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Class: PHP OpenSSL Toolbox
Use SSL certificates to process data with OpenSSL
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OpenSSLBaseFactory class

abstract, implements OpenSSLInterface

>Class logic static methods, inherited by all OpenSSL* classes

OpenSSLBaseFactory::assertPemString( pem [, argIx ] )
Assert PEM string

pem          string
argIx        int|string

throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::isPemString( pem [, type ] )
A standard PEM has a begin line, an end line
and inbetween is a base64 encoding of the DER representation of the certificate.
PEM requires that linefeeds ("\r\n") be present every 64 characters.

pem          string
type         string
               contains PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface) on success

return bool    true if pem is a (single) PEM string,
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::isPemFile( pem [, type ] )
pem          string
type         string
               contains PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface) on success

return bool    true if file content is a (single) PEM string,
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::pem2Der( pem [, type ] )
pem          string
type         string
               contains PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface) on success

return string  PEM string converted to DER format
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::pemFile2DerFile( inputPemFile, outputDerFile [, type ] )
converts PEM certificate/key file into DER file

inputPemFile string
type         string
               contains PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface) on success

throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::pem2DerASN1( pem [, type] )
pem          string
type         string
               contains PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface) on success

return string  PEM string converted to DER format with extra ASN.1 wrapping
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::der2Pem( der, type [, eol ] )
der          string     (without ASN.1)
type         string
               PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface constants)
eol          string
               default "\r\n", may be set to PHP_EOL

return string  PEM certificate/key etc converted from DER
               Note, NO type<->content check
throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::derFile2PemFile( derFile, pemFile, type [, eol ] )
converts DER file into PEM certificate/key file
               Note, NO type<->content check
derFile      string 
               input der file (without ASN.1)
pemFile      string 
               output pem file
type         string
               PEM type (see OpenSSLInterface constants)
eol          string
               default "\r\n", may be set to PHP_EOL

throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::assertPassPhrase( passPhrase [, argIx ] )
Assert passPhrase

passPhrase   mixed
argIx        int|string

return null|string  null or passPhrase
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::assertCipherAlgorithm( algorithm )
algorithm    string

return string   found algorithm (exact case), uses self::getAvailableCipherMethods()
throws InvalidArgumentException  on error
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::getAvailableCipherMethods( [ aliases ] )
uses openssl_get_cipher_methods

aliases      bool  
               default false, no aliases

return array   available cipher methods
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::assertMdAlgorithm( algorithm )
algorithm    string

return string  found algorithm (exact case), uses self::getAvailableDigestMethods()
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

OpenSSLBaseFactory::getAvailableDigestMethods( [ aliases ] )
uses openssl_get_md_methods

aliases      bool  
               default false, no aliases

return array   available digest (md) methods
static method

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