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HashFactory Class

The class has only static methods.

HashFactory::assertAlgorithm( algorithm )
Assert algorithm

algorithm    string

throws InvalidArgumentException
return string  found, exact case
static method

HashFactory::getDigestHash( algorithm, data [, rawOutput ] )
Return a hash value (message digest), applied on (string) argument

algorithm    string
data         string
rawOutput    bool
               default false

return string
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

HashFactory::getDigestHashFromFile( algorithm, fileName [, rawOutput ] )
Return a hash value using the contents of a given file

algorithm    string
fileName     string
               URL describing location of file to be hashed; Supports fopen wrappers.
rawOutput    bool
               default false

return string
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

HashFactory::hashEquals( expected, actual )
expected     string 
actual       string

return bool   true if hashes match
static method

HashFactory::getHashPbkdf2( algo, passWord [, salt [, iterations [, length [, rawOutput ]]] )
Return a PBKDF2 key derivation of a supplied password

algo         string
               Name of selected hashing algorithm (
passWord     string
               The password to use for the derivation
salt         string
               The salt to use for the derivation. This value should be generated randomly.
               default 64 bytes salt
iterations   int
               The number of internal iterations to perform for the derivation.
               default 10000
length       int
               The length of the output string.
               If raw_output is TRUE this corresponds to the byte-length of the derived key,
               if raw_output is FALSE this corresponds to twice the byte-length of the derived key
               (as every byte of the key is returned as two hexits).
               if 0 is passed, DEFAULT, the entire output of the supplied algorithm is used.
rawOutput    bool
               true, outputs raw binary data. false (DEFAULT), outputs lowercase hexits.

return string
throws InvalidArgumentException
static method

Usage and examples

Please review test/HashFactoryTest.php

assertAlgorithm - exceptions
getDigestHashFromFile exceptions

getHashPbkdf2 exceptions

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