (($i1 === false) || ($i2 === false)) {
return $str ;
$str = str_remove($str, $i1, $i2) ;
return trim ($str) ;
Recursive array search.
Search for key, return the key=>value and optionally also key2=>value2
@param array $array
@param mixed $key key to search in the array
@param mixed $key2 second key, optional
@return array: array (value, value,..) or array (value1=>value2, ..)
function array_keysearch ($array, $key1, $key2=NULL) {
if (($array == NULL) || !is_array ($array)) {
return array() ;
$result = array () ;
if (isset ($array [$key1])) {
if ($key2 != NULL) {
$result[$array [$key1]] = isset ($array[$key2]) ? $array[$key2] : NULL ;
else {
$result[] = $array[$key1] ;
foreach ($array as $element) {
if (is_array ($element)) {
if ($key2 == NULL) {
$result = array_merge ($result, array_keysearch ($element, $key1, $key2)) ;
} else {
$result = $result + array_keysearch ($element, $key1, $key2) ;
return $result ;
* Remove an element with a $key from the $array
* @param array $array, array of arrays
* @param string $key
* @return array
function array_keyremove ($array, $key) {
foreach ($array as &$oneArray) {
if (isset ($oneArray[$key])) unset ($oneArray[$key]) ;
return $array ;
Return and array with the number of occurances of a value in the input array.
@param array $input
@return array (key => weight), highest weights first
function array_weight ($input) {
$result = array () ;
foreach ($input as $value) {
if (isset ($result[$value])) {
$result[$value]++ ;
else {
$result[$value] = 0 ;
arsort ($result) ;
return $result ;
Recursive check if $value occurs in $arrray
@param mixed $value is the value to search for
@param string $key is the key for the looked for value
@param array $array
@return true if $value found in $array
function deep_in_array($searchValue, $searchKey, $array) {
foreach($array as $key => $item) {
if(!is_array($item)) {
if (($key == $searchKey) && ($item == $searchValue)) return true;
else continue;
if (isset ($item[$searchKey]) && ($item[$searchKey] == $searchValue)) {
return true;
} else if (deep_in_array($searchValue, $searchKey, $item)) {
return true;
return false;
/** Strip leading 'the' and 'a' from a string.
@param string $t
@return string
function stripTHE ($t) {
if (strncasecmp ($t, "THE ", 4) == 0) {
$t = substr ($t, 4) ;
elseif (strncasecmp ($t, "A ", 2) == 0) {
$t = substr ($t, 2) ;
return $t ;
* Count the number of occurences of $needle in the $haystack.
* @param string $haystack
* @param string $needle
* return integer
function strcount ($haystack, $needle) {
$count = 0 ;
$index = 0 ;
for (;;) {
$index = stripos ($haystack, $needle, $index) ;
if ($index === false) {
break ;
$count++ ;
$index++ ;
return $count ;
* Return a standard SQL date
* @param integer $day
* @param integer $month
* @param integer $year with 4 numbers
* @param integer $increment 1=tomorrow, 2=day after tomorrow,...
* @return string
function standardDate ($day, $month, $year, $increment=0) {
$t = mktime (20, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) ;
$t += $increment * (60*60*24) ;
return date ('Y-m-d', $t) ;
* Wrapper for the build-in array_rand().
* - $req can be any integer, not just between 1 and count($arr)
* - $arr can be empty
* - always return an array, never an integer
* @param array $arr
* @param integer $num
* @return array of keys
function array_random ($arr, $num=1) {
if ((count ($arr) == 0) || ($num == 0)) {
return array() ;
if ($num == 1) {
return array (array_rand ($arr, 1)) ;
if ($num > count ($arr)) $num = count ($arr) ;
$r = array_rand ($arr, $num) ;
return (is_array($r)) ? $r : array ($r) ;
* Sorts an array of associative arrays.
* The $key has to be present in each element of the array.
* @param array $array
* @param string $key
$_key = NULL ;
function arrayListSort (&$array, $key) {
global $_key ;
$_key = $key ;
usort ($array, '_sortByKey') ;
function _sortByKey ($elem1, $elem2) {
global $_key ;
$v1 = $elem1[$_key] ;
$v2 = $elem2[$_key] ;
if ($v1 == $v1) $r = 0 ;
$r = ($v1 < $v2) ? -1 : 1 ;
//echo("key=$_key v1=$v1 v2=$v2 r=$r<br>");
return $r ;
* Counts the number of elements in a array, recursively
* @param array $array
* @return integer
function array_count (&$array) {
if (!is_array($array)) {
return 0 ;
$count = 0 ;
foreach ($array as $element) {
if (is_array($element)) {
$count += array_count($element) ;
$count += count ($array) ;
return $count ;
// We can't use the above function as it causes a server error!
function count_globals () {
$count = 0 ;
foreach ($GLOBALS as $element) {
if (is_array($element)) {
$count += count($element) ;
$count += count ($GLOBALS) ;
return $count ;
* Remove text up to (and including) $cutHeader from $source
* Remove text from (and including) $cutFooter from $source
* Return the remainder of $source
* @param string $source
* @param string $cutHeader, optional
* @param string $cutFooter, optional
* @return string or null if header and/or footer not found
function textCutting ($source, $cutHeader = NULL, $cutFooter = NULL) {
if ($cutHeader != NULL) {
$pos = stripos ($source, $cutHeader) ;
if ($pos === false) return NULL ;
$source = substr($source, $pos + strlen($cutHeader)) ;
if ($cutFooter != NULL) {
$pos = strripos($source, $cutFooter) ;
if ($pos === false) return NULL ;
$source = substr($source, 0, $pos) ;
return $source ;
* Advance the array, return the next non-empty value
* @param array $array
* @return mixed
function advance (&$array) {
do {
$current = current ($array) ;
if ($current === false) return $current ;
next ($array) ;
} while ($current == '') ;
return $current ;
* Folds an array. It takes n elements at a time and returns a 2-dimensional array.
* eg. array_fold (array (1,2,3,4,5,6),3) => array (array(1,2,3), array (4,5,6))
* Keys are not preserved by default
* @param mixed $array
* @param integer $n, number of items per row folded
* @param boolean $preserveKeys
* @return array
function array_fold ($array, $n, $preserveKeys=false) {
$result = array () ;
$m = count ($array) ;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $m ; $i += $n) {
$result[] = array_slice ($array, $i, $n) ;
return $result ;
* @param string $s
* @return boolean, true if $s consists of all ascii uppercase characters
function is_all_uppercase ($s) {
$m = array () ;
$r = preg_match ('/[A-Z ]+/', $s, $m) ;
if ($r == false) return false ;
return strlen ($m[0]) === strlen ($s) ;
* Compares two strings word by word. Note that numerals are also discarded by str_word_count
* @param string $s1
* @param string $s2
* @param array $exceptions optional list of words not be considered. Should already be lowercase for efficiency.
* @return integer number of different words
function wordDifference ($s1, $s2, $exceptions = NULL) {
$s1 = strtolower($s1) ;
$s2 = strtolower($s2) ;
if ($exceptions != NULL) {
$s1 = str_replace($exceptions, '', $s1) ;
$s2 = str_replace($exceptions, '', $s2) ;
// one or both are empty, then any comparison is almost meaningless..
if ((trim($s1) == '') || (trim($s2) == '')) {
return 99 ;
$s1 = str_word_count($s1, 1, '0123456789:') ; // returns array with words inside $s1
$s2 = str_word_count($s2, 1, '0123456789:') ;
$diff = count(array_diff($s1, $s2)) + count(array_diff($s2, $s1)) ;
return ($diff) ;
* Fixes words in a text based on a dictionary
* @param string $text
* @param array $dictionary array of words in lowercase
* @param integer $maxDiff optional maximum difference in Levensthein algo
* @return string
function fixText ($text, $dictionary, $maxDiff=1) {
$words = explode (' ', $text) ;
foreach ($words as &$oneWord) {
$s = strtolower($oneWord) ;
foreach ($dictionary as $oneEntry) {
$m = levenshtein($s, $oneEntry) ;
if ($m == 0) break ; // word matches
if ($m <= $maxDiff) {
$oneWord = ucfirst ($oneEntry) ;
break ;
return implode (' ', $words) ;
* Split a csv-formatted line into an array.
* @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.split.php
* @param string $string
* @param string $separator
* @return array
function getCSVValues($string, $separator=",")
$elements = explode($separator, $string);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elements); $i++) {
$nquotes = substr_count($elements[$i], '"');
if ($nquotes %2 == 1) {
for ($j = $i+1; $j < count($elements); $j++) {
if (substr_count($elements[$j], '"') > 0) {
// Put the quoted string's pieces back together again
array_splice($elements, $i, $j-$i+1,
implode($separator, array_slice($elements, $i, $j-$i+1)));
if ($nquotes > 0) {
// Remove first and last quotes, then merge pairs of quotes
$qstr =& $elements[$i];
$qstr = substr_replace($qstr, '', strpos($qstr, '"'), 1);
$qstr = substr_replace($qstr, '', strrpos($qstr, '"'), 1);
$qstr = str_replace('""', '"', $qstr);
return $elements;