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Class: PHP OpenSSL Toolbox
Use SSL certificates to process data with OpenSSL
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OpenSSLBase class, abstract, implements OpenSSLInterface

> Class logic static methods, inherited by all OpenSSL* classes

OpenSSLBase::assertPemString( pem [, argIx ] )
Assert PEM string

pem         string
argIx       int|string

throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBase::assertPemFile( file [, argIx ] )
Assert File with PEM string content

file         string
argIx        int|string

throws InvalidArgumentException on error
static method

OpenSSLBase::isPemString( pem )
A standard PEM has a begin line, an end line
and inbetween is a base64 encoding of the DER representation of the certificate.
PEM requires that linefeeds ("\r\n") be present every 64 characters.

pem          string

return bool    true if pem is a (single) PEM string
static method

OpenSSLBase::isPemFile( file )
file         string

return bool  true if file content is a (single) PEM string
static method

OpenSSLBase::assertPassPhrase( passPhrase [, argIx ] )
Assert passPhrase

passPhrase   mixed
argIx        int|string

return null|string  null or passPhrase
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

OpenSSLBase::assertCipherAlgorithm( algorithm )
algorithm    string

return string   found algorithm (exact case)
throws InvalidArgumentException  on error
static method

OpenSSLBase::getAvailableCipherMethods( [ aliases ] )
aliases      bool  
               default false, no aliases

return array   available cipher methods
static method

OpenSSLBase::assertMdAlgorithm( algorithm )
algorithm    string

return string  found algorithm (exact case)
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

OpenSSLBase::getAvailableDigestMethods( [ aliases ] )
aliases      bool
               default false, no aliases

return array   available digest (md) methods
static method

Usage and examples

Please review test/OpenSSLBaseFactoryTest.php

isPemTest11                    -  isPemString/getStringPemType/isPemFile/getFilePemType
assertPemTest12                -  assertPemString/assertPemFile
pem2Der2PemTest13a             -  pem2Der/der2Pem
pem2DerTest13b                 -  pem2Der - catch exception
der2PemTest13c                 -  der2Pem - catch exception
pem2DerASN1Test14              -  pem2DerASN1
assertPassPhraseTest15         -  assertPassPhrase
assertResourceFileStringPemTest16 - Testing assertResourceFileStringPem
assertMdAlgorithmTest1a        -  assertMdAlgorithm/assertCipherAlgorithm
assertCipherIdTest17           -  assertCipherId - catch exception
getOpenSSLErrorsTest18         -  Testing getOpenSSLErrors
assessCatchTest19              -  assessCatch
logAndThrowRuntimeException20  -  logAndThrowRuntimeException

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