PHP Classes

File: js/funcoes.js

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  Classes of Helio Barbosa   PHP FrameWork Class   js/funcoes.js   Download  
File: js/funcoes.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP FrameWork Class
Generate a Web interface to edit database records
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 5,783 bytes



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<script> function getRadioValor(name){ var rads = document.getElementsByName(name); for(var i = 0; i < rads.length; i++){ if(rads[i].checked){ return rads[i].value; } } return null; } function DataAtual(retFormato){ // Obtém a data/hora atual var data = new Date(); // Guarda cada pedaço em uma variável var dia = data.getDate(); // 1-31 var dia_sem = data.getDay(); // 0-6 (zero=domingo) var mes = data.getMonth(); // 0-11 (zero=janeiro) var ano2 = data.getYear(); // 2 dígitos var ano4 = data.getFullYear(); // 4 dígitos var hora = data.getHours(); // 0-23 var min = data.getMinutes(); // 0-59 var seg = data.getSeconds(); // 0-59 var mseg = data.getMilliseconds(); // 0-999 var tz = data.getTimezoneOffset(); // em minutos if(dia<10){ dia = "0"+dia.toString(); } // mes vai de 0 a 11 mes = mes+1; if(mes<10){ mes = "0"+mes.toString(); } if(retFormato=='INT'){ var str_data = ano4+"-"+mes+"-"+dia; } if((retFormato=='BR') || (retFormato=='')){ var str_data = dia + '/' + mes + '/' + ano4; } // Mostra o resultado return str_data ; } function addMes(obj){ dia = obj.substring(0,2); // 1-31 mes = obj.substring(3,5); // 0-11 (zero=janeiro) ano4 = obj.substring(6,10); // 4 dígitos mes = parseInt(mes) +1; if(mes >= 13){ mes = 1; // alert(ano4); ano4 = parseInt(ano4) +1; } if(mes<10){ mes = "0"+mes.toString(); } var ret = dia.toString()+"/"+mes.toString()+"/"+ano4.toString(); // alert(dia); // alert(mes); // alert(ano4); return ret; } function formatoReal(evento,objeto) { var keypress=(window.event)?event.keyCode:evento.which; campo = eval (objeto); caracteres = '0123456789'; n = caracteres.indexOf( String.fromCharCode(keypress) ) ; if ( (n != -1) && (campo.value.length < (13)) ) { str = campo.value ; str = str.replace(".",""); if(str.length == 1){ var resp = "." + str.substr(-2) ; campo.value = resp ; } else if(str.length >= 2){ var resp = str.substr(0,campo.value.length-2) + "." + str.substr(-1) ; campo.value = resp ; } } else event.returnValue = false; } function Limpar(obj){ document.getElementById(obj).reset(); } function UpCase(obj){ obj.value = obj.value.toUpperCase() ; } function text_digitando(obj,ref){ $id =; document.getElementById($id).style.color = "black" ; document.getElementById($id).style.backgroundColor = "white" ; } function text_saindo(obj,ref){ $id =; document.getElementById($id).style.color = "white" ; document.getElementById($id).style.backgroundColor = "#192EC9" ; obj.value = obj.value.toUpperCase() ; } function mascaraData( campo, e ) { var kC = (document.all) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; var data = campo.value; if( kC!=8 && kC!=46 ) { if( data.length==2 ) { campo.value = data += '/'; } else if( data.length==5 ) { campo.value = data += '/'; } else campo.value = data; } } //valida data function ValidaData(data){ if(data.value==''){ digitando(data,2); return true; } exp = /\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}/; if(!exp.test(data.value)){ data.value = ""; alert('Data Invalida!'); } dDia = data.value; dDia = dDia.substring(0,2); dMes = data.value; dMes = dMes.substring(3,5); dAno = data.value; dAno = dAno.substring(6,10); // alert(dDia); if( (dDia>'31') || (dMes>'12') || (dAno>'2099') ){ alert('Data Invalida!'); data.value = ""; } digitando(data,2); } function FormataData(evento, objeto){ var keypress=(window.event)?event.keyCode:evento.which; campo = eval (objeto); if (campo.value == '00/00/0000') { campo.value=""; } caracteres = '0123456789'; separacao1 = '/'; separacao2 = ' '; conjunto1 = 2; conjunto2 = 5; if (( (keypress))!=-1) && campo.value.length < (10)) { if (campo.value.length == conjunto1 ) campo.value = campo.value + separacao1; else if (campo.value.length == conjunto2) campo.value = campo.value + separacao1; } else event.returnValue = false; } function ExibirDIV(div,quero) { var display = document.getElementById(div).style.display; if(quero=="S"){ document.getElementById(div).style.display = 'block'; }else { document.getElementById(div).style.display = 'none'; } } function ValidarCampo(obj,validos){ UpCase(obj); var valor = obj.value; var n1 = validos.indexOf(valor); //alert(valor); //alert(validos); //alert(validos.indexOf(valor)); //alert(valor.indexOf(validos)); digitando(obj,2); if( n1 < 0 ){ obj.focus(); // return false; } } function digitando(obj,ref){ //alert(ref); UpCase(obj); if(ref==1){ = "black" ; = "white" ; } if(ref==2){ = "white" ; = '#061ED0' ; } } function nPosition(strText,strFind){ for(x=0; x<=strText.length; x++){ if( strText.substring(x,(x+1))==strFind ){ return x; } } return 0; } function sPedaco(strText,iInicio,iFinal){ var strReturn = ""; for(x=0; x<=strText.length; x++){ if( strText.substring(x,(x+1))==strFind ){ return x; } if( (x>=iInicio) && (x<=iFinal) ){ strReturn = strText.substring(x,(x+1)) + strReturn ; } } return strReturn; } </script>