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OpenSSLFactory Class

Wrapper class with static methods for OpenSSL functions

Note: You need to have a valid openssl.cnf installed for this to operate correctly.<br> Require a Psr\Log logger, provided by LoggerDepot<br> The class has only static methods.<br>

OpenSSLFactory::getCipherIvLength( cipherAlgorithm )
uses openssl_cipher_iv_length

               cipher method, one of openssl_get_cipher_methods()
return int     openssl cipher initialization vector byte length
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::decrypt( raw, cipherAlgorithm, keyHash, opts = 0, initializationVector = '' )
uses openssl_decrypt
Takes a raw or base64 encoded string and decrypts it using a given method and key.

raw          string
               The encrypted message to be decrypted
               cipher method, one of openssl_get_cipher_methods()
keyHash      string
               The key
opts          int
               A non-NULL Initialization Vector
return string  openssl_decrypted data
throws InvalidArgumentException, RunTimeException  on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getDecryptedString( raw, cipherAlgorithm, keyHash, opts = 0, initializationVector = '' )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::decrypt
static method

OpenSSLFactory::digest( key, hashAlgorithm, rawOutput = false )
uses openssl_digest

key          string
               The data
               digest method to use
               one of openssl_get_md_methods(), self::getAvailableDigestMethods()
rawOutput    bool
               Setting to TRUE will return as raw output data, otherwise binhex encoded
return string  hashed key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getDigestHash( key, hashAlgorithm, rawOutput = false )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::digest
static method

OpenSSLFactory::encrypt( data, cipherAlgorithm, keyHash, opts = 0, initializationVector = '' )
uses openssl_encrypt
Encrypts given data with given method and key, returns a raw or base64 encoded string

data         string
               The plaintext message data to be encrypted
               cipher method, one of openssl_get_cipher_methods()
keyHash      string
               The key
opts         int
               bitwise disjunction of the flags OPENSSL_RAW_DATA and OPENSSL_ZERO_PADDING
               A non-NULL Initialization Vector

return string   encrypted data
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getEncryptedString( data, cipherAlgorithm, keyHash, opts = 0, initializationVector = '' )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::encrypt
static method

OpenSSLFactory::privateDecrypt( data, privateKey, padding = null )
uses openssl_private_decrypt
Decrypts data that was previously encrypted via openssl_public_encrypt()

data         string
privateKey   resource|string|array
               The private key corresponding that was used to encrypt the data
               1 key resource
               2. A string having the format (file://)/path/to/file.pem.
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded key
               3. A string, PEM formatted key.
               4 array(2/3, passPhrase)
padding     int
              One of OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING (default),
return string   decrypted data using private key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyDecryptedString( data, privateKey, padding = null )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::privateDecrypt
static method

OpenSSLFactory::privateEncrypt( data, privateKey, padding = null )
uses openssl_private_encrypt
Encrypts data with private key and stores the result into crypted.

data         string
privateKey   resource|string|array
               The private key that was used to encrypt the data
               1 key resource
               2. A string having the format (file://)/path/to/file.pem.
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded key
               3. A string, PEM formatted key.
               4 array(2/3, passPhrase)
padding      int
               One of OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING (default), OPENSSL_NO_PADDING
return string  encrypted data using private key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyEncryptedString( data, privateKey, padding = null )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::privateEncrypt
static method

OpenSSLFactory::publicDecrypt( data, publicKey, padding = null )
uses openssl_public_decrypt
Decrypts data that was previous encrypted via openssl_private_encrypt()

data         string
               Encrypted data to decrypt
publicKey    resource|string
               The public key corresponding that was used to encrypt the data
               1 key resource
               2. A string having the format (file://)/path/to/file.pem.
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded key
               3. A string, PEM formatted key.
padding      int
               One of OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING (default),
return string  decrypted data using public key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyDecryptedString( data, publicKey, padding = null )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::publicDecrypt
static method

OpenSSLFactory::publicEncrypt( data, publicKey, padding = null )
uses openssl_public_encrypt
Encrypted message can only be read only by owner of the private key

data         string
               Raw data to encrypt
publicKey    resource|string
               The public key that was used to encrypt the data
               1 key resource
               2. A string having the format (file://)/path/to/file.pem.
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded key
               3. A string, PEM formatted key.
padding      int
               One of OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING (default),
return string  encrypted data using public key
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyEncryptedString( data, publicKey, padding = null )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::publicEncrypt
static method

OpenSSLFactory::open( data, envelopeKey, privateKeyId, method = null, initializationVector = null )
uses openssl_open
Return opened (decrypted) sealed_data using the private key
associated with the key identifier priv_key_id and the envelope key,
and fills open_data with the decrypted data.
The envelope key is generated when the data are sealed and can only be used by one specific private key.

data         string
               Encrypted (sealed) data to decrypt
envelopeKey  string
               The public key corresponding that was used to encrypt the data
privateKeyId resource|string|array
               The private key resource corresponding that was used to encrypt the data
               1 key resource
               2. A string having the format (file://)/path/to/file.pem.
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded key
               3. A string, PEM formatted key.
               4. array (2/3, passPhrase)
               The cipher method, default 'RC4'
               A non-NULL Initialization Vector, PHP >= 7.0.0
return string  opened sealed data
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

alias of OpenSSLFactory::open
static method

OpenSSLFactory::seal( data, publicKeyIds, cipherAlgorithm = 'RC4', initializationVector = null )
uses openssl_seal
Seals (encrypts) data by using the given method with a randomly generated secret key.
The key is encrypted with each of the public keys associated with the identifiers in publicKeyIds
and each encrypted key is returned in envelopeKeys.
This means that one can send sealed data to multiple recipients (provided one has obtained their public keys).
Each recipient must receive both the sealed data and the envelopekey
that was encrypted with the recipient's public key.

data         string
               Data to seal
publicKeyIds array|resource|string
               (assoc) array/single public key resource identifier(s), each one of
               1 key resource
               2. A string having the format (file://)/path/to/file.pem.
                  The named file must contain a PEM encoded key
               3. A string, PEM formatted key.
               The cipher method, default 'RC4'
                A non-NULL Initialization Vector, PHP >= 7.0.0
return array   [ sealedData, envelopeKeys ]   sealed (encrypted) data, envelope keys
               The array envelopeKeys will have the same keys as publicKeyIds
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getSealedString( data, publicKeyIds, cipherAlgorithm = 'RC4', initializationVector = null )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::seal
static method

OpenSSLFactory::sign( data, privateKey, signatureAlgo = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 )
uses openssl_sign
Return (computed) signature for the specified data by generating a cryptographic digital signature
using the private key associated with priv_key_id.

data         string
               Data to seal
privateKey   resource|string
               1. a key, returned by openssl_get_privatekey()
               2. a PEM formatted key
               3. file with PEM formatted key content
               1. one of
               2. one of openssl_get_md_methods(), self::getAvailableDigestMethods()
               default OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1
return string  signature
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getSignature( data, privateKey, signatureAlgo = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::sign
static method

OpenSSLFactory::verify( data, signature, publicKeyId, signatureAlgo = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 )
uses openssl_verify
Verifies that the signature is correct for the specified data using the public key associated with pub_key_id.
This must be the public key corresponding to the private key used for signing.

data         string
               The string of data used to generate the signature previously
signature    string
                A raw binary string, generated by openssl_sign() or similar means
publicKeyId  resource|string
               1. a key (resource), returned by  openssl_get_publickey()
               2. a PEM formatted key
               3. file with PEM formatted key
               1. one of
               2. one of openssl_get_md_methods(), self::getAvailableDigestMethods()
               default OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1
return bool    true if signature  with publicKey is verified ok
throws InvalidArgumentException, RuntimeException on error
static method

OpenSSLFactory::isSignatureOkForPublicKey( data, signature, publicKeyId, signatureAlgo = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 )
alias of OpenSSLFactory::verify
static method

OpenSSLFactory::getPbkdf2( passWord, salt = null, keyLength = 40, iterations = 10000, algorithm = 'SHA1' )
uses openssl_pbkdf2
Return a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 (raw binary) string
Computes PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2), a key derivation function defined in PKCS5 v2

passWord     string
               Password from which the derived key is generated.
salt         string
               PBKDF2 recommends a crytographic salt of at least 64 bits (8 bytes).
               default 64 random bytes
keyLength    int
               Length of desired output key, default 40
iterations   int 
               The number of iterations desired. NIST recommends at least 10,000.
algorithm    string
               Optional hash or digest algorithm from openssl_get_md_methods(), default SHA-1
return string
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

Usage and examples

Please review test/OpenSSLFactoryTest.php


  OpenSSLFactory::getEncryptedString / getDecryptedString

  OpenSSLCsrFactory::assertOpts - catch exception

  OpenSSLCsrFactory::assertPadding - catch exception

  OpenSSLFactory::getSignature / isSignatureOkForPublicKey


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