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Class: PHP OpenSSL Toolbox
Use SSL certificates to process data with OpenSSL
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OpenSSLPkcs7Factory class, extends OpenSSLBase, implements OpenSSLInterface

Wrapper for PHP OpenSSL pkcs12 functions, encapsulates the pkcs12 (string) resource<br> Note: You need to have a valid openssl.cnf installed for this to operate correctly.<br> You will find convenient constants in OpenSSLInterface.<br> Require a Psr\Log logger, provided by LoggerDepot<br>

The class has only static methods.<br>

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::assertCipherId( cipherId [ argIx] )
cipherId     int
argIx        int|string  default 1

throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::assertflags( flags [, argIx [, valueIfNull] )
Assert (int, constant) PKCS7 flags

flags        int
argIx        int|string  default 1
valueIfNull  int

return int
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::decrypt( infileName, outfileName, recipCert [, recipKey ] )
uses openssl_pkcs7_decrypt
Decrypts an S/MIME encrypted message contained in the file specified by infilename
using the certificate and its associated private key specified by recipcert and recipkey.

infileName   string
               The message to decrypt is stored in the file specified by infilename.
outfileName  string
               The decrypted message is written to the file specified by outfilename.
recipCert    resource|string
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
               The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
recipKey     resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4. For private keys, you may also use the syntax array($key, $passphrase)
                  where $key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                  and $passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
return bool  true on successfull decrypt
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::decryptString( stringToDecrypt, recipCert [, recipKey ] )
extends OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::decrypt

recipCert    resource|string
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
               The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
recipKey     resource|string|array
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4. For private keys, you may also use the syntax array($key, $passphrase)
                  where $key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                  and $passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
return string  decrypted string
throws Exception, InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::encrypt( infileName, outfileName, recipCerts, headers = [], flags = 0, cipherId =
uses openssl_pkcs7_encrypt
Encrypts the infile (S/MIME message) contents using an RC2 40-bit cipher
so that they can only be read by the intended recipients specified by recipcerts

infileName   string
outfileName  string
recipCerts   resource|array|string
               X.509 certificate (below), single/array
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
headers      array  default []
               Headers that will be prepended to the data after it has been encrypted
               1. an associative array keyed by header name
               2. an indexed array, where each element contains a single header line.
flags        int    default 0
               Opt. options that affect the encoding process (
cipherId     int    default OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40
               One of cipher constants. (
return bool
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::encryptString( stringToEncrypt, recipCerts [, headers [, flags [, cipherId ]]] )
extends OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::encrypt

recipCerts   resource|array|string
               1. Either a lone X.509 certificate, or an array of X.509 certificates.
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
headers      array
               default []
               Headers that will be prepended to the data after it has been encrypted
               1. an associative array keyed by header name
               2. an indexed array, where each element contains a single header line.
flags        int
               default 0
               Opt. options that affect the encoding process (
cipherId     int
               default OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40
               One of cipher constants. (
return string  encrypted
throws Exception, InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException  on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::sign( infileName, outfileName, signCert, privKey [, headers [, flags [, extraCerts ]]] )
uses openssl_pkcs7_sign
Sign infileName (S/MIME message) content
using the certificate and its matching private key specified by signCert and privKey parameters.

infileName   string
               The input file you are intending to digitally sign.
outfileName  string
               The file which the digital signature will be written to.
signCert     resource|string
               The X.509 certificate used to digitally sign $infileName.
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem;
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
privKey      resource|string|array
               The private key corresponding to signCert.
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem -
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array($key, $passphrase)
                 where $key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and $passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
headers      array
               default []
               an array of headers that will be prepended to the data after it has been signed
               1. an associative array keyed by header name
               2. an indexed array, where each element contains a single header line
flags        int
               default PKCS7_DETACHED
               Opt. options that affect the encoding process (
extraCerts   string
               Specifies the name of a file containing a bunch of extra certificates to include in the signature
               which can for example be used to help the recipient to verify the certificate that you used
return bool    true on success
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::signString( stringToSign, signCert, privKey, [ headers [, flags [, extraCerts ]]] )
alias of OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::sign
Return an signed S/MIME message

               The string you are intending to digitally sign.
signCert     resource|string
               The X.509 certificate used to digitally sign $infileName.
               1. An X.509 resource returned from openssl_x509_read()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/cert.pem;
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate
privKey      resource|string|array
               The private key corresponding to signCert.
               1. A key resource returned from openssl_get_publickey() or openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. A string having the format (file://)path/to/file.pem -
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded certificate/private key (it may contain both)
               3. A string containing the content of a PEM encoded certificate/key
               4 For private keys, you may also use the syntax array($key, $passphrase)
                 where $key represents a key specified using the file or textual content notation above,
                 and $passphrase represents a string containing the passphrase for that private key
headers      array
               default []
               an array of headers that will be prepended to the data after it has been signed
               1. an associative array keyed by header name
               2. an indexed array, where each element contains a single header line
flags        int
               default PKCS7_DETACHED
               Opt. options that affect the encoding process (
extraCerts   string
               Specifies the name of a file containing a bunch of extra certificates to include in the signature
               which can for example be used to help the recipient to verify the certificate that you used
return string  signed
throws Exception, InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::verify( infileName, flags [, outfileName [, caInfo [, extraCerts [, content ]]]] )
uses openssl_pkcs7_verify
Reads the S/MIME message contained in the given file and examines the digital signature.

infileName   string
flags        int
               Opt. used to affect how the signature is verified
outfileName  string
               Opt. string holding the name of a file into which the certificates of the persons that
               signed the messages will be stored in PEM format
caInfo       array
               default []
               An array containing file and directory names
               that specify the locations of trusted CA files.
               If a directory is specified,
               then it must be a correctly formed hashed directory
               as the openssl command would use.
extraCerts   string 
               default null
               The filename of a file containing a bunch of certificates to use as untrusted CAs
content      string default null
               filename, Will be filled with the verified data, but with the signature information stripped
return bool    TRUE if the signature is verified as an S/MIME signed message
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error

OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::verifyString( stringToVerify, flags, caInfo = [], extraCerts = null, result = false )
extends OpenSSLPkcs7Factory::verify
Returns array (PEMs, data) if the signature is verified as an S/MIME signed message

flags        int
               Opt. used to affect how the signature is verified
caInfo       array  
               default []
               An array containing file and directory names
               that specify the locations of trusted CA files.
               If a directory is specified,
               then it must be a correctly formed hashed directory
               as the openssl command would use.
extraCerts   string 
               default null
               The filename of a file containing a bunch of certificates to use as untrusted CAs
result  bool   true if verify ok
return array   [ string signers PEMs, string content ]
throws Exception, InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException on error

Usage and examples

Please review test/OpenSSLPkcs7FactoryTest.php

  OpenSSLPkcs7Factory exceptions



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